
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

It Happened Today


Another day. Except it wasn't just another day today was the day my life turned into hell. I dressed quickly in black jeans and a black sweater. Placing it on my finger I looked down at my mom's wedding ring. My body was still in pain but that wouldn't stop me.

I grabbed my black ankle boots and bag leaving the house after grabbing an apple.

'Today...it happened today only four years ago'

I walked into school and went straight to my locker ignoring the stairs and whispers. I grabbed my things and started heading to class.

'I should bring something...'

I felt like I was outside my body; almost as if I wasn't me and I was just consciously moving. I didn't care to look up at the teacher as he entered the class. The bell rang just as someone walked in, 'Axel...that's right'

He looked over at me and relief washed over his features as he took the seat next to me and gave me an odd look. He looked just as tired as I felt.

"Aella?" I looked into his eyes seeing concern,I didn't answer.

"Are you okay?" I nodded looking down at my desk. He didn't say anything more luckily. The day passed on and I ignored the looks and whispers everyone gave me. Luckily though no one dared to speak to me, and I didn't see

Olivia anywhere. Finally the day ended and I looked at the clock,

'One more hour before it happens' I slowly walked in the direction of the cemetery only stopping when two stones placed side by side were in my way. I sat down looking at them without any emotion.

"Hey mom, hey dad." I looked at the time again, it was time.

"Honey come down for dinner!" I ran outside my room and down the stairs to the dining room. I sat down just as she served me a plate of pizza,

"Thank you mama"she smiled sweetly and sat down. I was about to take a bite when she stopped me,

"Hang on we have to wait for daddy"

I looked toward the door just as it opened. I got up running toward him and wrapping my arms around his legs. I didn't notice the cold look he was giving mom as he walked making me let go,

"You cheated on me..." his voice was quiet and unsteady. She frowned and stood up in confusion,

"What? Darling I never-" in a quick moment she was on the ground her stomach bleeding rapidly on to the floor. Dad held out a pistol pointing it right down at her,

"Don't lie to me!" I cried tugging on his shirt,

"Daddy stop!" He looked down at me and glared before slapping me with enough force To knock me down. I could only watch as he pulled the trigger over and over again shooting mom even when she was already dead. Her lifeless eyes stared back at me as blood covered her face.

Finally he finished and looked down at me. I wanted to run but I was frozen in place. I felt like throwing up as tears poured down my face. He pointed the gun at me with a psychotic smile,

"We'll be together again I promise" I felt a pain in my side as he shot me. I screamed in agony as I collapsed on my back only able to look up at him,

"Daddy no..." he put the gun to his head with that same smile pulling the trigger.