
I’m just a guy, nothing to it

I was walking downtown, then I was approached by the prince of hell, one of 19 of them, the youngest. He's known as the black sheep, you know odd one out. Now I shall explain a little bit just so you get it for the most part.

I in hell have been for a long time, for what? I don't really care to explain, now there's a big problem only powerful demons get to live without getting killed by the angels or something like that, so I already a big demon and I don't bother nobody, so what the prince is trying to do is make it so you don't got get erased from hell, you got to be taught how to be a really nice person as such to get out, and it's a school, run by Angels, hypocrites if you ask me.

Now back to the story, "Why do I gotta go? I'm quite fine where I am?"

He looked at me, "Cause your one of the worst out of all of us, You need it the most, plus I wanna show the world even demons can change."

"You sound batshit crazy right now? I hope you know that, so what do I get out of it? I mean it's a bunch of nice people, is this like a reform school?" I ask.

"Indeed it is, for the worse of the worse." He replied.

"So why you there, little black sheep, or should I say "Your highness" I gotta ask honestly," I say.

"My names, not black sheep, nor "Your highness" it's Yu, is what you can call me, though, Kuzuki." He said.

"Ku, to you mister," I reply "So lead the way, and we're going to not calling a taxi, just walk."

He walked down the "Street" and to a nice fancy building. With the sign saying "Reform school for the wicked and mean"

"Nice name." I say sarcastically.

"So it seems your a new student here to? Ain't it." A high pitch voice echoed.

"Raven, the demon, nicknamed the "crow of death" Kuzuki, the high ranking demon nickname "Scars" reason unknown." Read aloud a mere women, she was short and blond hair and blue eyes.

"Let me guess your are teacher? I'm very impressed that someone so young knows that nickname of that." I reply.

"No actually she's the school counselor, that's all, she's gonna try to..help reform you, as well as the new students." He replied.

'This sounds so sketchy, legit..never gonna trust her, for all we know she could be working for Ai.'

To explained Ai is the former queen of hell who was overthrown, long time ago, all cause she was doing a pretty bad job. And she was..I mean this place used to be a waste space with no buildings and not taxi's as well. I mean that wasn't the bad part, there were no rules anyone could over rule her authority at any time, but she's a demon so she had bitter grudges, you know like every normal person has, I think?

"Are you sure she's trustable? I mean we don't know if she's really gonna keep all the stuff we talk about between us and her?" A soft toned voice asked.

"Ki, nicknamed "Silent demon" reason cause you always talk really quiet due to something that happened when you were young? Am I correct?" She asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it, in such a public place, Miss.."

"Yi, Yi Maki." She spoke.

'Maki? Sounds familiar indeed it does, but from where? Looks I'll have to get info from Her but never mind that now. I also wonder if she knows about my power.'

"I'm not calling you miss, I'm not nice as Ki over there." I reply "So us the way, I mean I walked over here for something didn't I?"

"You'll live in these dorms, with other students, try to blow up the building's we just had these made. It would be appreciated." A women spoke.

"This is the Head mistress, I would advise you don't mess with her, she volunteered, to be here." He explained.

We walked farther, to the dorms. I opened mine to see a cute little boy, sitting on his bed playing with games.

"You must be Ku, my names Queen. Nice to meet you." He replied.

"Nice to meet you Queen, why are you here?" I ask.

"Me? I'm here cause according to my parents I'm a "Nice little sweet heart delinquent" and I need to be more kind to the people around me." He explained "You?"

"I'm here cause the youngest prince of hell, can straighten me out." I reply "I tried telling it won't be easy. But stubborn as ever can these people be, I gotta ask have you heard what are teacher is like?"

"Are teacher, I heard is an angel, a young one this is her first time meeting a demon." Queen replied.

An angel? That's sounds like fun, that's gonna be sad she's probably really kind.

"I bet she doesn't understand what she's getting into, I probably won't even bother to try knocking down her hope, she's probably such a really positive person." I say "So? What's the point of trying in this school, we all know this is going to...well maybe someone will get out of here."

I couldn't say anymore, someone was listening on the other side of the extremely thin door.

"We should get to class, try not to get into fights on the first day." Queen advised.

"Good to now, How did you get your name?" I asked.

"That's a story for another day, My my look at the time we'll be late if we don't hurry up." Queen said.

"What a pain, indeed it is." I muttered.

I walked with Queen to are class, "C-20" I'll note this.

I noticed the glares of other people. It was annoying to deal with everyone staring at you on the first day.

I sat in my seat, when the "Teacher" came in.

"My names is...Asu, I'm an angel." She introduced her self "this is my first time teaching so I hope you bear with me."

"Nice introduction, Teach this is going to be a really fun year." I reply "So what's are first lesson?"

"Well start with...Greetings and names." She said rather excited.

"My names is—-" they all said.

"I don't care for your names, so let's get this over with." I replied.

"That's not how you do things, You say your name and Tell something's about your self." She scolded.

"Fine, My name is Kuzuki, call me Ku. I'm a high ranking demon and..I know how to use most guns and can make great food." I introduce myself.

"You can cook, so surprised about this." Yu spoke.

"So what? It's not that bad, I mean what you can do mister "Prince of hell" I'm sorry that I have something decent I can do in this day and age!" I shouted.

"I'm not making fun of you, I like how you can cook." Yu replied "It's cute, ya know."

Cute? C-Cute! Ayah, this kid!

I turned my head, "I'm not cute, I'm a demon, demons aren't supposed to be cute, even if your a high level respected one."

'He's shy, how funny that I get to see this. But not supposed to be seen by any other.'

"Well carry on I'll see you at lunch, this afternoon." Yu said.

He walked away, good. If news spreads that he called me cute I'll be finished for sure, under normal circumstances, I happen to stop time before anyone could hear are conversation we were having.

"Yeah yeah, The world." I muttered.

Everything unfroze, as did everything happened without everyone knowing the conversation we had.

"So class is over now." I replied.

"Lunch then everybody." She said with a bright smile.