
Reborn: Supreme Gangster

Roland Aka Kurolo was a gangster .......... Well not a big shot one or a normal one he was barely considered as one . But one day he met his death but given a choice...... a choice to be reborn and be supreme.

GoodGuy_123 · Ação
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Roland Ressi an orphan , but not an orphan from start . His family of his mother , father and an adopted brother whose name was Kurk.

" Kurk and Roland come fast and eat your breakfast" called a middle aged man.

Adopting Kurk was the father's decision and his mother was always against that.

They were a very poor family but the parents didn't want to show them that and their kids always get their meals 3 times a day.

Even though they were poor their mother never blamed Kurk. She was only against that because Kurk's father was their friend but never once helped when they were poor even though he had money enough to feed 5 families a month for 5 years without any major losses .

Kurk's father Ron Casherth was a business man and was the CEO of Casherth Mechanicals. Ron's life was getting better and better with his son's birth Kurk but went to doom when he started making illegal weapons for money and got caught. The Gangs he was selling weapons to didn't want their name out and killed him and his company was in the hands of the government.

Even though Ron never helped Roland's family, Roland's father John and Ron had a very great friendship and John valied their friendship very much and adopted Ron's son Kurk.

Kurk and Roland had a very great friendship like their father and can be said better than their father .


" Rolo get over here let's play basketball" A young boy Kurk called out Roland.

" Ok" said Roland .

Even though he didn't like to play basketball Kurk loved it and wanted to be a pro basketball player and he would've definitely become If not for his father's death.


' lately Kurk has been sneaking out a lot and is bunking school' a young boy with a light blond hair was thinking(Roland)

Kurk always knew Ressi family wa poor and was getting mor poor because of him.

Kurk played basketball in high school and could get college scholarship.

But if he left them just like that to a college he would become just like his father so he gave up on his dream for them and asked one of his friends to make money.

" I know a gang " said his friend.

"I don't wanna be a criminal" asked Kurk.

"They steal from other criminals and some rich guys" said his friend.

This changed Kurk's life and lead him to death.


" Bro , Skull gang got their eyes on us" said a long haired guy with tattoos covering his forehead.

Kurk joined a nameless gang who steal from criminals and give to poor .

But they unknowingly stole from a member of Skull gang. Skull gang was one of the biggest gang in New York City.


Kurk's gang members were getting killed one by one . This scared Kurk and stayed away from his family as he didn't want them to get into this mess.

Kurk had lied about getting a job in a convenience store and provided them with his money from the stolen money from gang.

Roland knew that Kurk was in a gang when he overheard Kurk speaking about a dead gang member from him and had been following him since he was scared .


One day ..


A bullet fired

And Kurk and Roland died along with his whole family