
Reincarnated as a Demon Lord

Daiki runs as fast as he could while bleeding from his mouth, nose, and ear trying to escape through the narrow passage away from the werewolves but just to be blocked by some werewolves. Daiki was now surrounded by the pack of werewolves. He finally pulls out the blade from his pouch

Sofianna_ · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnated

Daiki comes out of the game store saying "finally the variable video x I always wanted to buy I finally bought it"

As he was about to cross the railway, he sees his school friend Hinata who was waving at him. Hinata was his crush in high school but he never told her cause he was afraid of being rejected. Daiki and Hinata chatted for a while before his eyes were caught by a girl trying to pull her leg out of the railway.

As Daiki saw this he was confused about what to do but he says " I have been a loser all my life but what do I have to lose now" due to this, he quickly dashed to help the girl get her leg unstuck because a train was coming. People were shouting and her grandma was crying due to shock. Daiki put all his efforts and strength to pull her out and finally her foot got unstuck immediately, he pushed the girl out of the way and was crushed by the train.

The only thing Daiki could see was a pool of blood.

Daiki woke up in a strange place that was all white. Daily was terrified as to where he was.

Daiki sees a man walking towards him. Daiki says "Where a.. am I" Daiki stumbles on his words. "Well I know am dead but who are you," Daiki asks with his head high. The man replies "I am Sabastian" and am here to propose to you two offers

"Either you face instant judgment or you get reincarnated"

Daiki is confused cause one he didn't know where he was or the man given his options. He didn't know what to pick

"I know all my life I have been a loser I know but maybe it's time I live a different life as a different person but this time not the life of a loser or coward" and Daiki chose reincarnation.

"Arghhh" groaned Daiki when he woke up to see bandages on his body. "This dude is a loser just like me," said Daiki while he laughed but he knew that he had been reincarnated and given a second chance in life due to this he was overjoyed and looked at his new body In the mirror.

As he came out of the room, he saw a knife placed on his neck