
Reincarnated as a cultivation protagonist

I was just a normal guy, had a okay childhood, had average grades, got married had kids. Died of lung cancer in my 30's. Now colour me suprised when I chosen to reincarnate like your typical Web novels fanfic character. --------- Slow pace story.

ShaggyJoestar69 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

Chapter 45: Beast Horde(Edited)

"Enlightenment Huh." I say as I created a tiny orange formation which lit a flame. Feeling my reserves, I didn't feel much of a strain on my qi. So I can lower the amount of qi I use with runes.

Guess this makes martial cards useless. Fuck that! I'm still using them better to be safe than sorry, who knows if I'll run into a martial saint.

Exiting his Beast cube was Fenrir, the wolf had started growing a bit, it seems he's finally maturing at last. Though when I spoke to him about this, he seemed a bit sad he won't be able to sleep in the same bed with me again.

"Eva can you explain what enlightenment is I heard stories of it, but they didn't into any detail or what it is exactly." I really couldn't but into conversations to ask what was back in Soothing River city due to my status as trash.

[Well enlightment comes in many forms, sometimes it's due to a persons hard work or it occurs spontaneously. But due to almost maxing it out and finding a different angle to runes and formation you managed to get enlightened finally maxing the rune skill.]

I see, looking at my status it really was maxed out, which means it'll probably never happen again any time soon. Enlightenment from what I heard, it's incredibly rare and those who it happened to becomes powerhouses.

For example there's a story from a couple hundred years ago, where a mortal managed to reach enlightenment and bust all the way from foundation to mid martial sage.

Humming I pet Fenrir and got up before summoning a couple clones, however instead of their normal poof, A runic circle formed and went down as I summoned my copies, even after summoning over thirty clones I don't feel a thing from my reserves. Runes are great!

"You fifteen will finish up the runic printing machine while you 5 will practice with five different weapons and you ten will finish up the paper making machine." They nodded and went off to different sections of the base lab.

I managed to get my hands on some high quality wood called orange bark oak. It's a lot stronger than wood from earth and thanks to that, I'm able to make stronger paper for my martial cards so I can probably make stronger cards.

[Sir I have a question?] Asked my system as teleported back to the manor. 'What is it?' I replied as I took cooking ingredients from the co boards.

[Well sir why did you remake Minecraft with your runes?] She asked confused.

'Well it's simple Minecraft is one of the many important things in my life, it's how I met my wife and friends and one of the many games I'd play to bond with my kids. So to just test that theory that runes can be used like code, I tried coding the entirety of Minecraft.'

[So it holds a deep meaning to you] I simply nodded as began cooking my lunch."Yes it does."

[Sir there's something thing else I forgot to mention!]


[Due to maxing runes you've received the Perk Runic Master - Allows you to instantly understand all runes and formations.]

Huh? Neat.

Elsewhere. The city lord Hong Ji was in his study going over a couple documents when a knock came to his door.

"City Lord Hong it's an emergency!" Says a voice from behind the door the city lord immediately recognized the voice "Poa Lun! You may enter!"

A man with a stubble walked in he wore brown and white robes and had sweat running down his face. As he entered he bowed and began to immediately relay the news he heard.

"City lord, I heard from our scouts that a beast horde of over five thousand martial beasts are heading this way!" Hearing this the city lord immediately paled.

"Well then call for a meeting with all the clans in Red Iron city! We must prepare!" Replied the city lord as he immediately composed himself. He can not afford to panic as lord over this city he must lead his people.

With a fire burning in his eye he walked out of his study ready for a fight.