
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

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13 Chs

Chapter 7: The Sparring Match

As Jae-Hoon and Yoon-Seo faced each other on the mat, Coach Kim stepped between them, raising his hand for attention.

The other team members gathered around, eager to watch the match.

"Alright, listen up," Coach Kim began, his voice firm and clear.

"I want a clean match. We'll be following standard World Taekwondo Federation rules. The match will consist of three two-minute rounds with a one-minute break between rounds."

He looked at both Jae-Hoon and Yoon-Seo in turn.

"Points are awarded for valid strikes to the body protector or head. A punch to the body protector is one point, a kick to the body protector is two points, and a kick to the head is three points. Any questions?"

Both Jae-Hoon and Yoon-Seo shook their heads.

"Good," Coach Kim continued. "Remember, excessive force, hitting below the belt, or striking with anything other than the front of the fist or foot will result in penalties.

The first to reach 12 points or whoever has the highest score at the end of the third round wins. Are you both ready?"

Jae-Hoon and Yoon-Seo nodded, their faces set with determination.

"Bow to each other," Coach Kim instructed. They did so, maintaining eye contact. "Now, take your starting positions."

Jae-Hoon and Yoon-Seo moved to their respective starting marks on the mat, both assuming their fighting stances.

Coach Kim raised his hand, looked at both fighters one last time, and then brought his hand down sharply. "Begin!"

Yoon-Seo wasted no time, launching into a flurry of quick kicks. Jae-Hoon found himself struggling to keep up with her speed.

He relied on his Basic Punch and Basic Kicks to try and create some distance, but Yoon-Seo's attacks were relentless.

[Skill: Basic Punch experience gained]

[Skill: Basic Roundhouse Kick experience gained]

As the match continued, Jae-Hoon looked for an opening. He saw a chance as Yoon-Seo prepared for another kick. Using his front kick, he struck quickly, catching Yoon-Seo off guard.

[Basic Front Kick experience gained]

"Point!" Coach Kim called out.

Yoon-Seo's eyes widened in surprise, but a grin quickly spread across her face. "Not bad, Jae-Hoon. But I'm just getting started."

The match continued, with both fighters trading points. Jae-Hoon found himself on the defensive, relying on his basic skills and quick thinking to keep up with Yoon-Seo's more advanced techniques.

[Basic Roundhouse Kick experience gained]

[Evasion experience gained]

As they circled each other, Jae-Hoon noticed Yoon-Seo's tendency to drop her guard slightly after a high kick.

He waited for his moment, and when Yoon-Seo executed another high kick, he ducked under it and countered with a quick punch to her midsection.

[Counter Attack experience gained]

"Point!" Coach Kim announced.

As the match neared its end, the score remained tied. Jae-Hoon knew he needed to do something unexpected to clinch the victory.

In a split-second decision, he attempted his newly acquired Advanced Spinning Kick.

The kick connected, but due to his low proficiency, it lacked the power and precision to score a clean hit.

Yoon-Seo, with her quick reflexes, managed to block the majority of the impact.

[Advanced Spinning Kick experience gained]

Seizing the opening created by Jae-Hoon's ambitious attempt, Yoon-Seo countered with a swift combination of her own.

Her experience and advanced techniques ultimately gave her the edge, allowing her to score the final point.

The match ended with Yoon-Seo winning by a narrow margin, but Jae-Hoon had held his own impressively for a newcomer.

As they bowed to each other, both fighters were breathing heavily, a mix of exhaustion and respect in their eyes.

As they bowed to each other, Yoon-Seo's expression was a mix of admiration and curiosity. "That last move... I've never seen anything like it. Where did you learn that?"

Jae-Hoon hesitated, then smiled. "Just something I've been working on."

Yoon-Seo's eyes sparkled with respect. "Not bad for your first day," she said with a grin. "You've got potential."

Jae-Hoon nodded, breathing heavily but feeling a sense of accomplishment. He hadn't won, but he had pushed himself and learned a lot.

He looked forward to reviewing his performance later and identifying areas for improvement.

Coach Kim approached them, nodding approvingly. "Good match, both of you. Jae-Hoon, you showed some impressive instincts out there. Keep working on your basics, and you'll go far."

[Relationship Update: Yoon-Seo - Teammate/Friendly Rival (Bond Level: 15%)]

[Relationship Update: Coach Kim - Mentor (Respect Level: 20%)]

As the team gathered for a cool-down session, Jae-Hoon could feel the shift in how they looked at him. He was no longer just the new kid – he had proven himself as a formidable fighter.

Later, as they were changing in the locker room, Dong-Wook approached Jae-Hoon.

"Hey, that was some match," he said, his tone a mix of admiration and challenge.

"Think you could teach me that back kick sometime?"

Jae-Hoon nodded, "Sure, I'd be happy to."

[Side Quest: Teach Dong-Wook the Advanced Back Kick]

[Reward: Improved Team Synergy, Potential Skill Boost]

As Jae-Hoon left the gym, his mind was already replaying the match, analyzing every move and counter-move. The cool evening air felt refreshing against his skin, still warm from the exertion of the sparring session.

He walked slowly, his muscles pleasantly sore, each step a reminder of the intense match he had just experienced.

He thought about the moment when Yoon-Seo had caught him off guard with that lightning-fast roundhouse kick.

If he had reacted just a split second faster, he might have been able to dodge it completely. He made a mental note to work on his reaction time.

Then there was that missed opportunity in the second round. Yoon-Seo had left her guard down for just an instant after executing a complex combination.

Jae-Hoon had noticed it, but hesitated for a fraction of a second too long. By the time he moved to capitalize, the opening was gone.

He knew he needed to trust his instincts more, to act decisively when opportunities presented themselves.

His attempted Advanced Spinning Kick in the final moments of the match also weighed on his mind. It had been ambitious, perhaps too ambitious given his current skill level.

But part of him couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for attempting such a difficult technique. With more practice, he was sure he could perfect it.

As he walked, Jae-Hoon felt a familiar buzz from the system:

[Daily Quest Completed: Continue to Integrate with Seonghwa High Taekwondo Team]

[Reward: +1 to Speed, +1 to Endurance]

[Skill Improvement: Basic Roundhouse Kick leveled up! Now Level 5]

[Match Analysis Complete]

[Areas for Improvement:

Reaction Time

Decision Making Under Pressure

Advanced Technique Execution

Stamina Management]

As dusk settled in, the street lamps flickered, casting long shadows on the sidewalk.

Jae-Hoon quickened his pace, eager to return to the orphanage and jot down his thoughts and observations from the match.

He pulled out his phone to check the time and noticed a message from Min-Jae:

"Hey Jae-Hoon, heard about the upcoming inter-school tournament. Hansung Academy is participating too. Looking forward to seeing you there. Don't forget, you still owe me a rematch!"

Jae-Hoon smiled, feeling a surge of anticipation. The tournament would be his first real test against other schools, including Min-Jae and the formidable Hansung Academy team.

As he was about to reply, a notification from the National Taekwondo Association's official app caught his eye:

"National High School Taekwondo Rankings Updated"

Curiosity piqued, Jae-Hoon tapped on the notification. The list appeared on his screen:

Tier 1 - Elite (Ranks 1-10):

1. Daehan High School

2. Hansung Academy

3. Seoul National Taekwondo Institute

4. Kukkiwon Prep Academy

5. Gangnam Elite High School

6. Busan Coastal Taekwondo High

7. Incheon Taekwondo Specialists Academy

8. Gyeonggi Provincial High School

9. Seoul Warriors Institute

10. Daegu Women's Taekwondo Academy

Tier 2 - Contender (Ranks 11-50):


Tier 3 - Challenger (Ranks 51-100):

Tier 4 - Developing (Ranks 101-200):

150. Seonghwa High School

Jae-Hoon's jaw clenched as he saw Seonghwa's ranking. They were barely in Tier 4, the "Developing" category.

The gap between them and the top schools, especially Hansung Academy where Min-Jae studied, seemed insurmountable.

He scrolled back up, noting the Elite 8 members at the top schools:

Ryu Hiro and Lin Mei-Ling at Daehan High, Park Sung-min at Hansung Academy, Lee Tae-young at Seoul National Taekwondo Institute.

Once inside, he closed the door softly and sat on his bed, the old springs creaking under his weight.

He pulled out a worn notebook from under his mattress, flipping to a fresh page to record his thoughts on the day's training and the upcoming tournament.

As he wrote, his mind wandered to the rankings he'd seen earlier. The gap between Seonghwa High and the top schools seemed vast. They might be ranked 150th now, but he was determined to change that.

Finishing his notes, Jae-Hoon leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes, focusing inward. The now-familiar blue screen materialized in his mind's eye:

[Name: Lee Jae-Hoon]

[Age: 15]


Strength: 25

Speed: 28

Endurance: 26

Flexibility: 25

Spiritual Energy: 30


Basic Punch (Level 5)

Basic Roundhouse Kick (Level 5)

Basic Front Kick (Level 5)

Evasion (Level 2)

Advanced Kick (Level 2)

Advanced Spinning Kick (Level 2)

Counter Attack (Level 2)

Teamwork (Level 3)

Special Skills:

Harmonic Flow (Min-Jae) (Level 2)

Predictive Analysis (Level 2)

Competitive Spirit (Level 2)

He studied the numbers, noting the small increases since his last check. The sparring match with Yoon-Seo had pushed him, and it showed in his stats. But he knew he still had a long way to go.

The day after Coach Kim's revelation about the inter-school tournament, Jae-Hoon found himself filled with anticipation throughout his classes.

As the final bell rang, he rushed to the gym, eager to begin the intensive training for the upcoming competition.

To his surprise, he wasn't the first one there. As he approached the gym doors, he heard the rhythmic sound of fists hitting a punching bag.

Peering inside, he saw Yoon-Seo already hard at work, sweat glistening on her brow. 

"You're here early," Jae-Hoon said, stepping into the gym, trying to keep his voice steady.

Yoon-Seo paused, wiping her forehead with a towel. Her eyes met Jae-Hoon's, and she smiled warmly. "Couldn't wait. Too excited about the tournament."

Jae-Hoon nodded, understanding the feeling all too well. He found himself admiring not just her dedication, but also the way her eyes sparkled with determination.

"Mind if I join you while we wait for the others?"

For the next few minutes, they trained pushing each other. The rhythmic sound of their strikes echoed through the empty gym, punctuated by their controlled breathing.

Yoon-Seo frequently paused her routine to talk with Jae-Hoon. "Hey, Jae-Hoon," she called out, stopping her practice. "Could you take a look at my roundhouse kick? I feel like my form is off."

Jae-Hoon, nodded and moved closer to observe. "Sure, show me."

Yoon-Seo performed the kick, and Jae-Hoon watched intently, his eyes carefully analyzing her movement.

"Your form is pretty good," Jae-Hoon said, "but try rotating your hip a bit more. Like this." He demonstrated the kick, focused on the technique.

"Oh, I see," Yoon-Seo replied, mimicking his movement. "Like this?"

"Yeah, that's better," Jae-Hoon nodded approvingly, giving her a thumbs up.

A few minutes later, Yoon-Seo found a reason to seek Jae-Hoon's input.

"Jae-Hoon, what do you think about this new combination I've been working on?" She demonstrated a series of moves.

Jae-Hoon watched intently, his mind already analyzing the sequence for efficiency and power.

"That's interesting," he said, "Have you tried transitioning from the second kick directly into a spinning hook? It might flow better."

"I hadn't thought of that. Could you show me?" Yoon-Seo asked.

As they worked on the combination together, Jae-Hoon remained entirely focused on the task at hand.

He was pleased with Yoon-Seo's progress and dedication, offering advice and demonstrations with focus on improving their techniques for the upcoming tournament.