
Chapter 1216 fierce defense of the Jedi (3)

“Did you participate in the government’s land encirclement work all the way?”


“Do you still remember the amount of land expropriation for this project?”

“About 53.85 million yuan,”Zhang Meng said. “Because I was responsible for the tender at that time, I remember it quite clearly.”

“Very good. Thank you for your hard work,”Wang Haiyang said and turned to Qin Zhengxiao. “May I ask if the public prosecutor needs to ask the witness?”

“Not at the moment.”

“May I ask my next witness to appear in court?”

With the same words, Wang Haiyang said seriously, “Hello, what is your name? What is your position? What is your relationship with my client?”

“My name is Li Qiangchuan. I am the village chief of Li Jia Village. I am in charge of coordinating with the government to transfer the land to the villagers because I have been in contact with the mayor of Mo District.”

“How much did you sell the land for?”

“53,853,000 yuan.”

“Thank you.”