
Reincarnated as a Demon Lord

Daiki runs as fast as he could while bleeding from his mouth, nose, and ear trying to escape through the narrow passage away from the werewolves but just to be blocked by some werewolves. Daiki was now surrounded by the pack of werewolves. He finally pulls out the blade from his pouch

Sofianna_ · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: The Raid

Akio took deep breaths

Finally, he ran on the wall, he slashed the wall with his sword making it tremble and crushing some of the little goblins.

He jumped at the back of the large goblin and stabbed the eyes. The goblin let out a huge shriek. He slid to the leg where he sliced and diced its leg making the goblin lose balance and fall.

He went to the second huge goblin. The goblin tried to smash him but his reflexes were quicker. He ran on the wall and jumped on the giant goblin, stabbing its ear and making it release a loud shriek. The goblin tried to get Akio down from its neck but Akio stabs his sword at the neck of the goblin making it fall on the rest of the little goblins.

He went down to the little goblins which he killed with no fuss at all.

As he picked up the diamond which the goblins had left, he hears the ground shaking and hears loud noises coming from the pitch-black tunnel. Akio was scared but on guard too.

The noises were louder and the ground shook vigorously. To his greatest supply, he saw a large gigantic Goblin. Akio did nothing but smirk well maybe he was kinda overconfident.

When the goblin sees Akio, it starts to smash everything on the sixth floor trying to terminate Akio. It was hard for Akio to go close because the goblin didn't give him a chance.

A chance finally came for Akio. The goblin's hand got stuck, and this gave Akio a chance to run up the arm of the huge goblin. As Akio looks to slash the goblin's neck, the goblin drags him through the floor and throws him away.

Akio thought the job will be easy but it turned out to be hard. The goblin picked him up and slammed him on the walls. The goblin kept toying with Akio without giving him a chance to attack.

At a point, Akio started to bleed from his nose, mouth, and ear. The goblin got its large hammer about to smash Akio to pieces but he rows out of harm's way.

I can't give up now says Akio while panting so he picks up his sword and ran towards the large goblin as the goblin got ready to smash, he ran onto the wall and landed on the goblin's neck, and slashes the nape. The goblin gave a loud shriek and the hammer slipped from the goblin's hand and hits its toe. The goblin shrieked in pain.

Akio takes his sword and stabs it in the eye of the gigantic goblin making it lose balance and the goblin went falling. Akio takes his sword and finally stabs it in the goblin's body.

Akio was panting and he finally slumps and faints.