
Record of Ragnarok: Humanity's Savior

People of all race and culture observe you with their hopes and dreams baring into your very being, pushing you forward, lifting you, this is your final chance to right all your wrongs, yes... this is your last chance at redemption, for you are to face the gods, the ones who have tempted fortune on the final battle to decide the fate of humanity...."RAGNAROK" This is just my way of doing some messing around with the mythology and giving a story of some guy I don’t own anything except my OC’s Don’t expect loads of updates, they’ll be random And I am doing it as the mc’s story and then into the ragnarok fights, it’ll be different then when the manga says the backstory during the fight just so you know

NotSoBigShlong · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

The Start Of Something New Brings The Hope Of Something Great

Silence permeates through the air as a seemingly endless wave of people and gods look upon the confrontation between Man and God. Both opponents look ahead, the moment their eyes catch each other glances, their feet clench, legs tense, arms ever so slightly bend backwards as they dash towards each other at a speed that cannot be matched through the naked eye.

This is a match of many others that have been, and are to come, of whether mankind shall continue to live once more or cease to exist.

In the current moments, the man who fights for humanity, and the god who is to oppose him are beginning their fight for a single point to tip the balance in each other's side. But before this, let's see the tale of this mans life, and how he got to where he is now, the tale of "Eichii Himari".


From the rich brown earthen hues of the forest ground to the sweetness of blue-white sky, the forest is a three-dimensional wonderland for the eyes who are willing to absorb the light.

Upon the forest floor lie trees of yesteryear, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons have been harsh, yet rendering them all the more beautiful. They have the appearance of driftwood, twisting in patterns that remind you of seaside waves; even the colour of the moss is kelp-like.

The forest silences the clocks, for this place of root and branch is the dominion of the eternal soul, but the peace is disturbed by the sound of crunching leaves, a small figure is seen rushing, a flushed face invites the cold drizzle of a red liquid to fall from the open wounds scattered throughout his small figure.

Tears mix with the blood escape through his sore and tired eyes, he is fully concentrated on getting his way through the forest.

He finds a dark and secluded area of the forest where the silence lurks. Though young, the boy is covered in blood, fingernails are chipped and torn. His arms, legs and face all battered and bruised, his exhausted legs give out and he collapses, slowly settling down into the darkness.

He lowers his head seemingly contemplating what to do next, small insects crawl and scatters away from him disturbing his focus slightly. Squirrels and birds quickly retreat towards their habitats.

He suddenly clutches his head in pain as it throbs, biting into his lips to suppress the scream attempting to leave his mouth, furthering his pain. He quietly sobs as he recalls what just transpired moments before.


It was in the early afternoon, on a gorgeous, sunny day. A nice young voice spoke out to the baby in her hands, "My beautiful baby boy, how long I have waited to see you like this, from now on, we can be together, as parent and chi-", but before she could finish her words, she was cut off through the sound of a worried voice beside her, "Harumi, are you sure you want to raise this child, you can barely live by yourself, never mind the addition of this small child, we don't even know of the father! What if you both die due to the loss of food and necessities for life that have been at a decline recently!"

"My friend, ankoku, Until one becomes a mother, no one can ever tell you what it will feel like to love someone else so deeply and profoundly that you find yourself rejoicing when they rejoice, ache when they ache, feel what they feel....even without speaking a word."

Ankoku is taken aback by her friends words, she knows that she is a kind-hearted woman, so she knew, she would do this no matter how much she tried to convince her, she was only looking out the best she can for her friend, she just doesn't believe that having this child will bring anymore good than it will bad, she wants to trust in the decision of her childhood friend but she doubts that it is the correct choice.....yes.....doubt, that is what she feels current, she has doubted a lot of things in her life but this doubt she holds right now has its throne among all others, she loves her friend like a sister, and doesn't want to doubt her decisions...she wants to trust her like she always has done.

She knows that love is weakest when there is more doubt than trust but love is strongest when we learn to trust despite the doubts, so she will continue to trust in her friend, even if the bas*ard who ra*ed her won't take any responsibility and take care of their child...yes, the child's life will be better without him being here.

"Today the weather is as the new bud in the spring light, what was once tightly packed within becomes as joyful as the waved flag, must be a nice premonition for my little Eiichi," Harumi exclaims, she is a captivating woman, though she is a bit worse for wear due to the birthing of her child. Her hair was midnight black and it flowed over her shoulders, she had saccharine sweet lips, you could describe her as chic with a cheerful outlook,, she was shapely figured with glossy skin and was wasp-waisted. Her friend, Ankoku was slightly antithetical to her, but she didn't mind it, she never had really. "Eichii? Is that the name you have chosen for the child?" Ankoku's question was in turn answered with a weak nod. "Rest Harumi, Eichii has already done so," she said with a slight laugh.

Harumi did so quickly, clearly displaying her tiredness from the transpired events. "Eichii huh," she mutters to herself, suddenly dawning a smile, "It's not bad, I wish for a bright future" she then began walking home, drifting her thoughts toward innocuous subjects.

Time slowly went on, and for little Eichii, the world was a wonder, even for a child, living in this canvass of weather and foilage, of birdsong and playful wind, even the subtle shifts in light patterns bring interest for his eyes. On the days of rain, the hedgerow is a new palette of greens, from softly new to strong and deep. Each leaf has a glossy shine as pretty as any dime. Yet in the sun every colour comes into focus, a picture-perfect blue above to compliment the world it greets.

The sun was so warm in the recent and passing days, the air so velvety on his skin. It is a spa from the time the light filters over the hills until it too takes its rest. Clouds drift by on the most relaxed breezes, helping his curious eyes to appreciate the bluebird sky all the more. The snow, when it comes, aline as softly as the shoes of a ballet dancer, adorning and rejuvenating the only stage that matters.

Into the bowl go the fruits of the garden as little Eichii tiptoes through the green scape. The splash of red berries is so vibrant upon the green ceramic and his hands spread over the grassy ripples as perfect as starfish upon summer rocks.

Eichii stands so still, eyes following the birds in flight. He watches as children do, with that look of love and awe. His eyes stay with the bird, the beating wings capturing his mind in the most calming of ways, the same as soft waves on the beach do. It's as if he is in love with nature, with life itself, and he prays, like he always does, for life to nurture him, and keep him as a whole as when he was born.

Eichii is a sweet and gentle child as most know him in the small village, it may sound cliche, but it's true. His hair is a split between black and white, the white resting on his head where the black drapes and hovers just above his shoulders, his mother would stroke it for hours as if it is the most precious thing one can ever hold. Though he is a sweet child, some consider him slightly disturbed by his show of higher maturity than others. No one knows why, but they still loved him all the same. His eyes were a crystal blue that shined like pebbles washed by the ocean waves and a small smile that ignited inner laughter in all who saw.

For Eichii happiness is simple, it's hugs with his mama and playing "let's pretend," it's an uplifting story and the knowledge that he and his mum have all taken care of. Food is scarcely available, and a bed that isn't comfortable, but when shared with his mama, is like laying on clouds. He has friends to play with. He walks in the fields and woods and splashes in the stream. He doesn't hold any importance towards the time of day until he becomes hungry. Sure, he may throw a small fit when he can't understand the world, we all do that. He always wants to learn from the adults, anyone would want to see the world through his eyes.

The village, though lacking in resource, always was happy and loved each other as family, barn blossomed on the hill amid the grass and the meadow flowers as if one day it sprung up from some precious seed. Though the timbers were aged and the light that streamed in front of the holey roof illuminated the dust like ethereal confetti-it was truly a great place.

In a small farm, amid the scarce amount of wheat, amid the soft golden ears and the unseen wind, ventures a small group of boys around the age of 4, The wind moves their hair and the sea of summer grass all the same. In these moments on the farm, there is an eternity in each second, a joy that comes in the free birdsong and steadiness of the heart and soul.

We all want to believe in impossible things, I suppose, to persuade ourselves that miracles can happen, though, in the scene that is witnessed, it is proved miracles can happen, as while Eichii is passing through the fields with his friends, his chest suddenly gathers a scorching pain, his breathing falters as the nature around him glows a beautiful light, the landscape sings a lullaby in sweet nostalgic hues as the reflective greens of the landscape glowed brighter in the strengthening light.

You can see the worry in the eyes of Eichii's friends, you could relate, they quickly ran to the village at the bottom of the hill, to find any help. As the daylight dwindled, the tension in the village rose as they all gasped at the scenic view they looked upon, trees and plants rose from the ground as if they reached for the sky, the crops that hadn't been growing fast enough for winter spurted out the ground in perfect condition. Suddenly, the figure of a woman dashed through the crowd toward Eichii and the next few hours would either pass as a blip in the course of her life, or they would be the final trauma in her life. Harumi held her hand to Eichii's forehead, kneeling in the grass to be near her son.

A few hours pass and just the sight of Eichii's eyes fluttering open was enough to release a breath Harumi didn't know she was holding with a sigh, she made sure her son was okay and questioned what had happened.

Days had turned into weeks, and those weeks became months as the village came to terms with the fact that Eichii had this strange ability of agriculture, Eichii lay on the house floor, feet twitching to the sounds of the air reverberating through cracks in the walls, Harumi moved closer kneeling, touching her son's skin slightly. Though he was already awake, he opened his eyes as if from a deep sleep and smiled the same smile he wore the first thing in the morning. His mother's voice tumbled out softly, "Eichii honey, food is ready," she said with a radiant smile, "Really mother?! Yay! I'm so hungr-," before Eichii could finish what he was saying, the two heard the scream of people outside, Eichii and his mother quickly peek through the window to see what was happening, only to see a blazing fire and destroyed homes, people of the village screaming in horror and running away.

Ganja was an alluring, picturesque and secluded village, but now it looks demolished and because such was the destruction that we cannot consider the place a "village" anymore. People in the area were desperate, chaos flooded the place, rooftops have been burnt and ended up on the floor and the grass could not be seen due to the debris that covered all the ground.

Men dorned shabby clothes and weapons hung from their waist, some were busy slaughtering everyone, while others were ra*ing and violating women. More screams of horror and fear sound throughout as Eichii looks upon this carnage with fear, and continues to puke throughout the house at the horrid sight of blood painting the village...his home. Harumi takes Eichii's hand as they both escape toward the farm, the only way to get to the forest. Unfortunately, while running, they are easily spotted and chased after.

Harumi pushes Eichii into the wheat field as hands firmly grasp onto her shoulders pulling her back, "Mother!" Eichii screams out to his mother as he runs back to help her, "No! Eichii, Run and go please!" but her screams are to no avail as Eichii attempts to fight off the men, only to be savagely beaten and bruised, through blurred eyes, he notices his mother, as he desperately attempts to save her, a sword pierces through her chest, and at that moment spikes of rock and wood erupt from the ground and pierce the men.

Though his efforts were too late as he looks upon the corpse of his mother, clothes torn, bruises and blood are splattered across her body like blood on a canvas. "It's him! That's the brat with the gifts of God!" shouted a man a few metres away...'what?.....They're here for me? All of this....all of this for me?' at this moment, great hatred and grief gathered in his heart, toward the abilities he once considered a miracle.

A/N: Later chapters won't be as rushed but I hope you like this, I'm doing all this because if I go straight into the fight against god we won't know the true amount of pain and sacrifice the mc went through to get where he is if you know what I mean?? Anyway thank you for reading this

I have edited it a few times for grammar mistakes now, I don't mind if people want to point out where I've gone wrong with my SPAG as well

Thanks for reading, not a clue when the next chapter is out but I’ll try to get it out ASAP

NotSoBigShlongcreators' thoughts