
Chapter 690: Indeed, A Disgusting Woman

The second month in the orthopaedics department ended. Yu Qi and the other first year residents reported to the next epartment which was the OB/GYN department. It stood for Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

This time, the person in charge of the first year residents was a female doctor, Doctor Chen. Ji Suk Ye was present at the moment. She was not late and wore the proper attire that a doctor should wear.

She did not wear her usual arrogant face anymore and keep her mouth shut up. She only talked whenever people asked her only. Other first year residents did not say anything since they already knew why she behaved like this.

Doctor Chen explained the scope of the work in the department. Since there were two specialities, four of them would be separated. The first one would stay with obstetrics and the other two would stay with gynaecology. Then they would exchange after two weeks. 

Yu Qi was paired with Min Gu Su while Ah Kean was paired with Ji Suk Ye.