
Beep beep Truck-kun coming through.

It was a beautiful day, birds were chirping, the sun shining not to warm not too bright just right. Our protagonist looked at his wonderfully tidy room that he worked hard to clean last night. The results were satisfying. Today will be the perfect day, if this was true.

Reality however was often, scratch that almost always disappointing. The sky was dark, the clouds blocked out the sun and there were definitely no birds chirping outside. This was reality, contrary to how the room was described previously the room was not tidy. There were bags of rubbish leaning on the wall, cans of soda and beer on the floor and most importantly the stench that the room smelled of, disgusting.

But none of these affected our protagonist. See he had become a shut in, a neet you could say, a lazy degenerate otaku who cared nothing more than to quicken his death. He tried many methods but all of them either failed or brought pain upon him which he feared. He wanted everything to end so he resorted to wasting his life away not caring just slowly and steadily dying.

But after seeing the piles of trash around his room even he decided to throw them out. He grabbed them, headed out and went to his wheelie bin he had forgotten to pull back in last week. Did I mention this person was lazy? He was extremely lazy.

He opened the lid and dumped in the bags of trash. But before he could I heard a sound, a sound that sounds like a truck.

"BEEP, BEEP" sounded the truck

But when he turned all he said was white then black then inside a café with tea in front of him?

"Hello, Ryan" a voice said "And before you say anything yes you are dead and no they cannot see you nor me or the tea in front of you"

Ryan was still in a daze wondering what in the world happened and why he is in a café if he died. The voice noticing he wasn't paying attention started to fake cough.

"Cough, cough" the voice said "Hello, Ryan?"

This time Ryan snapped out of it and paid attention to the voice. He saw a middle aged old man who looked foreign, but yet Asian and Middle Eastern at the same time and that wasn't even enough to explain how he looked.

(AN: so I'm going to try out somethings with this chapter, if you feel as if this convo is too long please let me know and I'll improve upon it)

"Ah yes hello there Mr?" said Ryan

"Call me God" said the voice

"Urm isn't that a bit weird calling you God and all" asked Ryan

"No not at all because I am him" said God

Ryan at this point was quite confused. He had remembered getting hit by a white truck but had woken up in front of god within a café. Weird. But he proceeded to ignore it, saving him the trouble of thinking.

"So uh God" said Ryan "First of all why am I in a café and why is God right in front of me?"

"Well Ryan before I get into the nitty gritty of things you are dead, yes that truck killed you and yes you going to be isekai'd" said God "the reason why I choose you is that I was a fan of your novel, too bad it was dropped I liked its unpredictability"

"Oh you meant the one that got hated on so much that people started to meme about it on social media about it being so good that it's horrible?" asked Ryan

"yes that one" answered God "I had a few good laughs out of it and genuinely liked it even if it was a bit over the top"

"Thanks I guess" replied Ryan "But that still doesn't answer why we're here at a café"

"Well it's mostly for a change of scenery and that I wanted to talk to the author of the novel I liked" answered God "But anyways off to business, I'll be straight usually you'd get 3 wishes but I'll throw in just 2 extra wishes just for you"

"So I'm going to be isekai'd to another world with 5 wishes.... Welp gimme a sec, let me think about it" answered Ryan

"Take your time I've still got to finish my coffee" replied God

A few good minutes pass and Ryan said "I know what are my wishes are now"

"Good, you had a think about it" said God "I was a little worried that you might just instantly wished for something like infinite money"

"Well first of all can I bring objects with me from earth?" asked Ryan

"Well usually no but I think I can let one or two objects be brought with you" said God

"Great, then can I bring my phone with me? And can you make it so that my phone's magical?" asked Ryan

"Yes and yes" answered God "What magical things do you want your phone to have?"

"Oh just simple things like infinite battery, access to the Internet, games on my phone have different effects on reality like if I summon a servant in fgo I will receive said servant and etc" said Ryan "You can modify the other apps however you wish"

"Normally that would be 3 wishes but since I was the one who asked for specification... I'll let it pass" said God "Now onto your other wishes"

"I wish to have the ability to travel between worlds" said Ryan "Even things like story books and webnovels I wanna traverse to those worlds as well"

"Hmmm, I'll count that as two" said God "You'll get to travel to worlds where novels and other fictional settings take place and you also have the ability to come to and fro from the novels meaning you can return"

"Two more wishes left better make them count" said god

[Urm OK two more I guess I can leave that one out I don't need a can of infinite coke] Thought Ryan [So I guess it's time for my last two wish]

"OK, I wish to be constantly evolving" said Ryan

"That was surprising, what do you mean by that?" asked God

"I want to constantly grow like novels with systems in them that levels them up with exp and skills but without the system" said Ryan

"So you want to essentially become ever growing with even your skills but without a system" said God "You know what that's a bit complicated and hard to understand so I'll make it that you have near infinite potential in everything, you body will grow and adapt at a ridiculous pace and that your brain has perfect memory, good enough?"

"More than enough" Ryan answered "And for my last wish I want truck-kun but as a girl"

"Wait wait wait you want a truck to gain personality and sentience to be your female companion" said God. He was barely suppressing his laughter at how silly and ridiculous this wish was but nevertheless he still willed it to happen.

"There done all things are set" said God still barely suppressing the laughter within him "Well I hope you have a good next life"

Well that's the first volume done never would have thought it took so long for me to type out 1.2k words anyways thanks for reading

2am_no_sleepcreators' thoughts
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