
Chapter 844: Annoyed

Chi Yuan proudly took a seat beside Grandma Wei. She turned to look at Yu Qi to show off. But she ended up gritted her teeth when seeing both Yu Qi and Long Hui did not pay attention to them.

Wei Ding Ye who saw the scene smirked. 'This Chi Yuan will lose her face someday.' She turned to her right. Then seeing her brother with an indecipherable expression on his face.

"Brother,  what happened with you?" Wei Ding Ye asked her brother.

Her brother was Wei Su Zien. Well, he was very shocked seeing the girl that he interested in, currently together with his cousin. He really did not expect that.

"Nothing." Wei Su Zien shook his head and turned his head to the food. He ate silently.

"By the way, Miss Tang, who is your family?" Grandma Wei asked.

"I had been adopted to Tang Family about five years ago." Yu Qi answered normally.

"Adopted?" Wei Su Kee turned to Yu Qi. "You are an orphan?"