
Reborn to Rule

Being different is not always a good thing. Sometimes, being outstanding can lead to its own difficulties. For Michael Asher, this was true for his entire first life. Being outcast from society for being smarter than most and more athletic than average lead him to the military. After gross negligence from another individual, Michael was forced to a mediocre life before abruptly meeting his new beginning. After his death, Michael finds himself in the body of a degenerate noble in a foreign world. With his previous life's knowledge still held within his mind coupled with the memories of the original owner of his new body, Michael sets out to rebuild the desolate city he has inherited with his new life. Just how far can somebody go in a primitive society when he retained knowledge from an advanced civilization?

SiegerInducer · Fantasia
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23 Chs

Teasing and Magic

The following morning, Alice awoke with full memory of the previous night. Realizing only now what Michael had meant before they parted, her face reached a new shade of red. It was evident that he was attempting to tease her so she took pride in the fact he didn't get to see this reaction.

Leaving her room, she made her way down the stairs to find Michael lounging with a book.

"What're you reading about? More importantly, how are you always able to wake up this early?"

"I wake up this early because my mind was conditioned to in my previous life. Took some getting used to once I got here but now my body has no problems with the morning. As for what I'm reading, I decided it's long over due that I learn more about this world and the nations within it."

Alice became confused by those words.

"Shouldn't all of the knowledge of this world have transferred to you when you came here?"

Michael began to laugh hysterically. His body even forced itself to sit upright and place the book on his lap.

"You expect that useless asshole to have given a damn about anything other than himself?"

Realizing what he meant, Alice had an epiphany. Surely the knowledge of this world wouldn't have transferred to Michael because Duke Asher wouldn't have taken the time to learn it. For a moment, she felt idiotic for not realizing that.

"You're right. He wouldn't have cared enough to learn about anything other than alcohol and woman. I'm going to go make something to eat. Have you had breakfast yet?"

After taking a moment to calm himself, Michael smiled back at her before answering. An idea that would allow him to tease her also came to mind.

"I haven't eaten yet. Are you going to make me something as well?"

Not realizing the question was a trap, Alice answered honestly.

"You cook for me all the time, why would I not make you something to eat if I was going to do so for myself anyways."

Rather than phrasing it as a question which would have avoided falling into Michael's trap, Alice made a statement.

"In that case thank you, I'll have whatever you are."

Alice turned to walk away before Michael's next word stopped her where she stood.

"With little things like this, you're looking more and more like an ideal wife every day."

Alice hung her head realizing he had planned to tease her from the beginning. She may have avoided it the previous night simply because she was unaware of his words meaning, but this time there was only clarity in his phrasing. With determination, she offered a retort.

"Is your plan to tease me until I agree to marry you? If so then you will only end up disappointed."

"You are misunderstanding my intentions. My teasing won't stop simply because you agree to marry me. I just enjoy seeing you flustered like this. I find it adorable. It speaks to your innocence."

Seeing no way of winning, Alice removed herself from the room and made her way to the kitchen. A short while later, she placed food on the dining table before returning to Michael.

"The food is ready, come eat before it goes cold."

As she sat at the table, Michael entered with the book still in hand. Before he even touched his breakfast, he asked a question that had piqued his interest.

"Alice, have you ever met a mage?"

Carefully swallowing the food she had just place in her mouth, Alice posed another question.

"Why would a mage ever come to Astra? Have you already forgotten the state of the city when you first got here?"

"It's not that I forgot. I was simply curious. Magic didn't exist in the world I came from. From what I'm understanding from this book, magic exists here but only a few every generation can use it. I was curious what 'a few' would equate to."

The conversation ended there. The two both returned their attention to the food. When they were both finished, Alice attempted to clear the table until Michael stopped her.

"You cooked so I will handle the cleaning. You can go about the rest of your day and if I need anything or have any questions I'll come find you."

With that, Alice made her way back upstairs and too her room. While she sank into the tub, Michael was finishing the dishes. Once done, he entered the study. The concept of magic had a firm grasp on his attention.

After skimming though book after book. He finally found one that suited his current interest. With it in hand, he returned to the living room where he began to read through the book in a lounging position. Several hours passed before he set the book down.

This particular book was essentially a beginner's 'how to' on magic. It describes that magic was the utilization of the mana in the atmosphere. Only a fraction of people are born with the ability to sense mana and even fewer can control it.

With the general concept in mind, Michael closed his eyes and allowed his mind to empty. As he sat there, small prickling sensations began to be felt all over his body. Realizing he was sensing mana, Michael got up from where he was seated and proceeded to exit the estate.

Walking a short way away from the front door, Michael stopped and turned to face the wall. With the book now resting on the ground beside him, he again closed his eyes. With the sensation beginning again, Michael held out his right hand with its palm facing the clouds above.

As the book described, magic was utilizing the mana surrounding a person to turn their imagination into reality. The stronger one's imagination, the easier it is to cast spells and control the mana. Opening his eye, Michael was greeted with a baseball sized fireball floating inches above his hand.