
Red Mark of Fate

"What's that smell?" Taiga asked her brusquely cutting her off. "What?" She could tell her brother was angry. This surprised her. He almost never got angry with her. What was his problem she thought. "Also where did you get this sweater. I don't remember ever seeing you wearing it." He asked again. Megumi could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She started to panic but quickly composed herself, putting on a poker face. "A friend let me borrow it okay, its not a big deal, get off my case." She said shrugging him off. But his grip on her arm got tighter. "No, that smell. It doesn't smell like Rin and I know you don't have any other friend's so who is it?" "What? Rude! I have other friends!" She said feeling offended, despite his words being the truth. " I swear to God Megumi, don't lie to me. Who gave this to you because the smell coming out of you is the scent of a prey, and a deer no less." Megumi cursed inwardly. She forgot how good her brother's sense of smell was. It almost rivalled her own. Megumi didn't bother trying to hide it, she couldn't lie to her brother anyway. "So what if it is? Where's the problem in that?" Her words seemed to anger her brother even more. "Where's the problem in that?! Megumi are you serious?" "Do you not realize how dangerous this is?" Megumi looked at him confused. Taira couldn't help sighing seeing how genuinely lost his sister was. "Having a deer's scent on you is a form of marking Megumi. It's a form of submission for wolves!" This revelation shocked Megumi almost beyond repair. "How can a wolf submit to its prey?!" In what world did that make sense? ************************************************************************************************** Megumi Ahane, born into a wealthy family and blessed with wolf genes resents the life she has to live. In a world where you are either prey or predator, Megumi finds herself in a conflicting position where she has to choose between rejecting the genes she was born with or giving in to fate. ************************************************************************************************** Note: This story takes place in a modern setting but has some fantastical elements to it. There are a couple of twists and turns as well as some betrayal but overall there's not too much toxicity between the protagonist and the male lead. This story is both short and sweet.

NSchan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

21. Nigeru = To run away

This will be an important moment for our Megumi since she will finally be taking a step further into adulthood." She continued.

"I believe his name is Beaux Kazekami, this will be the first time you guys will meet but I am sure you will get along extremely well. He will actually be attending Teiho with you as well." Her smile grew even larger.

"Isn't that great Megumi?" She said turning to look at her child but was stunned by the look on her daughter's face.

It was a look she had never seen before. A look of pure and unadulterated fury. Her crimson eyes had gotten darker making her look menacing.

Her aura which was usually soft and smooth was now unstable. It wouldn't take a wise person to know that Megumi was currently very angry and was trying her best to control her anger.

Everyone in the room was in shock, Reo trembled slightly since had never seen his little sister like this before and Taiga although slightly shocked, wasn't surprised.

Of course she would react like this.


"Why?" Megumi asked in a low voice. "Why are you like this? Why do you always insist on making my life miserable?!" She started to yell.

"Haven't you done enough already? Why would you make such an important decision like this without me? Do I not have a say?!" She exclaimed.

Naoko's initial shock turned into anger.

"No, you don't get a say. Especially not after what you've done."

"Ha!" Megumi scoffed.

"So that's how it is. You think you can fix the problem by setting me up with someone I don't even know? Is that it?"

"What do you mean you don't know? You've met the Kazekami's before, they aren't just random people?"

"Mother. I am not going to be paired up with him."

"And why not?"

"You already know why. You should know more than anyone here." She said hinting to the fact that her mother had read her journal and therefore already knew about the marking and the dream.

Megumi wasn't sure what the dream meant, but she knew that it was most likely related to the marking and to Kanae.

She knew deep down in her heart, that the chances of her falling for someone else were almost nonexistent.

Although she didn't want to admit it, but even before the marking she felt an attraction towards Kanae. She still wasn't sure wether or not it was a romantic attraction or if she was simply curious of him, but she knew she couldn't ignore this problem.

"Megumi, whatever that dream was, it was only a dream. That boy hasn't fully marked you so there is no bond or connection between the two of you. And even if there was, I wouldn't allow it. You are a wolf and the only person you are allowed to be with is another wolf." She said sternly.

Megumi looked at her mother and then turned to her father who had remained silent the entire time.

"Is this how you feel as well?" She asked him.

Seijiro who made eye contact her daughter for the first time since this dinner had started could see the emotions reflecting out of her daughter's eyes.

He could feel anger, resentment, confusion and sadness.

He closed his eyes not being able to bare looking at his daughter anymore.

Although there was a part of him that knew that it was wrong, he agreed with his wife.

"Yes I do. Nothing is set in stone just yet, you will at least meet each other and we will decide from there."

Megumi felt defeated after hearing her father's words. She knew that he was going to agree with her mother but a part of her hoped he would be against this madness.

"Haa, I didn't expect any less from you. I am leaving."

She said while getting up. She grabbed her jacket and opened the door.

"Excuse me, where are you going young lady?! Do you know how late it is?" Her mother yelled.

She glared at her mother before closing the door.

Standing outside in the cold, she closed her eyes and was finally able to calm down. Tears started to form in her eyes but she managed to wipe them away before they could roll down her face.

She didn't want to go back into that house.

Pulling out her phone, she called the one person she could count whenever she was in trouble.

Despite being in a fight, she knew he wouldn't turn her away.

"Hello?" Rin answered.

"...Hey is it cool if I come over?" She asked him.

Rin could hear the trembling in her voice. He looked at the time and it was currently 8 o'clock. He didn't hesitate for a second and told her, "Yeah come over."