
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Aella’s Night Terror


I sat in the living room with the other guys texting orders for the next shipments. Our main focus was drugs, but Carter mentioned expanding a bit to guns. At first I was against the idea but after some more thought I agreed, and we have been getting twice as much money since. It was a hell lot more dangerous but I never gave a damn about the risks or consequences, because I ran this shitty town. No police, or any type of authority here had the guts to even point a finger at me. 

I played with the tags I always wore around my neck my thoughts drifting to Aella. She caught my attention and I haven't been able to focus on anything else since. It annoyed the shit out of me that I couldn't figure out why. It wasn't lust, while she had a nice body I knew that wasn't what I wanted from her. So what the hell is it? She's the first to ever stand her ground against me, and not look afraid as she looks into my eyes. Girls either coward away from me in fear or tried to get me in bed with them, but she was neither. I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair. 

'Why does she have so much fucking control over me without doing anything!?!' 

I hated being controlled more than anything. Jack's voice interrupted my thoughts, 

"Axel!" I glared in annoyance at him, 

"What" he frowned but didn't look away, 

"Dude, you have been lost in your head for a while now. What's going on?" Gus nodded in agreement, 

"And this has been happening since yesterday" I leaned back into the couch as I put a foot on my knee, 

"Nothing, I just have a lot shit on my mind" Austin smirked as he jumped in the spot next to me, 

"Any chance this has to do with a certain red head" he raised his eyebrows up and down as he elbowed my arm, 

"Fuck off" He laughed, 

"Ha! I knew it! Can't keep her out of your head" 

"I'll give you 3 seconds to shut up before I make you" the others smirked but didn't say anything as Austin moved away quietly but still chuckling. I ran my hand through my hair again and stood up walking into the kitchen to get a beer or something. I looked at the clock on the stove, 

'It's been a full hour now, what the hell is she doing up their?' 

Taking my beer I made my way upstairs and opened my door. Aella was fast asleep on my bed. The shirt I gave her slightly lifted off her hip as she slept on her side. I walked up to her and noticed a strand of hair was in her face. Gently I moved it behind her ear without waking her up. 

'What the fuck is wrong with me?'

 I pulled a blanket over her before noticing her clothes. Grabbing them I left keeping the door cracked. I threw the clothes at Gus once I came back to the living room, 

"Here since you were so eager to give her dry clothes go put these in the dryer" he groaned before reluctantly standing up walking out with them. 

Another hour passed and I was sitting back down on the couch while the others started getting high off cocaine. I was the only one who didn't do drugs. Mainly because I needed to stay alert at all times and I didn't want to look like a fucking idiot and deal with the effects. Suddenly I heard screaming upstairs. It took me a minute to figure out who the hell it was, 


the guys looked around still confused. I stood up and bolted up the stairs as fast as I could. I barged into my room swinging the door a little too hard as it slammed into the back wall. On my bed Aella was screaming out with her eyes still closed as she thrashed around. I rushed over to her trying to hold her legs and arms. Finally I had to climb up on her and hold her hands above her head as I yelled, 

"Aella! Wake up! Aella!" Finally she stopped struggling and her eyes opened as she breathed heavily and tears streamed down the corner of her eyes. Her body was shaking under me as she looked up at me. Slowly I let go of her hands and place my hands on either side of her head, 

'So, she has night terrors...'

"Mom...Dad...." Her voice cracked. I didn't know what to say so I just looked down at her as she tried calming down. I suck when it comes to comforting. When she was starting to relax she looked up at me with her ocean eyes, "I-I'm sorry" I frowned,

"Don't apologize" my voice was more stern than I wanted it. She nodded and started blushing slightly, 

"Um you can get off now?" I smirked, 

"Nah" she rolled her eyes knowing I was messing with her now, 


"Make me" it was her turn to smirk. Taking me by surprise she moved her legs so her knees were on my chest as she put her hand pushing my shoulders and kicking me to the side. I landed on the ground as she sat up laughing down at me. 


"Ass." I rolled my eyes  and got up sitting next to her. She sighed tiredly, 

"Damn I haven't had one that bad for a while" I glanced over at her, 

"Does that happen often" she only shrugged, 

"I guess, they don't have a schedule. sometimes I have them sometimes I don't but their not usually that bad." I nodded playing with my dog tags again, 

"Want to talk about it?" She gave me a surprised look. I was surprised too I never ask people if they want to talk about their problems. "what?" 

"Nothing, it's just no one has ever asked me that, and I didn't expect it from the notorious gang leader of the Red Spades" I smirked, 

"I didn't expect the ginger to tell me where I can hide a body" She glared as I only smirked

'She's too easy to tease' 

"What's so bad about being called ginger, it's better than emo" 

"Because gingers are known to be hot headed" I chuckled, 

"So you think you're hot headed? Then what was that in the cafeteria?" she rolled her eyes, 

"Getting fed up with someone and teaching them a lesson about it doesn't mean I am a hot headed. It takes a lot to piss me off but when I am you want to run for your life" 

"Uh huh you think I would be scared?" She looked at me for a moment, 

"Hmm maybe, you looked pretty surprised when Olivia fell" I didn't realize she noticed me. 

"Well, I went after you and saved your ass. Which reminds me. You still owe me" She frowned, 

"No, I repaid you by telling you where the dumpster was." 

"Sure but I didn't tell you to so that doesn't count" She was getting annoyed now, 

"Yeah it does, because you did ask me. You asked me what I saw" I raised an eyebrow, 

"How the fuck is that the same?" She crossed her arms across her chest determined to get out of debt, 

"You asked me what I was seeing and depending on my answer you would let me go or kill me, so instead of saying I saw you kill someone, or nothing I told you where to hide the fucking body" I gave her a confused look, 

"That makes no sense" 

"Yeah it does" I shook my head not wanting to argue with her stubbornness anymore, 

"Okay fine, you're off the hook" She smirked at me as if she was rubbing in that she won. I only rolled my eyes. "I think your clothes should be dry by now" I stood up and left to go get them. When I came back she was on her phone making me frown. she looked up putting it on the bed before taking her clothes from me with a smile and walking into the bathroom; she looked back at me, 

"Thank you" I nodded and waited for her to close the bathroom door before walking over and opening her phone. I couldn't take any chances. I looked through her messages to find who it was she was texting, his name was Carl. I scanned through the texts, 


"None of your fucking business, besides why do you care?" 

"Get your ass back home now!"

"I'll come back when I am ready" 

Who the hell was this guy? My anger was making clench her phone tightly, 

'Dammit why am I so pissed, she didn't say anything about me or my place' 

Without much thought i closed out of her messages and put my number into her phone before memorizing hers so I could put it in my own. I taught myself how to memorize anything short enough like phone numbers in less than a minute. It was handy for passwords I couldn't write down or phone numbers I put in my phone without names. I tossed her phone back on the bed and leaned against the wall just as she came out. She picked up her phone putting it in the back pocket of her jeans without suspecting a thing. She handed me my shirt, 

"Thank you again" I nodded taking it and putting it on the bed, 

"Hungry?" she smiled and followed me out of my room, 
