
Reincarnated! As a Snake?!

Deep within the cavern-type dungeon of the Wailing Woods, a small white bundled wire-like creature bared its single fang at the viscous barrier that confined it within its first home. Despite being fed and protected by this barrier, the small bundle couldn't help but feel as if it had tricked this barrier thing into nursing the small bundle before it inevitably turned on the unsuspecting barrier. Of course, this was only the beginning of the the tricks this bundle would play. It would trick the world into submission. Soon, the bundle tore a long straight line across the barrier, creating an opening large enough for it to slither its way out. The bundle pushed itself through this opening, dim light rushing into its ruby-red eyes as it took its first breath of fresh air. Within the dim light of the crystals glittering throughout the cavern, the form of a snow white snake with red-eyes was revealed. "SsSsssSss~" the snake hissed pleasantly, as if it were purring to itself in pleasure from its successful escape. Why shouldn't it feel so good about itself? It was obviously the greatest snake around, although it really wasn't quite sure what the criteria for that title was. However, as it was thinking something along the lines of that, the snake began to truly take in its surroundings. Beneath the hatchling were many more eggs, or retarded barriers as the snake may have you call them, but it made sense for them to be there since it was probably a bit odd for a snake to have only a few eggs. Wait, where did these eggs come from again? For some reason, the snake's scales began to quiver as an ominous thought crossed its tiny snake mind. It could 'feel' the dangerous creature looming behind its small body, its yellow eyes eyeing the tiny snake curiously. The tiny snake may have been both blind and deaf, but true snakes are all about trickery. If the snake couldn't see or hear, it would simply trick itself into believing that it could.  The curtains are beginning to part as the opening act to a confusing tale about a blind and deaf 'boy' begins.

OmegaChr1s · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

There Is Much To Learn Dolus Adder!

"Ssssss~?" a curious and crisp hiss came from Mama-Snake, a much more refined and pleasant hiss compared to the inexperienced and crackling sounds from the Boy.

A deep warm breath washed over the Boy, but that failed to prompt movement as he was frozen with indecision. To the Boy, many long strands of pulsating deep red and yellow light made up the length of the 6 meter long beast. This light was mana, and if the Boy remembered anything from its previous life, it would know this is abnormal. After all, was mana not described to be some shade of blue? The Boy, however, had no memories nor reason to know of this bit of information though.

The eggs beneath him were dull, as the creatures inside were not close to developing mana circuits in their bodies for the Boy to sense, but that was only if they were even lucky enough to develop them since magical beast are not exactly common. Still, the Boy could 'see' their small forms in their retarded barriers since mana was naturally released in waves from both the Boy and Mama, which then bounced off objects while also piercing through them. So, while he could sense mana bounce off the rounded edges of the barriers, he could also sense the creatures inside and the organs inside the creatures as it passes through them.

The Boy did notice that when he 'looked' at himself, his mana appeared to be a mix of sickly purple with a few black wisps scattered about his flow of mana.

If the white bundle of indecision knew this was unusual, it would think, 'Perhaps these varying colors are the traits of great snakes?'

Instead, it was wondering if it should run from Mama or ask it for food, because right now it really needs how to satiate this intense hunger that seems to be clawing at its currently not-so lengthy innards at moment. Mama, however, seemed to notice his pleading eyes as she displayed her fierce fangs while lowering her head to his level. causing the Boy to slowly slither back before he realized what she was doing.

'Shhhhck,' a sound similar to that of a piece of paper being ripped sounded out as she tore open one of the retarded barriers below his tiny scales.

This particular species of snakes is very intelligent and can only reproduce if they develop mana circuits in their bodies. While neither blindness nor deafness is a common trait, as long as a snake has mana circuits it will be given a feast of as many of its less-fortunate siblings as it desires.

At the sound of the tearing egg, a flood of snakes with varying scale patterns poured into the dimly-lit cavern from crevices in its walls, but they all were making sure to maintain a relatively spacy distance away from Mama as a sign of respect.

To ensure the survival of its kind, the inert snakes either serve as warriors or as food to the more fortunate snakes that develop mana circuits.

To ensure the survival of its kind, they've hidden below the surface in a dungeon for many years.

To ensure the survival of its kind, they will emerge once more, but now united as a family.

"Eat up, young one," Mama gently commanded him.

"You have much to learn."

The Boy, no matter how tiny his brain was, realized that a feast had been prepared for him. Without a moment of hesitation, he began to greedily slurp at and engorge himself on the contents of the retarded barriers. If he were to have been human, perhaps he would be disgusted and appalled at the thought of eating his kin. He, however, felt it was only natural that he had tricked the snakes to feed him.

"My my~ look at how hungry you are my sweet little boy..." mama-snake chided pleasantly.

Despite his inability to hear, the Boy could sense the intent behind her words and actions like there was a small voice in the back of his mind narrating the events around him. If she had meant to harm him, he would have already made a miserable attempt to flee. Now, however, the Boy himself couldn't spare the time to care about anything other than the feast laid out before him. One-by-one the plethora of eggs laid out below him were drained of their contents and the scraps were stuffed into the albino snake's long body as mama-snake could only look on in surprise at the sight of over a hundred of her inert spawn being devoured by a single white-bundle.

'By the Gods...' mama-snake said, rather overwhelmed with the sight.

Even the snakes in attendance felt their scales quiver at the sight, not from the fact that their kin were being eaten in front of them but simply due to the Boy's sheer feat of continuing to eat despite the seemingly life threatening bulge easily seen extending out from his gut.

"Yes... I know what I will call you, young one..."

And then the Boy paused.


[You have performed a feat of evolution! As a magical beast derived from the monster species known as Deceiving Serpent you have devoured not only 136 of your own kin but the substances nurturing and protecting them while completely convinced that you had tricked everyone into feeding you. You have received a title : {Gluttonous Trickster}]

[Your name has been registered as...]


"[Dolus Adder]!"

Title : {Gluttonous Trickster} {Pitiful Creature}

Level : 1 (0/10)

Monster Rank : P (Pest)

Unused Experience : 136

Species : Albino Deceiving Serpent (Magic-Beast)

Status : Blind , Deaf





Stat Points : 0

Skills / Mutations :

<Mana Perception Lv.1 (0/10)>

This skill grants the user an active ability <Enhanced Mana Perception>. Passively, the ability can extend as far as 100m to sense the rebound of mana but cannot pierce through an object.

As this skill levels up, both the range and and scope of the abilities may improve.

Passive : <Perception>

The ability to sense the rebound of mana for up to 100m away. This ability is unable to pierce through an object.

Active : <Enhanced Mana Perception>

Gives the user the ability to perceive anything within a 10m radius. This ability relies on the presence of mana, and as mana holds many properties the user can perceive anything from the inside out as long as it is within range.

CD : None

Req : Restricts perception to 10m.

<Mana Core Lv.1 (0/10>

This mutation is the physical center of mana within the body of any magical beast. The uniqueness of each magical beast's mana core makes them wildly unpredictable, often being forcefully taken from magical beasts until they reform. As a magical beast, the way you practice magic, develop your skills, and allocate your experience points directly affects the growth of your core.

Element : No Affinity
