
Chapter 1: Reborn in another world

(what? where am i?).

"He,s beautiful Misa"Glenn says in a boisterous laugh.

Holding back her tears Misa smiles and agrees with a light nod.

"Yes, yes he is beautiful".

"His name will be Renn" She says with a smile.

"I wanna see him daddy!". From the side a cute little girl shouts.

" Alright, alright. Make sure u be care full Tina, that's your little brother",

Tina happy to be able to get a view of her new little brother could not help but to scream and wanted to hold.

Mean while Ren was wondering were he was he knew he lived a life before this, and that he was reincarnated but he was unsure of why he could not remember much of his past life.

"who am i?". was the thoughts that were going through his head.

suddenly he recalls talking to a man in a library room.

"Hello Ren i am the souls keeper god Phsyke". Says the man.

He was sitting in a chair whilst holding a book.

"As u can probably tell u have died. Rest assured you're not going to be judged on weather your going to heaven or hell" he gives a light laugh.

"No the reason you're here is much more, how should i say".

"Mmmm its more interesting". The god finish saying.

"Why was i brought here then???". He asked confused.

"Well to reincarnate you of course!" he says laughing.

"why?". Ren was really confused as to why he was being reincarnated. He could tell from the god's bemused smile that it was not a common occurrence. For sucha thing to happen and to him of all people.

" Well you my friend was lucky enough to be picked by my boss to be reincarnated into another world". The god says as if it was something natural.

"Again im still lost-".

Phske looks at him. He ponders on what to say to the man, But instead asks him a question.

"Do you not want to be reborn?".

"No! its not that i don't want to. Its just im not sure why i was picked by your boss"(Wait does a god even have a boss?). Ren thinks to him self.

"well i cant say why, but i can say that the world your going to will be much more fun than the one you used to live in". Whilst saying that the god conjures a ball of light on the tip of his finger and flicks it at Ren, hitting him on his head and eventually gets absorbed into it.

" Hey what was that for!?". "Wait what? So this is the world i'll be living in?". The ball of light was info about the world he would reside in after being reborn. In it he saw the people ad races living on the planet and the society that they lived in. He saw floating ships and floating skyscrapers. He saw magic being used to power massive contraptions as well as being used in wars.

"A society advanced in technology and magic". He was going to be reborn into that kind of world. Ren did not mind at all.

"Yes that is where you will reincarnate. Well that's it for my help". the god says. Ren did not have anymore questions to ask, and he was not sure why. he knew that a normal person would have tons of questions, but he just felt like that wasn't who he was.

"Okay then, i guess this is goodbye". He says.

"bye" everything fades.

its short but i hope u enjoy!

EmperialOnecreators' thoughts