
Reincarnated as a Dragon Deity. Quest for Freedom, Domination, Women!

The MC is your typical highschool Otake who watches anime movies and plays games. One day he dies and is then told by God that he has a chance at reincarnation. As an otaku who likes anime he chose to reincarnate in another world. He uses his wishes to become an OP dragon and is then sent to a fantasy world during the mediaeval age. He is now going to show his power to the world and rise in their ranks. He will gain power, authority, reverence and many more. But most of all he will gain a lot of women. Follow his journey as he goes through the fantasy world while making a harem of beautiful women for himself! ############# This is just a fanfiction that I'm writing for my fulfilment. I have read many fanfictions before and decided to throw my hat in it as well. This will include Sex and many mature content such as gore, blood etc. Except for the plot nothing belongs to me.I hope all of you will like it.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs


Ryan was for a lack of a better word, a normal healthy human boy. He was your typical highschool boy who liked watching anime and movies and playing games. He was kind of an introvert and as such didn't have many friends.

This also became the reason for him not to have a girlfriend, but unlike others he didn't care about getting a girlfriend so he was fine.

He was spending his time walking outside when suddenly, lightning struck him.

Yep, he was struck by lightning out of all things. Not by a truck or any other cliche way but by lightning.

After dying he found himself in a white room while he was also wearing the dress he was wearing when he died. He looked ahead of himself and found an old man sitting on a chair while looking at him.

Ryan walked and sat on the chair in front of the old man as they both then looked at each other.

"So, you're a God and I died didn't I?" Ryan asked the old man in front of him.

"Yes." The God said.

"By being struck by lightning." Ryan said in a tone of stating a fact.

"Yes." The God said.

"While I was on a leisure walk." Ryan continued.

"Yes." The God said though he was starting to look a bit miserable.

"How?" Ryan finally asked as he looked at the old man.

"It was an accident. I didn't think that the lightning I threw dismissively would fall on you." The God said embarrassed.

Ryan's eyebrows twitched when he heard that. THIS was the reason he died, because the God in front of him was careless and was playing with his powers. He didn't know how to take of this but he managed to calm down.

"So, what will happen to me now?" Ryan asked the God.

"Well, since you died due to my mistake I will give you a chance to reincarnate in another world with power's of course." The God said to him.

"What kind of world will you be sending me to?" Ryan asked the God.

"Well, you will be sent to a magical world in the middle ages. Though before that I need to check something." The God said as he then made a file appear in his hands.

Ryan saw his name on the file and suddenly felt like someone was going through his stuff. The God on the other hand was going through the file and his eyes widened, he started to read more quickly while stealing glances at Ryan from time to time which wasn't missed by the boy.

"Well, you certainly have an, interesting um, tastes." The God said as he made the file disappear.

Ryan felt his warning senses going off at that statement as he looked at the God nervously.

"Um, what did you see in that?" Ryan asked nervously.

"Well, I saw about you life and your lifestyle, your school and your, um, interesting search history on the net." The God said as he looked at him.

Ryan's eye's widened when he heard that as he got really nervous in front of the God as he was starting to sweat profusely.

"Though I have to commend your acting skills. Acting like you're not interested in girl's in front of everyone and that means everyone including your closest friends and family while having these kind of tastes. Your self control is also quite good as well. You truly are the definition of a wolf in a sheeps clothes." The God said as he looked at him.

Ryan was sweating very much now that it was ridiculous while he had a nervous expression.

"But you are also very smart along with having acting skills as you always clear your history after watching what you want so no one in the world will know you watched those kinds of things unless they tried to recover deleted history. Also don't dirty the floor." The God said as he looked at the boy and then snapped his fingers as all the sweat on his body was gone.

"You saw everything?" Ryan asked timidly.

"I saw everything. I never would've thought that a boy of your age would be into those kinds of things. Your kinks are quite, how to say this, very wild." The God said as he looked at him.

"Right I know, I can't help it okay. I'm drawn to those." Ryan said to him.

"Well, I can overlook that. Aside from that you don't have any other bad things, you don't hurt others and are usually honest with others except for your kinks. You're quite a nice person." The God said to him.

"Thanks I guess. So can we get on with this reincarnation thing?" Ryan asked the God.

"Oh sure sure, because you died due to my mistake and due to your good record you get a total of four wishes." The God said to him.

"Wait really?" Ryan asked surprised.

"Yes, you have a clean record so you have three wishes and since I was the reason for your death you get one more.So tell me your wishes before going to the other world." The God said to him.

Ryan nodded to him while thinking about what to ask for his wish as he didn't want to be hasty while the God was also curious about what he will wish as they stayed silent until Ryan decided what he wants.

"Alright, for my first wish, I wish to have all powers of all the forms of Azi Dahaka from the anime Buddy fight." Ryan said with a smile.

"If I remember correctly that dragon is a deity of the black sun and a powerful godly being as well right." The God said surprised.

"Yep." Ryan said immediately.

"Alright, granted." The God said.

"For my second wish, I want the powers of the Elder God Chthon from the Marvel universe." Ryan said with a smile.

"That same God who is one of the most powerful Magic users in the said universe. You're not like what I thought of you first kid. Granted." The God said with a surprised face.

"For my third wish I want to have the powers of the Demon Prince of Lust, Asmodeus." Ryan said to him.

"Of course, I should've expected that to come. Granted." The God said with a sigh.

"For my fourth wish, I want to have the same level of intelligence and learning ability as that of Lelouch Vi Brittania from Code Geass." Ryan said with a smile.

"Damn kid you're way overpowered. Granted." The God said as he looked at him.

"That's the whole point. I'm actually surprised you agreed to all of it." Ryan said as he looked at the God.

"I did say you have wishes and you will get it. Well, is there anything else you want to ask me before I send you away?" The God asked him.

"Yeah, can you give me the basic information for the world I'll be sent into?" Ryan asked the God.

"Sure, the world is one of magic set in the middle ages. Humans are the mostly spread and dominant race of all while Elves, Dwarves and Beastkin are much less in number and influence. There are other races or monsters like dragons and such as well. Also, humanity gets help from heaven and the angels and also power's as well." The God said to him.

"That's quite interesting. So that means God and the demons exist as well." Ryan said to the God.

"Yes, though the God in that world is, not that great." The God said hesitantly.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked confused.

"Not important. Besides you'll know about it when you go there yourself and with the powers you just got I'm pretty you won't have any kind of problems." The God said to him.

"Right, thanks." Ryan said to the God.

"No problem, this whole situation is my problem anyway so you don't have to thank me. Oh and before you go, please don't ntr anyone." The God said as if he was pleading to the boy.

"Don't worry I won't. I'm against ntr myself, but they have good artwork which I will never understand." Ryan said with a sigh.

"Alright, well good luck in the other world and learn about ALL your powers before doing anything." The God said to him.

"Don't worry I won't." Ryan said to the God.

"Alright, then good luck." The God said as he snapped his fingers and the boy disappeared from in front of him.

After he had sent the boy away he thought about what had transpired in the few moments and came to one conclusion.

"I unleashed a monster in that world didn't I?" The God said as he sighed.

But what he say was correct as a being with that much power was way overpowered. Well, may any Higher being be with the people who stand against him. But one thing is for sure, he will be a new wave in the next world.


I actually have no idea how this prologue is so I would like it if you would give me your opinions.