
Red Hot Moon

It is said that whenever the red moon appears, one can summon a person who is said to be Pelastaja in that world from a different world. However, every time the red moon appears it will always be a disaster for the world. Many monsters appeared and became aggressive, killed many humans of various races, and made several lands into chaos. Ryuki Kotaro, a criminal man about to be executed and a 21-year-old ex-soldier, is summoned to another world by a cat-eared girl to save that world. Don't know what happened to force him to get involved with all of this, he couldn't help but have to help the girl and find his new purpose in life.

Bolcurut · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

First Mission (2)

Taking advantage of a nearby tree by kicking the tree to push me, I managed to dodge the fireball.

"Hide behind that tree for a while! Don't be near me, you'll trouble me later."

I told the cat girl's imouto to get away from me, and she did as I said, walked away and hid behind a tree there.

When 5 lizards ran to get to her, I acted quickly so they didn't go there.

"Oi, lowly creature..."

"Don't get in our way!"

"Who are you?"

"I? Ah~ I'm just a guy who wants to repay a debt of gratitude."

"Get out of the way!"

Stepping on and pressing on the neck of the lizard that had my knife in it, I took my knife and threw it at the lizard's neck.

The lizard panted while holding its neck because my knife stuck right in the lizard's respiratory tract.

Taking advantage of that, I ran and kicked the lizard's neck, tearing the lizard's neck.

Quickly grabbing my knife then turning around, I threw my knife again at another lizard beside me. But this time, I threw this knife at the lizard's chest.

The knife was stuck there. However, that does not make the lizard die. Even so, the lizard's chest was still bleeding green there, looking so disgusting to me.


With the spear, 2 lizards tried to attack me.

When one spear tip almost pierced my face, I used this scarf to slide the spear blade, and pulled the spear, and made the spear my weapon.

Since my hands are handcuffed, I can only temporarily use this spear. Therefore, after attacking the remaining lizards, I immediately threw this spear right into the lizard's mouth which was open from screaming.

I wonder whether shouting will increase the attack power? Why do so many people do that?

"Damn you..."

The lizard that was there, in front of the catgirl, shouted at me, looking as if it was angry that its subordinates were killed.

"How dare you hurt my family!"

The lizard put its hands forward, parallel to its chest.

Sensing that something was coming out of it, I kicked my knife stuck in the lizard's chest, then took my knife to throw at the lizard.

Because the distance between me and the lizard was quite far, and because my hands were limited because of these handcuffs, I let go of this knife and kicked the knife in the direction the lizard was.

Simultaneously, fireballs shot out from the lizard's hand.

"Borrow your body!"

Pulling one of the lizards that were hanging around and placing it in front of me, I made this lizard a shield to repel the fireball. And sure enough, this lizard can repel the fireball, making the lizard's body burn and burn instantly.

And the knife managed to hit the right side of the lizard's stomach.


The lizard was in pain, bleeding a lot of green blood, but what's worse, the lizard was still angry at me.

I think he has a grudge against me. Wait, does the lizard have sex?

"Well, it's better if I don't think about it. You are no longer needed. Waste!"

Throwing this lizard aside, I slowly walked towards the lizard that was there.

"Hey, I have one question for you. Do you have family or not?"


My question was not answered by him, making me ask again.

"I asked again. Do you have family or not?"

"Shut up!"

"Oh... Well then, I assume you have no family."

Even though I had heard that the lizards I hurt were of the lizard family, I still pretended not to know that and asked him this.

"Now… Choose, die or live!"


Pulling the knife out of its belly, the lizard dashed towards me.

"I think your choice is death."

Taking a deep breath and then exhaling it, keeping the breath flowing in my body, thinking quite calmly, I amplified the energy in my body into the muscles of my left leg.

When the lizard arrived in front of me, within reach of my feet, I swung my leg right at the lizard's cheek.

The lizard flew quite far, even hitting some of the trees there.

"Am I overreacting? I do not think so."



The two of them hugged each other, embracing tightly because it had probably been a long time since they had seen each other.

I hate this hug scene the most.

I decided to turn around and go over to some of the lizards that I hadn't killed and were still lying there.


"Forgive me!"

"Now I ask, do you want to live or die? Do you have a family?"

"Yes, I want to live. I have a family at home waiting for me. I did this because my boss told me to. Forgive me, I beg you."

"Oh, I see. Then… stand up, run, I'll count to 10."


Standing up in a hurry, the three lizards quickly ran over.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five... one... Oh, they run fast too. This time, I just let them live."

Disappearing and into the depths of the forest, the three lizards managed to escape the death I made.

I glanced back, to make sure they weren't hugging anymore.

Okay, no more cuddling scenes.

Since they were no longer hugging, I turned around and threw this bag at them.

"What's this?"

"Your Imouto has just been kidnapped, she must be hungry. There's food in that bag, give it to your imouto."


Having been silent for a few seconds, she opened the backpack and gave the box of food to her imouto.

"Here, Dinda."

"Thank you, Onii-chan."

She ate the food, and I had to wait for her to finish eating.

The thing I hate the most is waiting, but if this is the case, I can't help but have to wait.

Since it was taking too long, I decided to go inside the house, see what was in there.

"Hopefully there's something important here."

Just like the kidnapping house, this house only has 2 rooms. Worse, in this house, there are only a few pieces of furniture that I think are useless, such as chairs, tables, scattered dirt, scattered papers on the floor, and an ink tank with a pen with feathers at the end.

Since there's nothing that I think is important here, I'm out of this house.

"This food is delicious, Onee-chan. I haven't eaten this food for 7 days."

"Thank goodness... Finish your meal, then we'll go home."


When the cat girl noticed me, she glanced at me with uncontrollable joy, but I ignored her and chose instead to examine this horse, the horse whose eye had been hit by a pebble.

"Thanks to you, I was able to repay my favor. I think I should thank you, Horse. Thank you."

While saying that, I rubbed the horse's neck.

Turning to the other horses, I thought that the lizards had forgotten to bring their horses.

Well, think of it as a reply from my pardon.

There are 7 horses beside this house. Because it's a shame when it's not used, I just let 5 horses go.

This way, I can use 1 horse and they can also use one horse for the return trip.

"Hey, hey, Onee-chan..."


"Who is that man? Is he your boyfriend?"

"H-How is that possible! I am… I don't have a boyfriend, Dinda."

"In that case, why does onee-chan keep seeing him? Is it possible..."

"Stop it, Dinda! That person is a villain I accidentally summoned."

"Eh? Did Onee-chan become Kutsuja?"

"Yes, it is true."

"That means that man..."

"Yeah, that's also true. He is Pelastaja."

"In that case, why is that man evil?"

"Onee-chan doesn't know either, Dinda. Anyway, in his world, that man is the bad guy who killed his father."


"Yes, Onee-chan is serious."

I heard that and glanced over there while I was making sure the horse's safety was right.

Because every human point of view is different—wait, they're human too, right? Okay, forget that and pretend they're human. Since everyone's point of view is different, I'm not surprised if I'm considered a bad person by them. I also can't force them to know what's going on in my life. Therefore, leaving them like that is the right choice for me.


Hearing that voice, I immediately ran towards where they were.


Jumping and catching them until the food box fell, I managed to save them from the fireball.

However, unfortunately, my ankle was hit by the fireball, causing burns to my right ankle.

"T-Thank you."


I told them to run away from here before looking in the direction the lizard was.

The lizard that I had kicked before bounced quite far is back and still has a grudge against me. Even though the lizard saw that my right ankle was injured, it still managed to shoot fireballs in its hands.


Ah~ troublesome. If he wanted to survive, he should not have to deal with me.

Before the fireball arrived in front of me, I remembered something about this scarf, remembered what the innkeeper said that it was anti-magic.

Therefore, by removing this scarf from my hand, I used this scarf to dispel the fireball.

Because this scarf is too flexible, I have to move it with great difficulty. But thanks to that, the scarf was able to block the fireball and slide the fireball to the side so it wouldn't hit me.

After escaping from the lizard's fireball attack, I ran while clumping up the scarf.

Arriving in front of this lizard, I hit its stomach with my two fists that were clenched so tightly.


When his mouth opened, I put this scarf in his mouth and immediately strangled his neck while pushing him until he hit a tree.

"Do you know about being given life? Instead of saving yourself, you chose to return. It's all your fault, so don't blame me if you die here."

Relentlessly, I continued to strangle this lizard's neck.

"A-Aaaaa… forgive me."

"You think I'm God? There are no second chances for you, lowly creature."


Smashing its throat with my hand, I killed this lizard and pulled the shawl from its mouth.

"Never expect too much from humans. Every human being has limits. You should be grateful that I killed you not so cruelly. May you remain in hell."


That voice, a voice of fear, sounded in my ears, but I ignored the sound and covered the handcuffs with this scarf, and then walked straight to the horse after taking this bag.

When I got there, I rode this horse without a second thought.

"It's still dangerous here. Hurry up and get on your horses!"

They stood there and looked at me in horror.

"Don't just sit there! If you want to live, hurry up and get on that horse!"


They finally walked slowly towards the horse.

The moment they managed to get on the horse, a loud boom was felt on the ground.

"What is it, Onee-chan?"


After a moment of silence, I pulled the reins.

"We're leaving here. I don't know where the boom came from, we have to get out of here!"

Before I entered this forest, the booming sound kept ringing in my ears. But when I entered this forest, the thumping sound slowly disappeared. And when I had saved them, the booming sound came back to my ears.

"We have to hurry before that creature appears!"

The catgirl said that while moving her horse's reins.

I didn't answer that sentence, but the imouto seems curious about what she said.

"What creature?"

"The monster that destroyed the villages around here, the guardian of the Rojali Forest, the Dark Crocodile."

"Is the monster dangerous?"

"Of course, even as dangerous as the monster is, not a single villager has survived. And in fact, it's categorized as the most dangerous monster for adventure, so it's impossible to kill."

Since my goal was only to save them, I didn't respond to that sentence.

"Let's get out of here!"
