

A book that foretells bloodshed and the world’s apocalypse falls into the hands of a notorious crew, led by a seemingly weak captain with a hidden past. Follow Jafar Ruziel as he embarks on a perilous journey to unearth the mysteries of true magic, facing treacherous enemies, ancient secrets, and the looming threat of global destruction. Will he unlock the book’s secrets in time, or will its dark prophecy come to pass?

Drjeath · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


In the dimly lit study of the Ruziel residence, a heavy silence hung in the air. The old wooden chair creaked slightly as Ruziel shifted his weight, lost in deep contemplation.

His usually sharp eyes were clouded with concern as he pondered the dire situation at hand—the [Records of True Magic]. His son, Jafar, had laid eyes upon it, and that alone had set into motion a series of events that could unravel the very fabric of their world.

The [Records of True Magic] was no ordinary book. It was said to contain the knowledge of the ancients, secrets of unimaginable power that could shape the destiny of nations, or bring about their destruction.

The book was not meant to be seen, not meant to be touched by mortal hands. And yet, somehow, it had fallen into his family's grasp, and worse, into the gaze of his curious and determined son.

Ruziel's mind raced as he considered the implications. His thoughts circled around the same dilemma—how could he protect his son from the dangers this book posed? How could he keep the world safe from the power it contained?

He had always known that Jafar was ambitious, perhaps too much so, but never had he imagined that ambition would lead him to this.

The room was filled with the faint scent of old parchment and burning incense, a smell that usually brought Ruziel comfort as he delved into his studies. But now, it only served as a reminder of the weight of the knowledge he carried, and the burden of the choices he had to make.

As his thoughts spiraled deeper, the air around him seemed to grow colder, and the shadows in the room lengthened unnaturally. Before he could react, a familiar, unsettling presence made itself known.

The very air seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy, and then, with a thunderous roar of laughter, the demon creature materialized before him.The creature's appearance was as terrifying as it was imposing.

Towering over Ruziel, its skin was dark as midnight, with eyes that gleamed like molten gold. Its form was vaguely humanoid, but there was something distinctly wrong about it—its limbs too long, its fingers ending in razor-sharp claws, and its mouth filled with rows of jagged teeth.

The creature was the embodiment of fear, a being that thrived on the despair and terror of others.It laughed, a sound that echoed through the room like a chorus of tormented souls. Ruziel stiffened in his chair, his heart pounding in his chest, but he forced himself to remain calm. He had dealt with this demon before, and he knew better than to show fear.

The creature spoke, its voice a deep rumble that seemed to reverberate through the very walls of the room.

"Don't worry, O Ruziel," it said, its tone mockingly reassuring. "I know what troubles you. The [Records of True Magic] have fallen into your son's sight, and you fear the consequences.

"Ruziel clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "What do you want?" he demanded, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him.

The demon grinned, a grotesque expression that sent a chill down Ruziel's spine. "I am here to help you, of course," it said, its voice dripping with malice.

"I shall seal the book, so tightly shut that not even the greatest of magicians could pry it open.

"Ruziel narrowed his eyes, suspicion flaring in his mind. The demon was not known for its generosity; there was always a price to be paid.

"And what would this seal entail?" he asked cautiously.The demon's grin widened, revealing more of its sharp, gleaming teeth.

"The seal is called {Mecha-Zarbil}," it said. "It is no ordinary seal. This ancient magic was once used by the most powerful and first magician to seal an entire kingdom. The spell is so strong that it can bind the very essence of what it touches, locking it away for all eternity if necessary.

"The demon's voice grew more animated as it continued, clearly relishing the tale it was about to tell.

"The key to this seal is unique. It consists of three major parts, which can be separated into three different pieces. Each piece is crucial, and without all three, the seal cannot be broken. I will keep these pieces in three different places, each one a journey of fifty years from the city of Siin. Even the most determined seeker would find it nearly impossible to retrieve all three within a lifetime.

"Ruziel felt a shiver run down his spine as the implications of the demon's words sank in. The {Mecha-Zarbil} was no ordinary spell—it was a binding of unparalleled power, a force that could contain even the mightiest of entities.

And now, this demon was offering to place that same power upon the [Records of True Magic], effectively locking it away from the world, from his son.But Ruziel was not easily fooled. "And what do you gain from this?" he asked, his voice cold.

The demon's eyes gleamed with dark amusement. "What I gain is of no concern to you, Ruziel," it said smoothly. "But if it puts your mind at ease, know that my interests lie in maintaining the balance of power.

This book is too dangerous to remain unsealed, even for me."Ruziel stared at the demon, his mind racing. He knew that dealing with such a creature was fraught with danger, that any bargain struck with it would come with hidden consequences.

But what choice did he have? If the book remained unsealed, it would only be a matter of time before Jafar—or someone else—unleashed the horrors within.With a heavy heart, Ruziel nodded.

"Very well," he said. "Do what you must."The demon's grin was triumphant, and it raised one clawed hand. A dark energy began to swirl around it, forming into a sphere of pure, malevolent power.

"It shall be done," the demon intoned, its voice resonating with ancient power.Ruziel watched as the demon worked its magic, the room growing darker and colder with each passing moment. The {Mecha-Zarbil} was a spell of immense complexity, one that required precision and control beyond what most magicians could muster.

But the demon was no ordinary magician; it was a being of pure, chaotic energy, and it wielded that power with terrifying skill.The seal began to take shape, a series of intricate symbols and runes forming in the air around the [Records of True Magic].

The book itself seemed to react to the spell, its pages fluttering as if caught in a strong wind, though there was no breeze in the room. The demon's eyes glowed with a fierce light as it chanted the incantation, its voice rising and falling in a strange, otherworldly rhythm.Finally, with a flash of dark light, the spell was complete.

The {Mecha-Zarbil} seal settled over the book like a shroud, its power locking the knowledge within away from all who would seek it.The demon lowered its hand, its grin returning as it looked at Ruziel. "It is done," it said.

"The [Records of True Magic] are sealed. Not even your son will be able to open it now."Ruziel felt a mixture of relief and unease. The book was sealed, but at what cost? The demon had assured him that the key was divided and hidden, but Ruziel knew that such assurances were often hollow when dealing with creatures like this. Still, he could do nothing more for now.

The demon began to fade, its form becoming less distinct as it prepared to return to whatever dark realm it had come from. But before it vanished completely, it turned back to Ruziel. "Remember, Ruziel," it said, its voice echoing through the room.

"The power within that book is not to be trifled with. If anyone should find a way to break the seal, the consequences will be dire—for you, for your son, and for the world.

"And with that, the demon was gone, leaving Ruziel alone with his thoughts. The room seemed to warm slightly as its presence faded, but the weight on Ruziel's heart remained.

He had done what he thought was necessary to protect his son and the world from the dangers of the [Records of True Magic], but the price of that protection was still unknown.As Ruziel sat in the now quiet room, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of a much larger and more dangerous journey. The {Mecha-Zarbil} was a powerful seal, but power like that always came with a cost. And he had a sinking feeling that the cost had yet to be fully revealed.

But for now, there was nothing more to be done. The [Records of True Magic] were sealed, and Jafar was safe—for the moment. Ruziel could only hope that he had made the right choice and that the future would not bring the horrors he feared.

This chapter is so boring, but it is a key part

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