
Reincarnated! The Blind and Deaf Boy

The boy never needed, never wanted anything with his life. He is unlike "normal people." Not that he knew what his life, nor what his world really was. He couldn't see, he knew not of beauty, nor of atrocities. He couldn't hear, he knew not of spite, nor words of tongue. He needn't think much, for he knew no words or images to think with. He only knew desire, sensations, and pain. What would he do when he had the ability to see, hear, and do much more than "normal people"? Would he even understand it?

OmegaChr1s · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The Pitiful Creature / A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

The boy never needed, never wanted anything with his life.

Not that he knew what his life, nor what his world really was.

He couldn't see, he knew not of beauty, nor of atrocities.

He couldn't hear, he knew not of spite, nor words of tongue.

He needn't think much, for he knew no words or images to think with.

The only attachment he may have was the occasional fluffy touch of an animal, calming water, and enjoyable sensations along his tongue.

"What a pitiful creature." Those were the words that changed his life, or maybe it is more accurate to say that they really started it.

Unaware of the words said regarding him, he continued to sit in constant silence, his eyes still closed as usual.

Then, the boy was suddenly startled, he put his hands over his head as he rocked back and forth in a chair.

Something was wrong. Something was different. Something made his skin crawl, as if a million ants were grooming each individual strand of hair on his body.

It made him extremely uncomfortable because it was new, unknown, and potentially dangerous.

Every instinct told him to be worried, to kick out, to fight back.

They boy flailed his body around, as if he was a fish out of water.

He made feral noises, as if he was a mother wolf warning other animals to stay away from her pups.

He spat, growled, kicked, and shed his own blood as he destroyed the room around him.

Then he was gone, leaving a tattered room and another person in his place.

'Silence. Silence. Silence. Feeling. Danger. Pain. Fight. Nothing.'

Those were a rough interpretation of my thoughts a second ago, of course while it is quite a shallow observation of my life before now it is the best way I know how to explain it. Now, not only am I thinking in full sentences, but I have an odd amount of knowledge about myself and the world that I never knew, or cared to know a moment ago. It may seem rude to consider my nature before hand as pitiful, but that's just what it was. Not because I was blind, nor because I was deaf, but because of the things that a person can experience in such a vulnerable state. My name, Shiro Okami, or White Wolf. My age, 14. This is... odd?

I mean, could I even really call my situation odd? Is it in my right to do such a thing? Darkness. It can drive a man mad. And, yet again, I am still being soaked in it. My perception of the world has changed entirely, but something leads me to believe that it will continue to change.

I don't like the dark. I want to see everything there is to see, so that I may experience all that is good in the world. I wish to hear all the curses there are to be wished upon a person, because it seems that without a shadow there was never a light. I want to live long enough to experience it all.

'God... what am I saying? It's just, before this very moment, it felt as if I had no identity. Now, all of the sudden, I'm spouting some weird attempt at some philosophical shit. '


[Generating skills...]

[Generating Traits...]

In spite of that though, I know I've always been driven by desire, but now I'm ignorant to even desire. I want a purpose. I want to make a purpose. I want to understand... why I exist.

'Wow, that was... edgy... hey, are these really my thoughts?'


[Generating skill...]


[Generating skills... <Scan, Observe, Mimic, Inventory>]

[Simulating the application of skills...]


[Applying skills and traits...]


[Confirming creation of appropriate body...]

[Destroying previous body...]

[Transferring soul to the new host body...]



[Admin's Status Menu]

Name : Undecided

Title(s) :

[Pitiful Creature] [Blessed]


Age: 0

Race : Demi-Human (Fox-Wolf)

Skills :

<Beast's Eyes>

<Enhanced Hearing>

<Scan> <Observe> <Mimic> <Inventory>

Magic :

Traits & Resistances :

~Tainted Blood(+)~


"Have fun..."


That thought resounded throughout my mind as I heard a voice. I HEARD a voice! I mean, at first I thought that was strangest thing to ever happen to me, but then bright light flooded my eyes causing the darkness to retreat.


That was all I could manage to think at the time as a room came into view. To the full extent of these two words, this room looked quite expensive and undeniably lavish. An impressively tall woman with fox ears swooned over me, tears in her eyes. She wrapped me in a red blanket, a shade of the color which was as dark as blood, perhaps crimson would be a more appropriate color. It was almost as if she picked it knowing what would happen to me soon.

Her swooning only lasted a moment as I was torn from her arms by two tall men, both fitted in some type of armor.

I desperately want to know why they are so tall, but my consciousness fades as an eerie fatigue washes over me.


I've fallen asleep again and again, only waking up to an intense feeling of hunger and then a hearty "meal" of warm... milk?

By now, even an idiot could tell I was a baby... Why though?

Has god given me some kind of new chance at life? The voice that had told me to enjoy myself would support that idea.

Well, I can't really talk or move, so no use trying to stress over it.


An ear-piercing scream startled me awake, followed by a bath of some type of warm and red liquid... blood?!

The two armored men lay on the ground beneath me, framed perfectly by two wooden wheels, and only then did I realize I had been on a carriage the whole time.

Just what is going on?!

Honestly, I was oblivious to being in motion the whole time I was on this carriage. Maybe they had stopped every time they had fed me? Wait... where did the milk come from? That milk better have been bottled milk...

Wait... why do I even care about milk right now? Two people were MURDERED in front of me!

Yet again, an unfortunate wave of fatigue overwhelms me, while a group encircles me as my consciousness fades.


Moonlight flicker's between the flowing green leaves, which were noticeably vibrant even in the mask of the night's darkness. Wooden fashioning's, obviously handled by the hands of man, were scattered around the forest. Many creatures inhabited these woods, all of which would surely make it unfit for an infant.

And yet... here I was. There's nothing better than the ragged rough breathing of a slobbering dog in your face, but unfortunately... this isn't a dog. No that'd be a horrible deduction, from the fully loaded arsenal of a mouth to the gruff gray fur accompanied by random splotches of crimson, nothing about this screams lovable companion. Despite my name from my previous life, I know I'm more of a cat person, and I'm pretty sure whatever this experience is has just solidified it.

'I've got to say... I don't think Dog Breath is the next best scent, I wouldn't rate it.'

[<Observe> has been used.]

A soothing voice rang out in my mind, but oddly enough it remained there, not seeping into the orchestra of sounds coming from the creatures of the night.

[ LV. ?? | Dryad's Spirit Beast | Fenekin ]

'Hey, woah what watch where you're sniffing!' I protested, but alas my only listener was myself.

In a manner I'm sure none would believe, the wolf opened its mouth and gingerly lifted me by the silk sheets wrapped around my body. While its breath was positively foul, and manners much the same, its grasp on me was as gentle as a mother with her own child. Somehow, I could tell this wolf had no ill-will towards me.


Branches broke under the weight of her paws as she ran through the night, weaving past trees with their canopies sprawling over head. The stars shifted curiously, a gleam she had scarcely seen, but the sky was not the only thing peculiar tonight. A mere human babe had found itself in this forest, its only comfort, a silk sheet, stained with blood. Even without her master's instruction, she knew that something had to be done. But what exactly?

Fenekin steadied her pace, and soon came to a halt. Where exactly could she take a human child? Her master, while kind and not wanting any harm to come unto them, would never be able to care for it. And that was when she had caught a familiar scent, one of her master's friends that often took in orphans.

- - -

I remember waking up at the foot of what seems to be a church, falling asleep, then waking up again only to be greeted by the wails of other children. Then, a woman cared for me and breastfed me.

She had a few visitors everyday, whether they be tired travelers or patrons of some type of night job she may have, I am not sure. During the day a cascade of colors entered into the room, as it would appear that most of the glass here was stained with holy depictions. From what I've made out myself, all I can see is a huge struggle. Many many people gathered together, all armed to the brim, to fight some giant monster. It does it no justice to describe a work of this magnitude in words, but so far that is what I've gathered.

As light first seeps into the room, a large white window pane showers the room with a blinding light. Following this, a multitude of colors trickle in, slowly forming the monster, and then the army. The last event to occur is near the end of the day, when white-robed person comes into view. The people cast down their armor, and the monster rips out its claws and falls onto them.

"A Short Five Years" was the original title of this chapter and is actually the combination of about three chapters, two of them being, "Have Fun," and, "The Church at the Top of the Hill"


If you are enjoying my story so far, please show your support, even if it is a simple, "Thanks," in the comments, it'll motivate me to do more.

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