
Just Like Father and Daughter

Sakura was floating in mid-air as she looked in front of her.

"Huh?" She became a little confused as to where she was.

In front of her stood a desert land but what surprised her was the desert was full of blood and human corpses. Soldiers were still fighting killing each other. This scene made Sakura nauseous.

'What the heck is happening!'

< You have been summoned, master. >


< Remember I told you that you can materialize if a summoner provides you with mana? >

'Oh yes!' Sakura realized; it was a possible way to skip her hibernation.

'Does that mean someone summoned me here?' Sakura looked around but didn't find anything except for a bunch of dead bodies. Which in turn made her more like vomiting.

< It's more complicated than that. It seems some people used a forbidden technique to trade their own life force with mana and used that mana to power a random spirit-summoning spell. However, since they are already dead you will return once you exhaust your body's energy. >

Sakura was a little taken aback by this. This meant that someone had sacrificed their own life force to summon her here.

'Does that mean the dead bodies beneath me are…'

< They are the summoners. >

Sakura couldn't fathom why people would sacrifice their own life to summon her. However, her eyes fell on the ongoing war which made her realize something.

'Is it because of this war?' as Sakura was pondering about what was happening a woman dressed in black and a few men came to her and bowed down.

"Oh, great spirit of…um…uh?" the kneeling on the ground looked at Sakura confused about something.

'Why is she looking at me like that?'

< She is probably having trouble figuring out what kind of spirit you are, master. >


< Usually, spirits will have a particular color to their body. Such as water spirits will have a shade of blue while fire have a shade of red. In your case it's pink. >

'Colour to their body?' Sakura questioned as she looked at her hands. The next moment she understood what Astra meant.

Her whole body was just a transparent shade of pink. She was also wearing a weird one-piece dress that was made from what looked like Sakura flowers and Sakura leaves and branches. All in a shade of pink.

"Oh, great spirit. Please lend us your hand to repel the invading army and protect the innocent lives behind this wall." The woman's voice rang out as Sakura was inspecting her own body. They seemed to have given up on what kind of spirit Sakura was.

"What do you want?" Sakura said.

"…" The woman seemed to have been taken aback by something. The men behind her also seemed surprised.

'Did I do something bad?' Sakura pondered.

< No, master. They are just surprised you can talk in their language. >

'Can't normal spirits talk human language?' Sakura tilted her head in confusion.

< As long as they have reached a certain level of evolution, they can speak human language. But the problem is that there are over three thousand human languages in this world, which are constantly evolving. No spirit is crazy enough to remember them all. >

'Good point.' Sakura understood what Astra was trying to tell. But a question appeared in her mind again.

'Why don't they use a translation skill, then?'

< translation skills are really hard to acquire. >

'Is that so?'

"Dear revered spirit. Would you help us protect our country?" the woman asked as she broke out of her stupor.

Sakura furrowed her brows. She took a look at the bloody battlefield behind her and couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.

'I should just refuse to help. I don't wanna fight this battle.'

< How about you show them your power, they should surrender if you show them your incredible power, master.>

'Will that work?'

< it usually works ninety percent of the time. >

'Hmm… okay I will give it a try.'

Sakura turned around towards the battlefield. She once again observed the gory battlefield. Humans and corps were scattered around everywhere dyeing the ground red. The people were still fighting in this environment. Sometimes, explosions could be heard as people's limbs went flying everywhere. It was indeed a gruesome battle.

Sakura looked for a place where she could make her big bang. But the battlefield was so chaotic that there were people everywhere.

'Now where should I nuke. All the places are occupied.'


As she was pondering about that a huge surge of mana in the distance caught her attention.

'Huh? What are those people doing?' Sakura asked as she spotted a few hundred or so people doing something around a magic circle, in the distance.

< It looks like a spirit-summoning circle. it seems the other party is trying to summon a spirit as well. >

'Another spirit?' this piqued her interest.

'I probably should wait until their summoning is done. I really want to see what the other spirit looks like.'

Thinking of this Sakura lowered her elevation and sat on the city wall, waiting for the other party to finish their summon.




Venion was kneeling in front of the king.

It has been a month since the appearance of "The Pink Clouds". It had been a bizarre experience for him.

However, as soon as he returned, he was summoned to the royal castle for a private audience with the king.

Of course, it wasn't for a private party or anything. it's mostly because of the appearance of the pink clouds as well as him being the closest witness to the event.

For the past two hours, he had been explaining the situation to the king.

It was tiring, but the kings' orders couldn't be denied.

Though he kept some information as hidden as possible. Mostly the coordinates of the location.

He felt that the power they were dealing with, surpasses humans by leaps and bounds. So, he hoped just maybe with the wrong coordinates he could stop the army from straying too far.

Venion slightly raised his head to see the king's expression.

The king was someone around his fifties. If someone saw him, they could easily deduce his obesity. Obviously, no one dares to say that out loud.

On the other hand, there was the queen, sitting beside the king. The queen was extremely beautiful and every movement of her was as elegant as a field of grass blowing in the gentle wind. The queen was around her twenties.

The king and queen actually looked like father and daughter rather than husband and wife.

After a while of thinking the king said, "Okay then, you can go now."


"I said, you can go now. Are you deaf or something?"

"Um…u… no your highness. I will take my leave then." Venion said. He went away but he couldn't comprehend why the king was letting him go so easily.

Venion thought that he would be questioned more. But thankfully the king doesn't seem to be interested in this event that much.

He sighed in relief as he made his way out of the castle.