
RED (Reversing Evil and Death)

Imagine being the heir to the throne, ready to rule over a great kingdom, but not knowing how to kill your enemies ruins it all. You've been exiled and told to never come back until you finally know how to finish the fight. Yes, exactly! Naisha, a Martian, has been sent to Earth because of her inability to kill her enemies. Her brother has also been banished from the kingdom for supporting her idea of not wanting to kill people. Naisha faces a difficult situation: she has to learn how to kill her enemies and return to find her brother, or remain on Earth and never see her family again.

Sapphire_lynn80 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Master Yin Yin!!

In a world of chaos, destruction, and hatred, King Raegan and Queen Elvander ruled their kingdom, Arrantadia. However, their kingdom was not located on Earth, but on Mars. They had twenty-four daughters and one son, the youngest. The eldest daughter, Yurei, was the heir to the throne. But the king and queen had another child on the way, and news of the upcoming birth quickly spread throughout the kingdom. Even their greatest enemy, Zypher, who ruled Neptune, was aware of the news.

 He became excited because was going to bring on them excruciating pain. Let's put that aside for now.

A few months later, the baby Naisha Elvander was born. The royal family celebrated and soon after, their little princess was gifted a beautiful amethyst pendant that Zypher was after.

Naisha's father wasted no time when it came to training his daughter in martial arts. At just one year old, Naisha began her training, and he made sure to teach her well. Naisha began her training, and he made sure to teach her well.

King Raegan never truly loved his son Nixon and had plans to send him away when Naisha turned five.

Princess naisha who loved her brother so much didn't know about this. 

A certain day, naisha left the Palace and went off wandering everywhere. She had never seen outside the palace. Everyone she passed by, didn't care if she'd get lost, but only few noticed her.

They didn't go near her because if the pendant gets missing, the people of Arrantadia will suffer for it. Naisha didn't care, she was just so happy, she'd finally got to see outside the palace. 

Soon later, Naisha was lost, she didn't know the way back, the beautiful green field below was just so enchanting. She felt like falling asleep right away. 

But she didn't, she began to cry, suddenly an old man, he was as old as the hills, he appeared in a pure golden robe with red long stripes making it look so attractive. 

"What happened my child?" the old man asked, he picked her up gently and smiled. Naisha stared at the old man for a while and then began to laugh. 

Naisha told the old man everything about how she got lost and ended up there. She also found out that the old man's name was Yin yin. 

Naisha couldn't call him by his name, because he was elderly, she respected him and she called him master. 

Yin yin adored naisha, he saw within her, that she was going to change the universe. 

King Raegan became terrified, he wondered were little Naisha had went to, queen Elvander ordered the guards to go on a search for her daughter. 

Nixon was more worried than his parents, he asked if he could go out with the guards but the king refused and told him he wasn't allowed to come out from his room anymore. 

Raegan treats Nixon like a kid, when he's seventeen years old, nixon began to hate his parents. 

When the guards finally found naisha, she panicked, telling yin yin she didn't want to go yet. 

She turned right and saw more guards, already mobilizing. But Yin Yin wasn't there when she turned to speak to him.

Tears filled her eyes, as one of the guards picked her up, "Master yin yin!!" Naisha yelled.