
Red Overpowered (English)

Logan is an orphan born with a genetic anomaly that gives his eyes the color red. Taken in by a benevolent family, his life will change dramatically. And he will be called to discover a new world invoked by it. As a hero? Certainly not, he will now follow his own path. --------------------- The art of the cover is not mine follow the artist here :https://twitter.com/1L9l2Aa8UCL0IGJ/status/1322058207842328576?t=xfRkboLUCb6KjBg7rgpM7A&s=19

Lyl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs


<p>POV Aria<br/><br/>I was born in Luna, a picturesque and isolated village, nestled far from the hustle and cruelty of men. Founded over a hundred years ago, Luna has always been a haven for those seeking peace and rest.<br/><br/>This village originated from a troubled time, just after a devastating war lost by the Liberation Alliance. This eclectic coalition was made up of all those who refused to submit to the cult of the goddess Hamnesia. Among its members were representatives of various races: half-humans with extraordinary abilities, enigmatic demons with piercing eyes, nocturnal vampires, elves with long pointed ears and aerial grace, and many other fascinating creatures. Together, despite their differences, they sought to preserve their freedom and cultural diversity in the face of growing oppression.<br/><br/>Like so many other oppressed races, we were forced to seek refuge far from human eyes, in remote places where their presence had never been felt. This great exodus led my clan and me to a vast, ancient, and mysterious snowy forest, never trodden by humans, located far beyond the borders of any known kingdom, more than three years' journey from civilized lands.<br/><br/>In this barrier of white greenery, we established our sanctuary, hidden and protected from external intrusions. We erected two types of magical barriers to ensure our safety: a camouflage barrier, weaving a veil of invisibility around our domain that made it undetectable to prying eyes, and a protection barrier, an impenetrable shield that repelled any hostile force attempting to enter our refuge. These defenses allowed us to preserve our culture and traditions in a fragile but precious peace, at the heart of the forest that had become our home.<br/><br/>Our family had always led the village of Luna since its founding. Today, this responsibility rested on my father's shoulders, Rice, a wise and respected leader. Alongside him, my mother Élie, his unwavering support, shared the burdens of this governance, bringing her insight and gentleness to the daily management of the village's affairs.<br/><br/>As their only child, the weight of the future rested on my young shoulders. It was understood that I would succeed my father as leader, a destiny for which I had been preparing since my earliest childhood. Until the age of ten, my existence seemed similar to that of all children my age, but with an exceptionally rigorous and diverse education.<br/><br/>I was taught a multitude of essential disciplines for my future role. The history of our people and the surrounding lands was told to me, weaving the story of our ancestors and their struggles. Hunting was an integral part of my training, sharpening my senses and my knowledge of nature. Magic, a vital skill for the protection and well-being of our community, was passed down to me by the teachers and elders of the village. Finally, the art of writing opened the doors of knowledge and communication, essential for a leader.<br/><br/>It turned out that I had a strong affinity with the ice element, a characteristic shared by all members of our tribe, the Snow Wolves, or Lunarians. We were easily recognizable by our magnificent white fur and our deep blue-gray eyes, traits inherited from our ancestors and adapted to our frozen environment. However, to my great surprise, it was also revealed that I had a particular affinity with the water element, a rare gift that added a fascinating complexity to my learning of magic.<br/><br/>Hunting was a tradition and a pleasure in the vast expanses of the forest bordering our village.<br/><br/>I remember my first significant hunt with my father, an experience that marked the beginning of my transition from childhood to maturity within our tribe. As we silently ventured into the snow-covered forest, a lone wolf emerged from the thick bushes, its piercing eyes fixed on us. With a fluid and precise gesture, guided by my father's teachings, I invoked my magic and formed an ice spike, projecting it with deadly accuracy at the beast. The wolf collapsed under the blow, the ice piercing its thick fur.<br/><br/>My father, always vigilant, watched closely, ready to intervene if the situation escalated. Almost immediately, another wolf, attracted by the commotion, lunged at me with formidable ferocity. In a reflex of survival, I covered my right hand with a layer of sharp ice, forming ice claws. As the animal leaped, I slashed through the air with my icy hand, cutting it into pieces as blood-stained ice shards flew around us.<br/><br/>"So, Dad, what do you think?" I said, smiling at him.<br/><br/>"Really not bad at all, my daughter." he said, rubbing my head.<br/><br/>The years gently passed, enveloping the village of Luna in an almost unreal tranquility. During this time, I continued my training with the other children of the village, our education embracing both the arcane arts of magic and the stories of our tumultuous past.<br/><br/>One day, as we sat in a circle around our teacher in the large classroom adorned with tapestries depicting the exploits of our ancestors, she asked a question that immediately piqued our curiosity:<br/><br/>"So, who can tell me about the ancient Demon King?"<br/><br/>I raised my hand eagerly, ready to share the stories passed down by my father.<br/><br/>"The ancient Demon King was the charismatic leader of the coalition of non-human races during the wars against the humans. He gathered many clans like demons, elves, vampires, and even some renegade humans, all united in the sole purpose of surviving against a common threat. He was renowned for his exceptional mastery of all existing elements, a power that gave him an imposing presence on the battlefield and in negotiations."<br/><br/>"Who can remind me of the elements that exist?" asked the teacher, scanning the class where several hands shot up eagerly.<br/><br/>"Yes, Téilo." she said, pointing to one of the most enthusiastic students.<br/><br/>Téilo stood up before answering confidently:<br/><br/>"The existing elements are numerous. For the main ones, we have fire, capable of consuming and warming; water, which can both soothe and devastate; earth, our solid and fertile foundation; and wind, invisible but powerful. Then, there are the derivatives: lightning, bright and quick as thought; wood, symbolizing growth and life; and ice, cold and relentless."<br/><br/>He paused, seeking the teacher's approval before concluding :"Finally, the specific elements include light, a source of clarity and revelation, and darkness, mysterious and often misunderstood. However, it is important to note that there are others that are very little documented and rare."<br/><br/>The class nodded, some taking notes frantically, while the teacher nodded, satisfied with the precision of the answer.<br/><br/>"Very well, Téilo, you may continue, Aria." said the teacher.<br/><br/>"The Demon King was accompanied by several generals of various races: elf, vampire, demon, dwarf, beast, dragon, and even humans." I explained, trying to recall every detail learned from my father's stories.<br/><br/>"You forgot a few races, but it's okay, you mentioned the main ones." replied the teacher with an encouraging smile, keen to maintain a spirit of understanding and discovery among us.<br/><br/>"Ma'am, humans fought alongside us?" asked a student, his face full of perplexity.<br/><br/>"Yes, even humans. Never forget that not all humans want our downfall. Some are good and fought alongside us for justice and freedom. It is an important reminder that in all peoples, there are individuals capable of greatness and compassion." she confirmed in a serious tone, capturing everyone's attention.<br/><br/>Then, with a gesture towards the blackboard, she added : "Well, let me now teach you new things. Open your notebooks, get ready to write." Saying this, she began writing on the board, each word traced carefully so we could take note of the new lessons.<br/><br/>The pages of our notebooks turned quickly, the scratching of quills on paper filling the room as we delved into a new aspect of our rich heritage.<br/><br/>"The Demon King was not only the leader of the coalition but also claimed to bear the power of another deity. However, no additional information was found. It's as if parts of history had been deliberately erased. This war took place over 95 years ago. However, some accounts speak of an even older war, written in an older language where the current goddess is mentioned. But, as I said earlier, these stories seem to have been deliberately erased. It's hard to find and trace a forgotten period or one that someone is trying to hide. And maybe we will never learn the truth." the teacher said, surveying the class before continuing her explanations.<br/><br/>"During this war, heroes from another world were summoned by order of the goddess. All countries, even enemies, allied to fight the Demon King. Except for one country that remains neutral even today and accepts interspecies cohabitation and does not worship the goddess: the kingdom of Ria. After the death of the Demon King, dungeons began to appear, and as years passed, they caused more problems. This is information we have recently obtained thanks to our still-hidden allies. The different kingdoms are preparing to proceed with a new summoning of heroes soon to fight against the dungeons." the teacher explained.<br/><br/>"Ma'am, why didn't they summon heroes earlier?" I asked.<br/><br/>"Our understanding is limited, but it is certain that the summoning of heroes is only possible under specific conditions." the teacher explained, her voice full of gravity.<br/><br/>She walked towards the window and observed the position of the sun in the sky.<br/><br/>"It's noon, class is over for this morning. You have combat training at 4 PM, be present as usual." said the teacher.<br/><br/>Each day was structured the same way: the mornings were dedicated to academic learning, and the afternoons to physical training. Téilo and I had gotten into the habit of slipping into the forest after the morning class, exploring hidden paths and the mysteries of the surrounding nature until the time for combat training.<br/><br/>It was our routine, a perfect balance between study and adventure, until that fateful day that changed everything. As we wandered through the snowy woods, enjoying the tranquility, we had no idea that our village, hidden and protected until then, was about to be discovered. The events that followed altered the course of our existence and that of our community forever.<br/><br/>A deafening noise tore through the air, immediately followed by a resounding explosion that shattered our protective barrier. Fragments of dispersed magic briefly illuminated the sky before thick clouds of black smoke obscured it.<br/><br/>"That's smoke!" I exclaimed, my eyes wide with the magnitude of the disaster.<br/><br/>Almost instantly, an explosion of blue energy streaked across the sky, casting a sinister light on the surrounding forest. Téilo and I understood all too well what this meant.<br/><br/>"Humans have found the village! We have to flee through the forest!" Téilo shouted, the fear evident in his voice.<br/><br/>"No, my mother and father are there! I can't abandon them like this!" I replied, anxiety gripping my chest.<br/><br/>"Don't do anything stupid, we're only 14, we can't do anything. We'll end up as slaves if they capture us!" Téilo insisted, trying to hold me back.<br/><br/>Ignoring his warnings, I ran towards the village with fierce determination, my steps echoing against the snowy forest floor. Upon my arrival, the scene before me was heartbreaking: the village was engulfed in flames, chaos reigned everywhere. The bodies of my fellow villagers lay scattered, bathing in pools of blood and ice, a testament to their desperate struggle. Their faces frozen in expressions of final terror, while the crackling fire and distant screams formed a macabre symphony.<br/><br/>I finally saw some of the villagers alive, but they were all tied up and surrounded by men.<br/><br/>"Chief, we found another one." said one of the men, grabbing me violently.<br/><br/>"Put her with the others." said the man who seemed to be their leader as he spoke to my father.<br/><br/>My father saw me but didn't give me a glance or a word for disobeying the emergency escape instructions. Growing up, I understood that he did this to avoid me being harmed. I dare not imagine what they would have done to me if they had known I was the village chief's daughter.<br/><br/>They then raped my mother in front of my eyes, terrorized by fear I could only watch as my body trembled. Then they slit the throats of all the adult men, while the women and children screamed at the barbaric spectacle. My father gave me one last smile before his throat was slit. And that's when my tears began to flow as I watched him bleed to death, and fear took hold of me as I thought I was next.<br/><br/>"Ah that bitch pissed herself." said a man as he hit me hard. (Soldier)<br/><br/>Their leader with a satisfied smile looked around as if contemplating his handiwork.<br/><br/>"Vengus what do we do now?" asked one of his men revealing his name.<br/><br/>"Separate everyone and put them in the cages. The young boys will work as laborers, or we'll experiment on them and whatever else their new owners decide to do. The women, meanwhile, will be used as sex objects in brothels until we decide to throw them away." (Vengus)<br/><br/>"What about the girls?" (Soldier)<br/><br/>"We're going to make a lot of money out of them, especially for silly girls with white fur and virgins to boot." he says with a petty smile.<br/><br/>----------------------------<br/>If you want more, the two next chapters are already available here : https://bit.ly/3i1HaYm<br/><br/>You can help me financially and have access to many advantages just from 3 €. It is important for me to be independent<br/><br/>Thanks to the contributors.<br/><br/>Thanks to Cadméa for her subscription level 3.<br/>--------------------------------<br/>Special thanks to Rebecca/Amari/Zezima/Bored dragon/ Sky_Shay/A_F_D/Fidelissama/Morgan/Arjunn/TheGreatSucc/for her power stones.<br/>--------------------------------</p>