
Reincarnated as a Demon, I shall now save demon kind! [Dropped!]

The novel is about a boy who likes demons he dies and reincarntes as a demon but in exchange of becoming a demon he was given a task by the demon king.. "if demons exist I would want to become one" was his last wish before everything went dark by the way it's the first book I have ever wrote and English isn't my first language there might be grammer mistakes please tell me if there are I would like more people to write me reviews sense I made these novel for gaining experience in writing and for my own fun If you don't like the first chapter please continue I didn't really like it myself, but I am really satsfied with the second and the third one. the cover image isn't mine

WolfOfTheBloodMoon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

I died!, And now I am infornt of the Demon king!, is this Heaven.. or Hell?

even though I didn't feel emotions anymore there was one thing I truly felt happy when doing reading stuff about demons

I found out about demons from randomly scrolling on the internet they were soo cool I read a lot of webnovels about them the idea of figthing with magic made me soo happy, somehow I started

hating humans "they are all evil!" that was what I thought I know that demons are supose to be the true evil but.. still I hated them I hated those bullies I hated my classmates for not doing anything and even taking videos of me getting bullied they didn't even feel pity towards me they all loved the show I wish I could be a demon I wish to not have the blood and flesh of a human being but I still wanted to live what even drives me to even live?

I was soo deep in thoughts that I didn't see the car coming my way until a familiar car horn sound came my way this time I wasn't scared I didn't fear it from that day.. I swore to never feel fear never feel hopeless even when facing death I stayed calm but I didn't have time to escape the coming car and felt a surge of pain all over my body blood dripping down my face to my eyes ha.. hahaha.. I guess I can now see you mom dad, still I would have loved to know if demons exist I would want to become one sigh.. I would even give my soul to do such a thing they could not even be real but there is still h.. everything went black my mind stopped working and my heart stopped beating



red glow covered my sourndings, I felt warmth?, where is the pain?, huh?.. I looked up and saw a tall man sitting on a throne the throne was made of what is likely to be the skulls of his enemys, he had a black hair with red streaks, on the top of his head were 2 horns black fire can be seen on them.

His face was sharp but also very beatiful his red eyes looked at me like they are seeing through my soul he looks 100000000X times more beatiful than any model I have ever seen wait.. hornes check, red aura somehow emetting from his body to the surrondings check..

wait a second IT'S A DEMON INFRONT OF ME!, HE IS SOO COOL SOO MAJESTIC AS EXPECTED OF A DEMON! wait.. now that I have a better look at him he have have a black crown with red jewls embuned into it on top of his head wait doesn't that mean..

my thoughts were cut short by the voice of the demon king infront of me "are you just gonna stay there and just stare at me or say something, I can guess by your thoughts that you really like demons"

I suddently blusehd he can read my thoughts.. I found out that he is the demon king because of the crown on top of his head, to think he can read my thoughts this is soo embarssing!, welp that doesn't matter now

"I am sorry it's just my first time seeing a demon, and a demon king at that!" he smiled at my words of excitment he seems like a nice guy to me, if you ignore the skull throne, the red aura and blood dripping from the walls.. wait blood? nah doesn't matter it's just a little blood

"well you see the reason I personaly summoned you here is to make your wish come true of course at a cost, I can give you three offers one will be making you a demon like you wished but the cost will be your soul like in your wish before you died" 



wait a second MY WISH I CAN BECOME A DEMON I CAN REALLY BECOME ONE I screamed inwardly showing no excitement on the outside and saying "I will choose it no matter the.."

he cut me off short again "before you choose hear my other 2 options" I looked at him and saw his eyes looked very serious what can those 2 offers even be I am setsfied with becoming a demon "second option will be going to haven with your parents, your soul was suposed to go there but I took it to fulfil your wish soo be greatful fishing souls is hard!"

I was about to imediantly reject the second offer but he started talking soo I didn't say anything I didn't want to disturbe him

"third option is I will reincarnate you to a deffrient world as a demon but I will need you to save my kin, demon kind are in danger in that world humans inslave demons making them fight family members to the death killing baby demons without any mercy and more.. of coruse demons fight back they have a country and are stronger from mere human beings, but humans are to much in numbers!

on the battelfield there are like 40 mages making a singulare strong magic together the demon lords can't help the enslaved demons escape because of the Holy Kingdom's tough defense and holy magic users are the weakness of every single demon, we can't do a lot to help them because there is a holy magic barrier srounding the whole kingdom that even a demon lord can't go through it without receiving alot of damge enough damge to be near death and it even stops our [fast regenration skill..]" he stopped before looking at my eyes and saying 


"this is gonna drain me a lot but.. I can create a demonic body that will have the skill of [anti-holymagic ] that will be one of your unique magic every user have a uniqe magic, but you will have 2 I don't know what the second one will be, you will need to awaken it yourself unlike the [anti-holymagic] that will awaken the moment you are reborn unique magic will need a sertain setulation to awaken it, it can be a near death expirence or reaching a sertain level in some type of magic

most don't even awaken their unique magic because they don't even know the way to awaken, they

unique magic alwyas match the user, if you use spatial magic your unqiue magic could be controling space!, normaly controling space can even take someones life force but if it's a unqiue magic it will only aquire the use of mana soo now what will you choose"

It wasn't even a question I hated humans anyways, soo I would protect the demons "I accept the third option" his lips went upwards froming a smile "hahah! good choice, don't worry you won't regret it I will even give you a demonic system to accompny you it will make mastering magic and gaining skills much easier and will even give you the choice of choosing your owhn evoloution most demons can't choose theirs but the system will help you with that, by the way everyone has a system but demonic system is diffrent it can merge skilles to make greater skills, help you train and more I am sure you would like it!" I just noded my head


"our time is almost up I can't hold your soul here it will disapper without a body to support it, I will start reincarnating you but before that be warned the reincarnation proccess is really painful, usualy it wouldn't soo painful but sense you are becoming a demon it will really hurt demons have hell fire in their souls when they are first born soo I will need to merge it with yours luckly your souls matches up with a demon's that is one of the reasons that I called you here, that and the unique magic in the body I made matches your soul perfectly like a glove"

I did wonder why he choose me I was going to ask that but he answerd it for me, that's why he didn't choose another demon's soul he looked at me and noded

"that and you seem like you will be loyal, well enough talk I can see your soul energy dropping by the second" I looked down and saw my transpernt soul legs disappering slowly making it's way to my hips

"I will now reincarnate you, I don't know where your body will be I hope for your safe reincarnation" a red magic circle appeard bellow my legs dragging my soul down given me back to the soul energy that I lost, I looked at him and waved my hand as a goodbye gesture he just smiled and strated talking to someone but I couldn't hear anything that they said and everything went black


I am sorry I did a lot of mistakes!, and I did my best to correct them. there was edit next to some words it was because I wrote in discord first and then uploaded it, I accidently deleted the first part of the story explaining about his parents death let me know if you want me to rerwite it and add it in this chapter.

WolfOfTheBloodMooncreators' thoughts