
Red Hood System in The Vampire Diaries

Sam spend his life running into to fires, fighting to save lives, but one day he is caught in a devastating explosion that seems to spell his end. But instead of death, Sam caught in the middle by a drunken immortal who gives him another chance at life, but this time, can he save everyone he loves in a world filled with bloodthirsty egomaniacs.

MerchantOfDeath · TV
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

The Valdivian Coastal Reserve, 2 Years later

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the dense canopy of the Valdivian Coastal Reserve. This remote sanctuary, veiled in secrecy, was a world apart from the chaos Sam Gilbert had known. When he first arrived, guided by Jade's cryptic hints, he had only an inkling of the supernatural enclave that lay hidden within these ancient woods.

Sam's arrival was marked by the heavy silence of the forest, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant call of creatures unseen. Jade, a striking figure with her dark skin and an air of otherworldly grace, had been a fleeting encounter in a coffee shop in London. It was there, amidst the clamor of a bustling city, that she revealed the existence of this haven. After an unsettling encounter with an elder vampire in Cardiff—an accidental killing that had left him hunted—he was eager to find refuge. Jade's information had come at a crucial time, and now, Sam was here, on the edge of something that could change his fate.

The community was as enigmatic as it was diverse. The Valdivian Coastal Reserve was home to a clandestine coalition of vampires, werewolves, and witches, all living together in an uneasy but effective harmony. This sanctuary had been established by a descendant of Merlin himself, an act of defiance against the witch hunts that had ravaged Europe in the 17th century. Here, amidst the towering trees and hidden groves, Sam would seek refuge and training—if he could prove himself worthy.

Acceptance into this secretive world was neither simple nor guaranteed. Sam's initial meetings with the community were shrouded in scrutiny. The vampires, weary of humans, observed him with sharp, assessing eyes. The werewolves, with their primal instincts, seemed to sense the undertone of his purpose, though they remained stoically indifferent. The witches, meanwhile, welcomed him with a cautious curiosity, their magical prowess both fascinating and intimidating.

Over the first month, Sam's life became a blend of rigorous training and intricate learning. He was instructed in the arcane arts by a group of witches from Nigeria, Norway, Sweden, and Japan. Their magical teachings were potent, each spell and ritual revealing layers of power and history he had never imagined. They demonstrated the complexities of spell casting, potion brewing, and elemental control. Though he lacked the ability to wield magic himself, their knowledge became a crucial asset.

The witches, despite their broad range of backgrounds, shared a common trait: a deep-seated knowledge of their craft and an understanding of its limitations. They spoke of magical tools—amulets, athames, and grimoires—that could amplify or protect against supernatural threats. Sam listened intently, memorizing each detail. He was learning not only how to understand magic but how to counteract it. The power to inflict pain or create illusions was as much a threat as a tool, and the witches' lessons were essential to his survival.

The werewolves, a fiercely loyal pack led by an imposing alpha, trained him in combat. Their lessons were brutal and unyielding, reflecting their own harsh realities. Sam learned how to fight with a primal intensity, using his human advantages and understanding the weaknesses of his supernatural foes. He sparred with them under the light of the full moon, the transformations and heightened powers of the werewolves turning each session into a harrowing test of skill and endurance. Their methods were relentless, pushing him to his limits and beyond. The full moon's power, which made the werewolves nearly unstoppable, was a constant reminder of their strength.

The vampires, a melancholic group who had forsaken the human world, lived under the cover of darkness. Their existence was sustained by a monthly supply of blood provided by the Chilean government, a secret that kept them alive while keeping them distanced from the mortal world. Despite their isolation, the vampires had an air of ancient sorrow about them. They had adapted to a life where their desires for human blood were moderated by necessity. Their history and knowledge, shared with Sam, were as deep and dark as their existence. They taught him the nuances of vampire physiology, the true nature of vampires and how to manipulate people without a crutch like compulsion. Sam's repulsion for vampires was slowly chipped away until he became indifferent to them. " If I can eat meat and find nothing wrong, I cannot judge Vampires for doing the same thing but with human blood, however if they excessive eat, I will hunt them and add them to my collection."

Sam's daily life in the reserve was dictated by a rigid schedule. The Red Hood system, an unrelenting force that governed his actions and progress, issued daily missions that tested his growing abilities. Each mission, whether it involved reconnaissance, training drills, or magical research, was a step towards his full assimilation into the Red Hood. His communications with Jason Todd were brief but critical. Jason's updates and advice were a lifeline, keeping him grounded as he navigated the treacherous waters of this hidden world.

Amidst his training and missions, Sam had to maintain a façade. He could not reveal the truth about his blood—the cure to vampirism. The vampires, though seemingly resigned to their fate, were prone to dark moods and quiet desperation. Revealing such a critical secret could shift the precarious balance of their community. It was a constant struggle to keep this knowledge hidden while working alongside them.

As the months passed, Sam began to adapt to his new environment. The skills and knowledge he had acquired were reflected in his improved status, a testament to his growth and adaptation. He had made significant strides in his training, mastering combat techniques, understanding magical lore, and gaining a deeper insight into the supernatural world.


Name: Sam Gilbert

Species: Human

Titles: Red Hood, Gilbert Heir, Vampire Hunter, Demon Hunter, Master of Torture 

Assimilation: 35%


Strength: 18

Speed: 18 

Constitution: 19

Dexterity: 19 

Intelligence: 18

As Sam looked out over the darkening forest from his modest quarters, he reflected on his journey. The Valdivian Coastal Reserve had become more than just a refuge; it was a crucible where he had forged new skills and gained profound insights. The darkness of his new world had tempered him, but it had also illuminated a path forward—a path towards becoming fully integrated into the Red Hood, a journey that was both daunting and exhilarating.

His growing strength and deeper understanding were proof of his assimilation into the supernatural realm, yet the shadows of his mission loomed ever larger.

"It may be time to go home, I need to prevent brother and Miranda's death" Sam thought.