
Reincarnated as a Girl?

Man reincarnated as an girl. Medieval world+ arranged marriage, time to run. I'm writing this story on my phone now as I'm on vacation. But once I get back home I'll fixe any issues and make it all sound better. But for now this story is just a idea that I thought of writing down quickly and trying to make it into an interesting story.

Hanine_5618 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 2

5 Years have passed since Lili formerly known as Bruce reincarnated into this new medieval world.

During her baby years she immensely took joy in suckling on her mother's large and soft breasts. She did this eagerly not only bechaus of the pleasure but also in hopes of growing strong and big as fast as possible.

Each morning she would check her lower half in hopes of finding his manly stick but this far even after louds of milk and some exercise she still hadn't found it to her dismay. Despite this she wasn't going to give up hope, never.

But more importantly in her early years she learned that she was actually the second daughter in her new family. Although the first had sadly died early on because of a harsh fever so technically she was now the first daughter.

Also she learned that her name was Lili Westfield. Although the name wasn't all that manly and not really to his liking it did have a nice ring to it so he decided to accept it for now.

Her family, the Westfields were apparently extremely high ranking nobility on the western most edge of the kingdom. But to be more specific their family was actually of the Duke rank, a rank that was right under the royal family and such she might even be able to one day marry a princess.

And not only were they of the Duke rank they were also extremely wealthy. Their lands were fertile, held many valuable mines and they were next to the sea giving them access to a lot of fish.

Although in most cases this would also mean access to overseas trade but apparently their kingdom was the only human kingdom in the world.

But the specifics of this was still quite vague to her as she hadn't yet gotten her hands on any books.

But most importantly to her was the fact that she actually had a loving family for the first time in her life.

Her Father strangely held the same name as her partner in her previous life. Her father was Frank Westfield a gentle and fair ruler that as far as she could say was extremely loved by the people. Frank was also as a Duke a leader of the Dukedoms armies whenever they were called to war.

Her mother was Isabel Westfield a extremely beautiful and kind mother that almost never left her side and quite obsessively always kept an eye on her, for some reason. But she didn't mind this at all.

Then there were her two brothers. Ford Westfield being eighth years older than her was the eldest child in the family and the next in line to the title and land. He also was quite distant and not all that talkative at least in her presence. Also she had heard from the passing maids that he was also apparently a genius in pretty much everything he did which was quite cool to hear for her.

Then there was the second younger brother named Felix Westfield. Unlike Ford, Felix was quite a open and cheerful of a person. Everyday whenever Felix had time away from his studies he would come and play with her. Although as a baby the playing mostly consisted of him carrying her around the castle and gardens showing her all sorts of things. And wherever she was taken by Felix mother Isabel would not be far behind as she kept on following them.

And speaking of the castle it was huge and beautiful. It held over 100 people in it. Soldiers and servants included. In the outer courtyard build into the walls were the soldiers barracks while the servants stayed in the castles many round towers which held many nice rooms.

As for the inner most parts of the castle they were meant for their family, guests and Fathers business meetings and occasional parties.

While her baby years were Informative the real information only started to come to her once she turned 3. By then she was already capable of walking, talking and reading. Although the reading part she kept hidden as not to stand out too much.

Luckily for her this Kingdom called the Kingdom of the Dawn used the English language and alphabet from his previous life. Most likely this was the reason for so many familiar names from his past being present here.

Also one late night as she crept out of her crib and sneaked her way past the guards and into the castles Library she came a cross a book containing the kingdoms history.

Apparently this was not humanitys original world but instead they had arrived on this planet on a falling star the book said.

Apparently Immediately after arriving their ancestors had been set upon by the many wild dangerous creatures of this world and it's many hostile humanoid like races.

In the deep ocean dangerous bloodthirsty sea monsters lay in wait for any travelling vessels emitting too much light. Thus all ships traveling on the open sea must never turn on any lights or they will be set upon by gigantic sea monsters. Also close to the shore fish people of many different varieties lurk attacking any unprepared people.

Although she had heard that the fish men near Westfield had been killed and driven out long ago.

But any way the book also talked about dog-faced small men, bloodthirsty orcs, swarms of suicidal goblins, lizard men of the swamps and much more.

But despite all these threats their ancestors had managed to survive and over time form villages and towns. And then just about 235 years ago Arthur Brightmore an extremely special man, a man said to have wielded the light as his weapon and he'd even been able to grow people's limbs back.

That man had created the church of light, he also founded the city of dawn and from there united all of humanity and formed the Kingdom of the Dawn.

Reading this part Lili wondered did this man really possess magic or something. She had heard that some were capable of closing people's wounds with the power of light but she had never seen it in person her self.

Nonetheless, with Arthur's leadership the kingdom managed to finally secure its borders by driving away all hostile races and creating 3 powerful mountain fortresses.

Each fortress defended it's own mountain path. One was placed in Westfields neighboring Dukedom to defend the southern mountain path blocking the orcs of the southern juggles from raiding the kingdom.

One was placed in the Eastern mountain path. It held the lizards of the eastern swamps at bay.

And lastly the northern fortress situated far to the east of the capital it defended the northern passage way against the Swarms of Goblins.

But this bite these accomplishments humanity it was all a bit too late. As by this time most the knowledge that the first people arriving here had held had already disappeared as had most of their number.

Now the Kingdom held only about a population of 1 million people and had reverted back into an medieval castle society ruled by a single king.

To Lili this sounded like nothing more than a complete dictatorship and that was not good. Also the place of women was quite low in society, the same as it had been in our medieval history.

As she read all this she sighed heavily in relief. At least she would have a easy life a head of herself. Her mother Isabel is the sister of the now ruling king which meant that their families position was strong. And his older brother was a genius and his younger brother was ok. All the land would in the future would be in his brother's hands meaning that she didn't really need to do anything. She could just laze around and do whatever she wanted to do she thought.

But as time went on and she finally had turned five reality struck her hard. For now she needed to start taking lessons and not just any classes but lessons that would apparently make her into a fine lady of a household one day.

She tired to argue for equality and fair treatment. She argued that she too deserved to take the same classes as her brother's and not some lady classes.

But despite her best efforts she had failed to convince her father and begrudgingly out respect to her loving parents decided to do as they said.

Although she didn't lose hope and continued to train her body in everyday, by doing acrobatics, lots of stretching and some muscle building body weight workouts.

Unlike her previous life where she had power now she aimed for a more balanced mix of power and agility.

Sooner or later she would impress her father with her physical abilities and be able to start training with swords and martial arts. Martial arts being a thing that she truly loved she made it her utmost biggest goal.