
Chapter 7: A memory from the past

Jarx felt that these people were too heartless and he personally approached the old man

Right now, the old man has already lost consciousness. Bullets of sweat formed on Jarx's forehead as he bit his lips

He laid the old man's body on the ground properly before positioning his hands on top of the grandpa's chest

Jarx took a deep breath. He learned how to perform CPR from the internet but he had never done it on an actual person in an actual emergency

Still, he tried to remember as much as he could

Jarx started giving the old man chest compression, trying to make an accurate 2 inches dept as much as possible while the 'audience' just watched him

"Jarx... you can do this... 100 times per minute..." he said to himself as his arms moved in a not so fast nor too slow manner

After a minute of chest compression, Jarx gave the old man two rescue breaths before repeating the chest compression

Jarx started a cycle of chest compression and rescue breath that lasted for minutes until the ambulance arrived

Seeing the rescuers, Jarx was relieved and he let them handle things since they are the professionals while he only has some superficial knowledge

Nevertheless, Jarx was still worried for the old man and he decided to also board the ambulance as they sped off to the Hospital

While inside the ambulance, Jarx stared at the old man while wishing that he would survive

There might be a family that is waiting for him back home and he can't leave them yet

Fortunately, the Hospital is near and after the ambulance arrived, the Doctors and Nurses immediately had the old man be placed in the emergency room

As for Jarx, he cannot enter with the old man and he was left outside


Hours passed and when the doctors finished saving the old man, he was sent into the ICU and Jarx followed him

Fortunately, the old man survived and he even already regained his consciousness

"Grandpa, you're awake!" Jarx exclaimed with a sigh of relief, happy that the old man survived

"You are..." at first, the old man cannot recognize Jarx but he soon remembered that before he lose consciousness, a young man approached him while the others just let him suffer

"Y-you... you saved me?"

"I-I just did some simple CPR, grandpa"

Hearing that, the old man's eyes lit up. While the others were unwilling to help him as they feared that he is a scammer, this young man took the risk to save him

"Good child, come here..." the old man's heart warmed and Jarx approached him

"Thank you for saving me, what's your name?" The grandpa asks as he stroke Jarx's head affectionately

"I'm Jarx! Jarx Elrod. How about you, grandpa?"

"Yves, Yves Nixon"

Jarx nodded his head. "Then grandpa, you should call your family. The doctors asked me for the number of your relative but I don't have it. A-and grandpa, I-I want to help with the m-medical fee if I could b-but... I don't have the money" Jarx said with his cheeks red from embarrassment

As much as he is afraid that the grandpa cannot pay for the medical fee, Jarx himself is also poor. Even if he wants to help, he doesn't have the money to pay

"Hahahaha, don't worry about it. This grandpa can pay for his own hospital fee" Yves said with a chuckle and the two chatted for a few minutes before the room's door was swung open as if the person cannot wait to open the door

The sound that was made attracted Jarx's attention and he shot the door a look to see the most handsome man he had ever seen in his life

This man was very tall. He was at least 6 feet in height

At this time, Jarx is only around 5'7 since he is still a growing teenager. As such, he can't help but feel envious of this man's height

However, the jealousy didn't last long as his heart starts to race

A tall man with a handsome face as if the gods personally made him...

He has sword-shaped eyebrows, long eyelashes that would make girls jealous, alluring moist eyes, a pointy nose, and healthy pinkish-red lips

His skin was slightly tanned which made his sharp features look even manlier

At this time, Jarx is already perfectly aware and confident of his sexuality. And a man as good-looking as this is definitely his type to the point that his heart almost leaped out of his chest

"Grandpa, what happened to you?" The handsome man asks, his voice containing a tinge of worry

"I'm fine, it's just a minor incident. This brat, you're only kind to me when my life is in danger!" Yves replied, both assuring his grandson and also scolding him

The handsome man approached the old man but when he noticed Jarx's presence, a frown formed on his face

Jarx's heart skipped a beat when his newfound crush stared at him

"Who are you?"

Jarx wanted to answer but he was too drawn to that face and baritone voice. It was just the right amount of deepness and is very attractive

In the end, Jarx was tongue-tied like a teenage girl that cannot even speak a word to her crush

"He's my savior! If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be talking to me now!" Yves answered his grandson's question

"I see... how much do you want?"

That question snapped Jarx's mind to reality as his forehead wrinkled


"How much do you want in return for saving my grandfather?"

Jarx doesn't know why but he felt insulted at that. The way this guy looked at him was as if he was belittling him and he doesn't like that

"Zesther! Mind your manners! He is my savior, don't treat him like that!"

"Grandpa, have you already forgotten the last person that saved your life? Just how much does he take advantage of you? It's better to deal with this matter as soon as possible!"

Zesther's words rang inside Jarx's mind and unpleasant emotions swelled in his heart while his whole being turned cold

Jarx stood up from his seat and he gave Zesther an unfriendly gaze

"Please excuse me" Jarx said in an emotionless voice as he walked to the door, planning to leave as fast as he can

"You brat! He is my savior! How dare you treat him like that?! Go apologize while you still have the chance!" The old man raged, his face as red as a tomato

Fearing that his grandfather would have another episode, Zesther has no choice but to stand up

"Wait, I apologize for my words" Zesther said and Jarx stops in his tracks

This Zesther guy apologizes to him but he cannot sense even a hint of sincerity. As such, Jarx turned his head back with one of his eyebrows raised

"Apologies are something that is given sincerely and voluntarily. Don't bother apologizing if you don't mean it"

Jarx might find this Zesther or whatever attractive but personality is still an important thing

He is not the type of person that would put up with this kind of bullshit

After saying his piece, Jarx turned his back again to continue walking away when Zesther stopped him for the second time

"Wait! You're, right. I shouldn't have done that"

Although Jarx felt that the second apology is still forced, it at least felt a bit sincere unlike the first one

"Still, I just like dealing with things early before they can grow big. If there is something that you want as a reward, just speak. I will try my best to give it to you but don't bother my grandfather again"

Jarx's nerves were mercilessly pushed to the maximum. Just as he thought that this Zesther has a bit of kindness in his bones, he became worse than before

Not wanting to make a scene, Jarx took a deep breath to calm himself before he faced Zesther with a smile

"Actually, there really is something that I want" Jarx said and Zesther stared at him with an 'I knew it look'

One step, two steps, three steps. Jarx approached Zesther until he was in front of the man

"What I want is..." he said, purposely trailing off as he pulled Zesther's necktie to lessen the distance between the two of them. Because of that, they can now feel and smell each other's warm breath

"... you. Will you give yourself to me?" He finished his sentence before blowing air on Zesther's face causing the man to reflexively close his eyes

Jarx chuckled and he pushed Zesther away from him and this time, he finally walked out without anyone stopping him

However, before the room closes, he heard Zesther muttering a word under his breath



"Haaaa!!" Jarx jolted as he sat on his bed. His whole face sweating and burning as that embarrassing memory was turned into a dream

No, it was a nightmare for him!

"Ahhh!!! Why do I have to dream about it? That was madly embarrassing!!"