
Chapter 159: Videos

Still, in the restaurant, Yu Qi discussed something with the men. Unknown to Yu Qi, someone took a picture of her together with Tin Man Li. That person knew about the angle on how to make only Yu Qi and Tin Man Li together in the picture.

That person smiled. With this picture, she could make Yu Qi's rumor looked real. The rumor about Yu Qi became a mistress to an old man. This picture could prove it.

After discussing the work that Su Yu Hi would manage, Yu Qi excused herself. She betted this would be easy when Su Yu Hi managed the finance.

The next day, a picture of Yu Qi and an old man were meeting in the restaurant was seen by students. Yu Qi became famous again. They believed the picture.

Yu Qi walked out from her hostel received some dirty look from the other girls. Her classmate joined her.

"Yu Qi, have you seen the picture?" Her classmate carefully answered her afraid that she would be angry with that.