
Regressing as a Villain

In the final moments of his life, Dante was betrayed... The failure of the world, that was the name given to him. It was only at the end when he realised he was used up till his final breath. Deceived by his fiancé, abandoned by his family and discarded by his friends. He was truly alone. As he lay in the pool of his own blood, struck down by the hero, labelled as the villain by society, It's too late to turn back. "I.. lived right. So what if I didn't have talent... I don't deserve this... FUCK THIS WORLD! EVERYONE HAS TURNED THIER BACK ON ME AND FUCK OFF GODS FOR CREATING THIS SHITTY WORLD!" "If only, I knew it all back then... I.." His head suddenly came off with a single strike from the hero... "Pitiful..." He says as he spat on Dante's body. There were no tears as Dante lay on the dirt, not even his family. In their hearts he was a monster, holding only disgust for his memories. The same emotions were felt by everyone present as they watched his body on the floor. However, somewhere from beyond, a hand reached out touching the corrupted soul. "What a pathetic existence. Yet you dare to curse us within your final breath." The being laughed as it found him amusing. "Fine... One last chance. Let's see what you can really change, oh miserable existence." A bright light began to shine as a single soul would break the laws of the universe. One small black light flew from the hand's palm and was engulfed in the white glow of the soul. "A single gift from me..." The superior being said in a weak voice. "I must sleep now. So live your life as you have desired." The universe was devoured in that white light which soon ended. "AAAAAGHHHHHH!" A loud scream was heard inside the Demiscue palace. Dante had awoken screaming to find his palms smaller, it was as if he had shrunk. "What??" Dante questioned in a low voice feeling his face, he was back to his younger self, one year before the academy. Before he could speak again a voice popped up in his head. [Gift Received] [Host, Recognised...] [Starting... Villain System...]

TheFakeAce · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


Nothing else was heard from anyone the rest of the night. Dante realised this would be a sense of shame for the family, so therefore bringing it up again would lead to negative reactions.

Salazar and the rest of the family quickly silenced everyone else there and made sure of the manner to never be released with anyone else or else to face punishment. All the servants of course gladly obeyed.

That night, Dante had a peaceful rest. Dreaming about his previous life he tried to recall the important event that would happen.

There were many questions in his head, however what surprised him the most was simply his physical abilities. How on earth was he able to grow that fast? Don't mistake him to be strong enough to face an awakener. Nevertheless, His flexibility had increased as well has his reflexes.

He decided to see how quick his growth would be and currently put it on the system. He was not too happy though, despite being able to grow stronger easily. There would definitely be drawbacks, if something is too good to be true it probably is...

'Under absolute strength, No matter the amount of scheming, all shall fail.'

Dante knows that had that been an experienced awakener from the academy things would have ended much differently. Currently, Vanessa had only killed beasts, now I think she realised how different beasts and humans are. How humans are much more dangerous with their intelligence.

"Good morning..."

Dante quickly opened his eyes and inspected the room. In his previous life he would always be in constant threat and danger, so awaking with only a few hours rest became a regular thing for his body to handle.

Within the room was only one person sitting on a wooden stool.


Dante had realised that the servants were the eyes and ears of his father Salazar. Just like how Dante had Jason and Amanda, his other siblings had trusted servants. Their only job was to obey and report.

'This could be tricky... I need to get rid of this variable first if I want to have more freedom in my actions.' Dante thought in his head as he stared at Jason.

Amanda was slightly stronger by Jason. However Jason had learnt investigative techniques which would be more useful for watching over someone. If Dante were to get Jason on his side, his chances of survival increases.

"Would the young master kindly explain how he learnt those moves..."

"I do not understand what you mean by that Jason."

Dante feigned ignorance as Jason looked quite taken back, this quickly changed to a look of annoyance as the previous Dante would be obedient to him unquestionably. Now he dares to play games with him?

"Pardon my assumptions...

But I have been watching the young master since he was young. I have not witnessed a single time when he could have possibly learned the skills demonstrated at yesterday's event."

"Oh? Maybe it's you who needs to learn to use those precious eyes of yours better, Jason. If you obviously could not see me practicing before than it's you who has the problem correct?"

Dante was purposefully antagonising him and it seemed to be working as Jason stood up and straightened his shirt and blazer. He had received many insults tonight and disappointed looks from the main family as the one he was tasked over went rampant.

He could stand it no more. In one night he had also lost large amounts of credibility within the house of Demiscue. A servant's credibility was the same as his use, this would set his career back years...

"It seems maybe with a bit of force I can force you to speak."

Dante's expression did not change when faced with Jason's activated D rank aura.

'Under absolute strength, No matter the amount of scheming, all shall fail.'

Dante gave a cold smile as this phrase did not apply to Jason.

"So it would be okay for a servant to harm his master."

"With all things that had happened tonight. The entire night is best forgotten by the family...

Soon this attack will be too."

Jason would of course not kill Dante, just torture him enough so that he could gather the information he seeks for. Despite Amanda having the better healing techniques he still had a few that were useful to keep someone alive.

Dante still remained unfazed as Jason slowly approached him, his hand reaching for Dante's neck.

He knew it was useless to try and flee, against Jason the moment he would move without any mana or techniques he would simply be caught in a split second.

Jason activated the technique [Shock Therapy (D)] It was a D class technique which could amplify or weaken the strengths of the shocks. It was perfect for torturing or frying someone as it's strength could be perfectly adjusted. The only down side is the person would have to be in full contact over the target when using the technique.

Blue sparks of electrical currents began to appear over some parts of his hand.



The noises of the sparks of electricity began to increase as his grip became closer to his throat.

However, before the hand could reach.

Dante's next words made him freeze.

"It would be a shame if someone found out about Kiera and her baby."

Jason's eyes widened, his technique deactivating instantly. He looked as if his country had fallen and the air was sucked out of his lungs.


Jason's eyes became pin sized as confusion rang out into his head. After a few seconds he finally spoke a few words...

"How do you know that name..."

"What..." Dante maintained the cold smile on his face as he sneered, stepping down from the bed and facing Jason face to face.

"Afraid someone will learn, that you've been playing around with a dark elf...

Jason... Our Continent are not on friendly terms with the dark elves. We barely have peace with the high elves themselves, yet you know the last war was caused by them."

Jason's eyes widened even further as he stared at Dante's eyes. It was a deep abyss waiting to devour him.

"I wonder what would happen if the good people of the capital were to learn of their race and location..."

Jason grabbed Dante's neck and threw him against the wall harshly, not letting him go free. He held a firm grip on his neck as squeezed, making veins begin to pop out of Dante's face showing his lack of oxygen.

"I don't know how you found out, I'm sorry I can't let you live after knowing this information."

There was bloodlust coming from Jason as he strengthened his grip, ready to take Dante's life.

Dante's was struggling to breathe yet hung on, clenching his teeth, he looked at him with a confident expression.

"Agh... Now... Use your head... If I die an investigation will be held over you and they will know of Kiera..."

Jason's bloodlust retreated as he slowly let go of Dante. Dropping him down on the ground.

Dante coughed as the sweet taste of air once again entered his lungs. He stared back up at the slouched body of Jason, faced down and with a sunken expression.

Dante had him where he wanted... just a small push left.

"Let's make a deal."

Jason Scoffed "Why would I ever make a deal with you..."

"She's pregnant right..."

His eyes glared at Dante with hostility.

"What are you saying..."

"Simply, let me go free and do what I want with no interference from you or Amanda. No one shall find out about your lover in the forest..."

"Your scum..."

"Make your choice."


He looked down as shame filled his face, it was as if he had lost the world.

"Okay... I can't guarantee Amanda, but I will stay out of your way..."

"That includes never making reports to my father except for what I tell you."


Jason said in a low and weak voice. In the end he could not forsake his family.


Dante walked past him, he had to prepare soon as he would go to training in the knight's area soon but he soon stopped after a few steps.



"If you try to take my life or kill me, I have made preparations so someone on the outside will say the information known."

Jason did not reply back and just listened to the footsteps of Dante continue on, he gave one final look as he walked out the door. Thier eyes met and Jason felt a shudder go up his spine.

Dante was truly a demon in his eyes...

Dante calmed down as he went to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up.

Threatening a person using their love and unborn child was an incredibly evil thing to do. Yet he had no choice, without the freedom to move around. It would be the same as being in a cage forever.

His eyes were sunken and expressionless as he splashed cold water on his face, refreshing his vitality slightly.

It was a bluff, that he had someone on the outside who knew the secret. But Dante needed that extra sense of protection. To have Jason assassinate him in the middle of the night would be one of the worse outcomes. So that chance may have been squished indefinitely now.

Since he displayed skills above his level the night before without Jason's knowledge he wont know what to believe now, so most lies he tells him could be seen as the truth. At least for a long while.

Dante laughed as he washed himself under the warm water of the shower.

"Jason will be a useful pawn in the future..."

"I haven't decided what use he will have however..."

"To be promoted... or sacrificed."

Further look into Dante's mindset with this scene as he tries to expand the range of his outlook. He is an INTJ, if anyone knows the MBTI types.

Thank you all so much for the support, please let me know if you do enjoy what i write as I'm still quite new :)

TheFakeAcecreators' thoughts