
Chapter 603: Getting Invited

"You bitch!!! Heal me!!!" 

"Give back my legs!!!"

Yu Qi looked at them without any emotion. "Sir, what can I help you here?" She questioned the officers who were also present there with her.

"Quiet!!! Otherwise, I will make your tongues disappear too." The policeman said in a threatening voice to the two men.

The two men quickly kept their mouths shut since they did not want to lose another ability. However, they still glared at Yu Qi. 

"Miss Tang, actually we want to ask the identity of the human trafficking syndicate from these two men. But they have demanded to meet you first. This is why I'm calling you here." The policeman explained.

"Meet me?" Yu Qi tilted her head. "Why?"

"That... Let them tell you..." The policeman also did not know why.

Yu Qi approached the bed of these two men. All the policeman faced Yu Qi's back so, they did not look at her face right now. Yu Qi put on the cold smile to her face.