
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Death’s Door for the Living


I sat up in bed breathing hard the image of Aella dead still clear.

'Just a dream'

I got up and took a quick shower trying to calm myself down. Gus would never act out like that and I just saw her yesterday. I knew this but it still felt so real.

'I need to see her'

I got dressed in my jeans and white T shirt. I wore a hoodie over it. I got on my motorcycle and sped to school not giving a damn about anything else. I just needed to make sure she was okay. Nothing else mattered.

I walked into the class just as the bell rang and saw her sitting there looking back at me,

'Thank god...'

I felt my body relax at the sight of her as I made my way to the desk beside hers. I noticed she seemed out of it today and she looked exhausted then I remembered,

'Shit today is her parents anniversary'

 I tried to think of something to say.

Why did I care so much though? Usually I didn't give a shit but it was different with her,

"Aella are you okay?" She looked at me with dazed eyes and nodded. It was obvious she was anything but okay. Throughout the day I kept an eye on her stopping people who were about to talk to her.

'What is wrong with me? Have I lost it? Maybe it's because I owe her for helping us out yesterday...'

Austin caught my attention as we sat at our table during lunch,

"Hey dude snap out of your dream land" I blinked a few times before looking at him,

"What?" He rolled his eyes,

"The plan is we talk to Diego after school. We brought a little persuasion in case he decides to keep quiet." I nodded,

"Okay" Carter raised an eyebrow at me,

"You good? You look out of it" I rubbed my eyes,

"Yeah just tired. I slept like shit last night" I glanced over Aella as she sat alone listening to music with her head down.

'Fuck....I suck at comforting'

When the day ended I watched as she walked the opposite direction of last time. Making me assume She wasn't going home. Gus looked at me and then looked at Aella,

"If you need to go then go we got it taken care of here" I looked at him. I couldn't shake off the dream of how hostile he was.

'Get it together Axel it was just a dream!'

I nodded,

"Thanks" he put a hand on my shoulder before leaving me to find the others. "Fuck it" I hopped on my bike and sped off after her. I kept a distance away so she didn't notice I was following her,

'This is creepy. I swear I'm not stalking her'

I followed her to the cemetery. She stopped in front of two head stones which I could only assumed were for her parents. She stared at them before sitting down. She didn't show any emotion as she just stared that stones. It was like she was a ghost who was lost, sad, and angry. I stopped the motor on my bike and just kept my eyes on her.

Aella was cute, and everyone knew that. Her long red hair was up in a messy bun that somehow looked good.

'No fucking clue how girls pull that off'

Her deep soft ocean eyes held a sea of secrets that I found myself desperately wanting to know. Thunder boomed in the distance telling me it was going to pour soon. I looked as she picked some wild flowers and placed them down at the bottom of the stones.

I was honestly surprised to see she showed affection toward the grave of her dad after what he did. But there was always more to the story and she was the only who knew all of it. It began to rain but she only sat there as if the cold storm didn't bother her. Soon it began pouring but she just sat there,

'At this rate she'll catch a cold or worse'

I got off my bike and walked over to her. Taking off my hoodie I wrapped it around her small figure. She looked up startled before relaxing at seeing me. I didn't say anything as I helped her stand and led her to my bike she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind once we were on and I sped away from deaths door for the living.