
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 2

3 months later

Year 198, and month 6 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

In these 3 last months, a few big things had happened, mostly small things like my stats changing to this. We had F*cked 242 times, and it's not creepy to know this.

[Low-Rank Fire Root: 92=>234/100=>500 Low-Rank Wood Root: 48=>190/100=>500

Low-Rank Wind Root: 58=>200/100=>500 Low-Rank Water Root: 82=>224/100=>500

Low-Rank Metal Root: 46=>188/100=>500 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Low Formation Talent: 61/100 Medium Alchemy Talent: 120/500

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

High Talisman Talent: 54=>280/500=>1000 Medium Divine Sense Talent: 367/500 No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

And now that my wife was becoming more and more pregnant, I couldn't really f*ck her as much anymore. Which was sad because she had become already quite hotter after getting so much of my cum these past few months.

And maybe I have a slight pregnancy fetish since I didn't mind f*cking her and even started fantasizing about when her belly was big, breast inflated, and ass became larger.

And what was also exciting was that she had become a cultivator, having been f*cked so much by me, that her spiritual roots had formed.

And while they may be the lowest level, we were both very excited.

And because of my upgraded spiritual roots, my cultivation speed had become even better and I was close to becoming 5th Qi Refining level.

And while my talent had become better, I still found it sad that my realm didn't increase by f*cking. But who knows, maybe the system upgrade would bring that.

I also decided to start making money. And so using my Talisman talent, I quickly learned to draw them, and then sell them.

While Slow Sword Village isn't very big, it had a good market for cultivators since it was close to a Demonic Forest. So quite a lot of cultivators stayed here while exploring the Demonic Forest, which made selling talismans, herbs, pills, and other such things here more profitable than in other villages.

Of course, even in other villages, there would be enough cultivators to sell to still make a lot of money, but nowhere nearly as much as here.

And now 2 months later after learning to draw talisman, I had become quite proficient in it. I currently knew 4 Talisman grades. And while I knew there were other grades after that, my current situation didn't make it possible to know them.

So from Low grade to Medium grade, then High grade and lastly Peak grade. I could currently draw 7 Low grades and 2 Medium grades.

I had also started selling them, and while their production cost was high, so was the price I could sell them for. I had already made several tens of spirit stones.

Which I was saving for the future while using about 20% to buy pills for me and Li Liu.

And I had one goal currently, getting a second wife. Since Li Liu was pregnant, I could f*ck her less. But I didn't want the next 6 to 7 months to go to waste. So I needed someone else to help me. I decided to again search for a mortal woman, wanting someone more submissive.

And after a few weeks of searching for the perfect bride, I found her, Leng RongRing.

She was the daughter of a mortal merchant of a nearby town called water feasting village.

And it wasn't hard for her and her parents to agree to marry her to me. I was a cultivator who had made money in a month than her parents made in a this year.

They even regarded it as her fortunate that she was able to marry me.

The reason why I chose Leng RongRong was because she was someone smart, cunning and calculating. But also a bit submissive to her future husband.

She was like the female villain seen in dramas who was in love with the male villain despite being a strong, smart and beautiful woman. And did all kinds of things for him.

And I also chose her, because she was of course very pretty.

She had long dark hair, reaching her waist. Dark eyes that looked like the night. And when she smiled, it gave you the sense that she was up to something. Beautiful yet evil. Her body was more mature than Li Liu but was average for someone her age. She had a aura of elegance around her, and a beauty mole under her right eye. Which just made her look even smarter.

And Li Liu didn't care that I had gotten a second wife, and was instead even happy that now I had someone else to love. And also someone else to focus my desires on.

So after the wedding ceremony. We both went to the bridal ceremony.

I started undressing her while giving her body kisses, I had become more experienced after doing it a lot with Li Liu. I tasted her breast, ass and plunged inside her p*ssy.

I did it 3 times with her, and received this notification.

[After doing it with Li RongRong, the host shall receive +1 for every root talent, and +3 for Formation talent]

[After doing it with Li RongRong...]

[After doing it with Li RongRong...]

6 Months later

Year 199, and month 1 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

It finally happened, my first child was born. It was a girl and we named her Li Ming, hoping she would have a bright future.

My stats had also changed like this. 812

[High-Rank Fire Root: 234=>546/500=>1000 High-Rank Wood Root: 190=>502/500=>1000

High-Rank Wind Root: 200=>512/500=>1000 High-Rank Water Root: 224=>536/500=>1000

High-Rank Metal Root: 188=>500/500=>1000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Peak Formation Talent: 61=>537/100=>5000 Medium Alchemy Talent: 120/500

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Peak Talisman Talent: 280=>140/1000=>5000 Medium Divine Sense Talent: 367/500 No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

And while it seemed that everything was going perfectly, which it was. I mean, I was making a very high income with my talisman which were unrivaled in the Slow Sword Village.

And my talents had risen from low rank to Peak in only 9 months, while my roots were all upgraded to High rank and I had reached the 5th Qi Refining stage while getting close to the 6th.

And my wives status's looked like this.

[Name: Li Liu

Age: 16

Realm: 2nd Qi Refining stage

Affection: 96 (She regards you as her fated one and deeply loves you, she would do anything to bring you happiness.)]

But even more amazing was Li RongRong's status, in my eyes, especially her affection.

[Name: Li RongRong

Age: 17

Realm: 2nd Qi Refining Stage

Affection: 99 (regards you as her savior and god. She worships you in her heart. She would do anything to keep your attention and love.)]

I had also given her the position of manager of my shop. My reasons were twofold. First, it would mean less book holding and other boring stuff for me to do, and Li RongRong had a real talent for business.

And while there was no way to confirm it, I guessed that talent for further advanced by my sperm.

I was currently holding my dear baby, and while I definitely didn't have the feelings a normal dad would have. I knew deep inside my heart that I cared for this little thing.

[Congratulation host for finding one of the secret functions of the system, Girl Baby Production.

As to keep the bloodline pure and strong, it is important for the babies of the clan to have the blood of the host. The creator of the Li bloodline.

As to help the host, the system makes sure every baby is female. So that the host can marry her in the future. Which is when she is 16 years old.]

Hearing this, I was quite surprised, but I couldn't say I didn't mind it. It already pained me thinking of my little baby girl marrying someone else, but this was a good way to keep them close to me.

And while I couldn't imagine how large my harem would become in only a few generations.

The only disadvantage would be that my clan can't naturally grow and would need large interference from me.

And while I was thinking, suddenly 2 pair of hands gripped me. Li RongRong's where tightly rubbing my d*ck while Li Liu was just holding me by my ass.

It seemed these 2 vixens wanted some of my sperm.

So after f*cking both of them, I went outside and wanted to buy a few things. First, I wanted to buy some stuff for a high grade formation I wanted to make.

The high-grade formation was called 7 Metalic Snake Formation and was a formation that would kill anyone that approached the place where it was that wasn't identified and harbored malicious intent.

The big problem was that I needed a lot of stuff related to Metalic Snakes to create it. And they were beasts that when fully grown, would at least be at the 5th Qi Refining Stage.

So while I did have the money to buy all the materials, they weren't here to buy for me.

Even today, I still needed 1 more liter blood, and 3 more scales.

Secodnly, I went to one of the biggest building in town, The Treasure Workshop, which was an organization that spanned at the very least across the entire Ye Kingdome.

They specialized in selling artifacts, and had all kinds of artifacts.

I first bought 4 Low-Grade protection bracelets. Then I also bought 3 Low-Grade Swords. And last I bought 4 sets of Low-Grade Protection Robes. Artifacts weren't only related to metal after all.

All in all, this was very expensive, costing me 165 spirit stones. Which for me, may not be super much. But for any other cultivator at the middle Qi Refining Stage (Stages 4 to 6), this was something they would need to save up for years.

"Li Wei, did your baby finally get born". Asked manager Wang, who was the branch leader of this Treasure Workshop. His cultivation realm was 10th Qi Refining Stage, giving him a very high position in the Slow Sword town.

"Yes, its a little girl, she has beautiful grey eyes like her mother". I smiled, manager Wang was a kind person, and we knew each other through my talisman business.

Slowly we had become friends and he probably saw that I picked out 3 robes for girls.

"Congratulations". He smiled, he regarded this little bouy a bit like his son who died after all. "Wait a bit".

Manager Wang went upstairs to the second floor were Medium Grade stuff was sold, and returned.

"Here, this is for her". He said handing me a Medium-Grade ring. I was curious about what its effect was.

"It's a weapon-type artifact that can turn into any weapon. And while its effect may be slightly worse than a normal Medium-Grade weapon it turned into. It is very useful for when training people". Manager Wang explained.

"Thanks a lot, you should come by when you have time". I was grateful for the gift, even if I didn't know if my daughter could use it.

Only when a child was age 8 could one tell if they had spiritual roots.

I returned home, finding Li Liu doing some chores around the house while Li RongRong was organizing the business.

I went behind RongRong's back and pushed against her ass. It didn't take long for us to already start widely f*cking on the table.