
Danger in the Valley.

Hearing the words come out of Kayl's mouth send a shiver down her spine as she held onto Yumi's hand as she was already half way into the shadows.

"Alice wait, I am not going to kill you. I didn't know if it was the truth or a joke and this seemed like the best way to find out for sure. " Kayl replied pulling her out of the shadows and showing a face that showed how sorry he was.

"That was seriously messed up, I almost died of fear. " Yumi half yelled with tears still in her eyes.

"Does this mean you will worship my God? " Alice asked still trying to calm down.

"No, I have not decided yet. The way I see it I have plenty of time until you're strong enough to kill me so once the time gets closer I will be sure to let you know my decision. " Kayl replied calmly.

"You don't plan on telling anyone do you? " Yumi asked concerned for Alice's safety.

"Not just yet, when she is strong enough to defend herself then I will put the word out to her supporting faction within the Demon Kingdom. Until that time I will help the both of you level as much as I can. " He replied with a smile thankful he did not scare the two of them off with his test.

"Alright, so what is the plan for today? " Alice asked petting Kayl's familiar.

"I want to take the both of you back to the Valley and let you two train for a few hours. I do not have as much time today as I did the other day unfortunately. " He replied as they got on the large bird.

Flapping its wings hard the familiar lifted them into the sky and began flying at a rapid pace above the clouds.

"I love the view from up here, " Yumi said watching the land below them quickly fly by.

"So do I, It feels amazing to fly through the sky with your own wings. " Alice replied closing her eyes while trying to remember the feeling she got when she was a Angel flying with her friends.

"Since you're a Angel can you use the Holy element? " Kayl asked wondering what else she is hiding from him.

"No, In the future I might be able to. For now I cannot unfortunately. " She replied honestly.

"We are getting closer, I will take Yumi to the ground. This time I want you to jump down Alice and try not to cause such a mess this time please. " Kayl said grabbing onto Yumi and jumping off of his familiar.

Looking down Alice longed to have her wings back even more. If she had her wings this would be as simple as breathing, but now she had to rely on her Wind Element which was growing stronger.

Taking a deep breath Alice jumped off the large bird and let her self free fall for a moment enjoying the feeling.

Opening her eyes she began to use her Wind Element again but this time she caused a powerful gust of wind to slow her speed as she feel until finally she landed gracefully on the ground causing Yumi to clap a little.

"You're really getting the hang of your Elements it seems. " Kayl said while climbing a tree and laying back showing the two that they are on their own for now.

"Should we stick with the lower level monsters or head up the valley a little and make it a harder fight? " Alice asked pulling her scythe out of her inventory.

"Mmn lets push ourselves I mean Kayl wouldn't let anything happen to us anyways right? " Yumi said taking her weapon out as well.

Taking things slow the two girls carefully made their way through the lowest level monsters of the valley.

"Do you wanna see who can kill a scorpion the fastest? " Alice said with a grin trying to make a game out of it.

"Your on! Loser has to eat a scion pepper! " Yumi replied laughing referring to one of the hottest edible peppers in the area.

"Deal, there are 2 up ahead. I will go left you go right when I will come help you when I finish. " Alice said teasingly as she ran off to get a head start on the solo battle.

Following behind her not wanting to lose Yumi sent her blade flying into her scorpions head successfully getting its full attention. Jumping out of the way and sending her weapon flying out wrapping the legs of the scorpion immobilizing it she pulled a dagger she kept as a spare weapon out and began to chip away at its health.

Not any further behind in damage Alice danced around her target letting her scythe swing around her dealing large amounts of damage to the scorpion as it took all of her attacks head on trying to get close enough to deal some damage to her.

Not realizing she was releasing mana while she swung her weapon around thin steams out air seemed to be cut around her making her look like her attacks were made in the dark with fire. Swinging her weapon hard she sunk her blade into the scorpions body and infused her weapon with the Fire Element burning the monster from the inside out killing it.

Looking over to Yumi she noticed that she had also just finished up with her fight. Walking over with a smile Alice began to gloat, "Hey loser good job on winning your fight! "

"Damn, I really tried my hardest to beat you! " Yumi replied pouting.

"I guess you will have to try harder next time, but I am really proud of you for keeping up! " Alice said patting her on the head.

Getting praised by Alice made Yumi feel like she got a reward even if she didn't win the bet.

"We shouldn't stay in one spot for too long, I still need to put more effort into getting stronger you know. " Alice said as she took Yumi's hand and ran further up the valley darting past the rest of the scorpions since they no longer put up a good fight.

Slowing down they both realized almost at the same time that they couldn't find any monsters in the area which seemed strange since up till now the whole valley seemed packed with them.

"I think we should probably head back down Alice, I don't like how its so quiet.. " Yumi said trying to convince her to turn back around.

"Don;t be such a chicken Yumi, " Alice replied letting go of her hand and facing her.

"Are you okay? Why so cautious all of the sudden? " Alice asked curiously.

Trying to think of a way to reply Yumi's eyes widened in fear as she had trouble moving or finding the words to warn Alice of the danger behind her.

"Yum-- "


Yumi screamed out in fear and worry as Alice was thrown violently into the trees by a tall ogre like monster who didn't make a sound as it walked through the forest.

Trying to get up and look around while fighting the blurry vision and throbbing pain in her head Alice was able to see Yumi standing helpless in front of the monster as it lowered its face to hers and let out a deafening yell sending saliva flying at Yumi.

"Kayl help... " Alice tried to yell out only to find her voice horse.

| Jaskar the Ogre Demon Level 52 |

"He-lp.. Me.. " Yumi said in a soft frightened whisper before getting picked up in the monsters large hands and lifted into the air above his head.