Go to the updated version- just search Reincarnated as a Bow, author will be ThatWritingDude
"Ayy! Mate! It's fine!!! I'll just deal with it, who cares! It's just a bit of money!" In the midst of a crowded bar, 2 men in their mid-20s talked quietly. "B-But it's 20 grand... We both know you're broke..." Smiling, the other man responded, a twinkle in his eye. "Hehe... Psst... I got a new boss, he said I get 20k as a down payment, and 10k for each complete kill!" "You know I don't like your job man... There are so many dangers... Common Basmon... Quite, get an actual job! You don't need to be an assassin... Your aim with a sniper is probably bad anyways..." "Oh you! Worry Wart! It's fine... I won't fail! Common Ozzi! I got this!" Outside, sirens started to blare. "Ooh... I think there's been an accident, wonder what happened! Wanna go look?" Basmon started to get up. "Oh common, we always look. Let's finish this conversation! Basmon!" Ozzie Said, Getting up to follow him. The crowd parted as they slipped towards the door.
"Wonder how close it is..." "Yeah..." Ozzie Said. The door creaked open,and they both stepped onto the sidewalk outside the small pub. Above them a small sign flickered, reading 'Colls Pub, Best Beer in the City!' As they looked around, they saw a large mob of people forming in the distance. They ran towards them, wondering what had happened. They suddenly heard screams, then "Boooom'. Directly in front of them, tens of people flew upwards, blood spewing. Basmon and Ozzie froze in shock, and around them, chaos erupted. People screamed, women called to their husbands, children cried. Slowly, Basmon and Ozzie turned around and started to run into an ally.
"Rattata" A gun sound exploded from behind him. "Uagh..." Basmon felt something wet drip down onto his hand, and himself fling forward... His head turned to look at Ozzie... His chest was shot through. The entire situation still hadn't been fully processed by either of them... The pain suddenly got to him, and he fell down curled up on the ground, red blood flowing. "Wh-hy..." He moaned out. "It's fun!" Basmon heard an unexpected reply from behind him... And then felt his neck get stomped on. "Crunch". He saw the man's blue jeans walk over to Ozzie, and start to step on his neck. Basmon tried to scream, but nothing came out.
"Takka-takka". A semi-machine gun fired in the distance. Storm clouds formed above, and below 2 men, tangled and dying. Both had multiple shot wounds, and in midst of this, as sirens blared, both of them, whilst not being able to talk, apologized silently. 'I'm sorry Ozzi...' 'This was my fault, I'm so sorry Brasmon...' Slowly they both died in pain. In the end, over 100 people died, in what turned out to be a terrorist attack.
*In a different universe
'Aaghh... Am I alive? Did Ozzie die?' Bramson Tried to speak but quickly realized his voice didn't seem to work. He quickly tried to stand up and look at himself... And realized he couldn't see himself nor move. He saw a spectral figure, and his sight could move positions, but he didn't seem to be able to move forward or backward. His entire body was gone and in its place was a glowing figure of a human. His feelings still seemed to work, however, and he felt like he was being crushed by the insane amount of pressure.
His head burned, and he felt extremely unconformable. He sensed someone was watching him, but he didn't know from where or from what. As he looked around, he suddenly saw a gargantuan head, as its huge mouth easily the size of a football stadium opened. 'What!!! God Help Me!' He tried praying. He had never felt to scared in his life, even when he died. His entire consciousness was scared.
"You are my final resort... I leave this world in your hands and my power in your friends... Goodbye." A voice resounded through the abyss. 'Who! Help! Who are you!' Basmon tried frantically to yell at the voice, but try as he might he could not speak. Slowly, his thoughts started to fade, his vision dimmed, and his consciousness left him.
'I'm alive...' Basmon woke up, and realized he had no senses, and still couldn't talk. Slowly his panic left, and he started to look around. He could still see and hear. He saw huge trees. So big they drawfed the redwoods in California. His eyes seemed to be able to catch more things, as he could see way more than a human should. He tried to move, and noticed his vision changed.When he tried to move, his vision changed. He tried to look at himself and suddenly noticed that he was a bow. As in an ancient type of wooden recurve bow. 'What the.... I'm a bow??? What? But I never even studied archery... How did this happen...' His thoughts jumped around randomly in his confusion.
Whilst he wondered in confusion, he heard a monotone voice call in his ear. He didn't even try to respond, as he knew it wouldn't work.
<Tutorial Loading>
<Tutorial Loaded, Transporting Now>
'Is this a system? What? Can it make me stronger so I can get revenge on my murderers?'
Suddenly, he saw his body disappear, then reappear in a blank, modern-looking training facility with many targets and bows along the wall.
<Welcome To The Training Facility>
A blue screen appeared in front of the bow.
<Given 100 Talent Points>
'What are talent points? Can I use them?'
<To activate the systems shop say 'Shop' and to activate quests say 'Quest'. These are the sole functions of the system. Please open shop, which can sell skills>
'Please tell me what happened to my friend, system!' Basmon was still thinking about his friend.
<Unknown Action. Please open shop>
Basmon refused to do this, and finally, after a couple of hours, the system relented.
<Fine. He is Alive. That is all I can tell you. Open the shop.>
'Oh thank god! I was so worried. At least he lived... Shop!'
<Shop opened. Shop: Skills:
Arrow: Forms An Arrow out of mana. (2 mana). Cost 10 TP
Triple Shot: Shoots 3 arrows. (4 mana, 1 minute cooldown) Cost 30TP.
Bow Control: Can control your body with mana. (1 mana/Min) Cost 80 TP
Power Shot: Adds a lot of power compared to amount of mana used. Cost 20 TP.
... More Skills. >
<Please note, you can upgrade the shop by becoming a higher ranked weapon. To open stats, the sole other function on the system, say 'stats'>
'Stats' Basmon said, wondering what they were.
<Name: Basmons Bow>
TP: 100
Bound to: None
Durability: 100/100
Mana: 40/40
Tier: Divine God
Rank: F
Skills: None.
'Interesting... System, what exactly are tiers and ranks?'
<Tier: Simply How Rare an item is. Rank: How strong something is, including items and living things. F Is the worst, with SSS the best known to humans. The true best is XXX.This Is the last question to be answered in the tutorial. I wish you luck>
'Wait... What??? That was the tutorial? How was it so short though? What?' Basmon saw himself disappear, and then reappear back in the forest. 'What... Do I do now...'
What Basmon didn't notice was the pack of wolves slowly circling around him, ready to catch new prey. After all, if they devoured an item, even low ranked, it would make them stronger.
The shop opened, and Basmon slowly decided on the Skills he needed. Obviously, he needed to move, so he chose Bow Control First. Immediately, 80 TP were gone. He then decided on Arrow, as he didn't have any idea how he would get actual arrows, and decided to save the last 10TP.
<Gained Skill: Bow Control, Arrow>
-10 Durability.
-10 Durability.
'What! Why!' Basmon looked up in shock, just to see 2 wolves jump on him, attacking him with their teeth. He felt as they clawed his small frame. 'How do I use my skills! Shoot! I need to run!' Panic filled his head. 'Bow Control!' He commanded in his head. Suddenly, he felt like he could move. His body flung forwards, completely surprising the wolves. Basmon started to fly up and towards the top of a tree to rest. His mind was in chaos, and his body in shambles. Slowly, he figured out his skills whilst the wolves barked and growled below him. They still sensed his presence, but he somehow got onto the tree. It seems this item was a bit weird.
The wolves decided it would be a good idea to ram the tree and try and shake Basmon down, sadly for them, Basmon was safely tucked away in the tree experimenting. He learned that he just had to think of the skill to activate it. 'Arrow!' 2 Mana Disappeared, and he used Bow Control to draw back his string. He aimed towards the wolves below him... and then released the string... And totally missed. He had no clue how to shoot a bow. 'What! How is this hard? Maybe because I'm doing this in the first person, not as a human? Or because I never shot a bow before and its actually hard?' Basmon thought to himself. He couldn't figure out how to deal with this slight problem they call wolves.