
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 18

~~~Chapter 18: Momentum

"Are you sure about this?can you really cure me?"

Cleria asked seriously as she looked at Kenzuo,she build up her mind.That if she find that Kenzuo was only lying and couldn't heal her,then she will run away.That's right,run away, that's the only option.

Kenzuo just looked at her blankly,and then answered.

"Don't worry i can heal you."

Hou! Hou!

Kenzuo said as he injected the ten needle on her stomach at once!Cleria looked at Kenzuo with her face twitching,she couldn't escaped!since her eyes couldn't even caught up with his small movement.

After 5 minutes,

"It's done."

Kenzuo said as he pull out the last needle, Cleria looked at her white stomach dumbfoundedly, that's all?and all of her injuries had been healed.

"Thank you."

Cleria said with a smile on her face,at the same time she bowed her head on Kenzuo too.Kenzuo looked at her and then nodded.

"No problem."

Cleria looked at Kenzuo and couldn't help but thought on her mind.

"He is a kid, isn't he?then,why did he had a superpower like this?a mage?no more over,he had a middle rank devil servant.So the mage mage wasn't the answer."

Looking at the silent Cleria, Kenzuo sighed,he already know what she was thinking.Why is he handsome and strong?which is half wrong and half correct.

"Ok, you're thinking why am i strong right? first of all,i'm just an ordinary human kid and have a knowledge about the supernatural beings.That's all."

Kenzuo explained as he spread his hands,Cleria who listened on him have a wry smile.That doesn't answer her questions.

"I see,ummm i know this is a bit late.But i'm still going to introduce myself,my name is Cleria Belial and you already know what am i."

Cleria said, Kenzuo nodded as he extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you Cleria,Senzu Kenzuo.My name is Kenzuo."

Kenzuo introduce,Cleria smiled and extended her right hand.After that,they shake each other hands.

"Oh,by the way.I'm kinda curious about your power level and identity Kenzuo-san."

Cleria said as she retracted her hands,she was really curious about Kenzuo,since he can move instantly to the point.it was like using a teleportation magic,his movement was so fast that even she,a high devil.Couldn't even glimpse at it.

'I see,she wanted to know my strength.I will grant her wish but before...i need to use my barrier that i just received.'

Five minutes ago~

[Ding!Saving mission triggered:Save cleria from getting killed by a group of priest!


Rewards:250 points,dead crush(Killing technique)]

'Oh,my rewards are here!'

[Host!you just received 250 stats points,and dead crush(Killing technique)]

[Ding!Host,you just completed a hidden quest.Complete the quest without killing anyone!


Rewards: Barrier (S-type)]

'Nice!another reward.'

Cleria looked at Kenzuo who was in daze,she couldn't help but ask.

"Umm,is there something wrong?"

Kenzuo was awakened by Cleria,he didn't know that he was distracted just now,he smiled and said with a smile.

"No problem,we can continue."

Back to the present~

"You want to see the level of my power,right?"

Kenzuo said, Cleria gulped her saliva,she knew that Kenzuo power was way powerful than her.She was hesitating, but in the end,she nodded her head.

Seeing this, Kenzuo didn't hesitate and thought in his mind 'Barrier',the whole house was cover by a blue transparent wall and then disappeared.

"I will show you a little bit of my power."

At the end of the sentence,Cleria immediately widened her eyes and kneel down.She looked at the little demonic figure infront of her,the little demonic figure have a white hair blue eyes and a supreme aura,oh!add the handsome too.

"Who...are you?"

Cleria said as she raised her head with difficulty,Cleria looked at the dark face.Kenzuo looked at Cleria with amazement.

'This "momentum" was cool!'

Kenzuo thought while looking at Cleria,she looked at her.Before he decided to stop his skill,Cleria who was struggling, suddenly felt the surrounding became light.

She blinked her eyes and then looked at Kenzuo with a wry smile.

"That's... You're strong, Kenzuo-san.Are you sure that you're just a kid?"

Cleria asked again while staring at Kenzuo,she still couldn't believe that Kenzuo was just a kid.Kenzuo who heard this sighed,and decided to tell the truth.

"Actually, i'm a ninja and not to say that my talent on being a ninja.Was once in a million years,so when the old ninja discovered my talent.They started training me,when i was 1 years old...."

Cleria looked at Kenzuo as if he was dumb,but she still listened to the very end,with a deadpan face.

"That's how i get this power..."

Kenzuo said his last nonsense,Cleria who was sleeping on the couch slowly opened her eyes.


Cleria said as she lie on the sofa again, Kenzuo sighed.It seems that his story was boring, without any further, Kenzuo looked at the sleeping Cleria with a smile.He wondered if Cleria was really older than him,but he shaked this sentence off and goes towards his room to get some rest.

The night had passed.

Kenzuo who was sleeping silently immediately got up hurriedly,his face was revealing an urgency.Kenzuo run towards the bathroom, arriving on the bathroom.Kenzuo immediately take a pee,not paying attention to the girl beside him.

"That's.. quite big for the boy?"

A cute girl voice rang on Kenzuo left ear, Kenzuo who was half awake just now,was bow fully awaked by this voice.He turned his head and looked at Cleria who was looking at him,Cleria looked at Kenzuo before she smiled.

"Good morning."

Kenzuo said as if it was normal for him,then he retracted his gaze and then continue to take a piss,Cleria was quite surprised.She was sure that this boy was a mature,but why isn't he embarrassed?

"Good morning,Senzu-san.I'm going now, thanks for what you had done to me."

Cleria said with a gratitude, Kenzuo just nodded,and then he pulled his pants up.

"Goodbye,Cleria-san.Don't tell someone about my identity."

Kenzuo said as he passed by Cleria,Cleria smiled when she heard this,she was the type of the girl who can keep her words.

"Don't worry about it, Senzu-san.If you may excuse me."

Cleria said as before she exited the house, Kenzuo looked at the door for a moment.Before he walked towards the refrigerator and get some snacks to eat.

'Oh, that's right.I remember that this past body had a friend which is a girl.I wonder if i can met her when she returned.'

Kenzuo thought as he put down the the snack on the table.

~Chapter end