
Redeeming The Alpha's Love

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iLma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 1

"Love is a foolish emotion," my mother had once told me, her voice trembling with regret. "It blinds you, Seraphine, clouds your judgment, and leaves you vulnerable."

Those words echoed in my mind as I stood alone in the heart of the ancient forest, the moonlight painting silvery pathways on the ground. A chilling breeze rustled the leaves, and a shiver ran down my spine, but it wasn't the cold that troubled me. It was the seething anger, the burning desire for vengeance that consumed my soul.

I stared into the darkness, my hazel eyes shimmering with unshed tears, my chest heavy with the burden of my heart's anguish. For beneath the cloak of night, I was waiting for him—the one who had stolen everything from me.


Prince Eric, the merciless Alpha who had torn my life apart, who had destroyed the happiness I'd once known. His name was synonymous with cruelty, and I loathed him with every fiber of my being.

The stars above seemed indifferent to my suffering, and the ancient trees whispered secrets I could never comprehend. I clutched the pendant that hung around my neck, a keepsake from my lost love. A bitter reminder of what had been, and what had been taken away.

My mind wandered back to that fateful day when I had discovered the depths of Eric's brutality. My lover, Mark, had confessed to betraying the prince, seeking solace in my arms. And for that act of foolish love, Eric had him executed before my very eyes. The man I had thought of as my future, my hope, had been mercilessly torn from me.

It had ignited a fierce hatred, a thirst for vengeance that had driven me to this forest, to the heart of the enemy's territory. I had known the danger, the risk, but I didn't care. My desire for revenge was greater than any fear.

Just as I was about to turn and leave, the silence of the forest was shattered by a low growl. My heart pounded, and I instinctively reached for the concealed dagger at my side. But it wasn't a rogue wolf or any ordinary creature that had entered my domain.

Out of the shadows emerged Prince Eric, his presence commanding and intimidating. He was everything I had heard: tall, with raven-black hair, and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold the weight of the world. His features were chiseled, his aura exuding power and ruthlessness. A dark cloak billowed around him as if the night itself was his ally.

"I see you've ventured deep into my territory, Seraphine," he said, his voice laced with a cold detachment that sent shivers down my spine.

I clenched my jaw, refusing to show fear, though my heart raced. "Your territory? This forest belongs to no one."

A wicked smile curved his lips. "Everything belongs to someone, my dear. And in this case, it belongs to me."

He stepped closer, his eyes never leaving mine. I could feel the intensity of his gaze, a predatory hunger that sent a shiver through my body. Every nerve in me screamed to run, but I stood my ground, my fingers tightening around the hilt of my dagger.

"You're a brave one," he mused, his tone mocking. "But bravery alone won't save you from the dangers that lurk in these woods."

I swallowed hard, refusing to give in to the dread that clawed at my chest. "I don't fear you, Eric."

His chuckle was humorless. "You should, Seraphine. I am the Alpha, the ruler of all that you see. I am the one who decides life and death in this kingdom."

The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, and for a moment, I was acutely aware of the vast power he held. But I wouldn't be cowed.

"I've come for justice," I declared, my voice steady, though my heart hammered. "You took everything from me, and I won't rest until you pay for it."

Eric's eyes narrowed, his smile vanishing. "Justice?" he scoffed. "You should know better than to speak of justice in the world of wolves, Seraphine. There's only survival and strength."

With a swift movement, he closed the distance between us, his grip on my arm like a vice, causing me to gasp in pain. "You're trespassing in my kingdom, and for that, you'll face the consequences."

In the moonlight, I could see the ice in his eyes, the cruelty that had earned him his fearsome reputation. He was a ruthless beast, a predator in human form, and I was at his mercy.

As his fingers tightened around my arm, I braced for the punishment he would surely inflict.

The battle lines were drawn.

This was only the beginning.

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FB: Author I.R.

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