
Chapter 6

At that time Lloyd believed that the girl was amazing because his wound actually stopped hurting right after she blew them. He wanted to be with her, that time he was thinking about having her around. He will not be afraid of the pain he will get every time he will be punished. But When they got older, she forgot about him.

"Well then, can we live a good life from now on. We shall stay together forever start today, shall we? I won't be a pain in the butt anymore I promise." Erica said to him and she thought < I want to love you for the rest of our life.> She was looking at Lloyd deeply, but still can't speak that last part.

"Okay, you said it yourself. So don't regret it." Was Erica really going to stay and never talk about divorce anymore? And willing to be with him forever? If that case he will not be going to let her go.

"I will never regret it," She said with the sign of a cross in her heart. Lloyd doesn't know what to feel, he was happy and overwhelm by what she said. "So will you agree, to me to go back to University?" She lifts her head and looks at Lloyd's face, trying to read what he is thinking.

"Yes, you can go back to the university." He pulled her into his arms before resting his chin on her soft hair. While he was saying that he allowed him to go back to school. "But you have to behave on the campus. If I ever hear or found anything that you spending time to anyone on the campus, you will be back here at home and never go out."

"There's no such thing as a person, on campus. And this will never happen." She was relaxed in Llyod's chest. She feels safe in this man's arm, nothing going to happen with him being like this.

She knew what Lloyd was talking about, she was not going to give that scumbag a chance in his life to ruin her life again for the second time around. "Alright, we didn't eat anything yet. I'm starving." She looks at the bowl of food that she brings into the room with her when she looks for Lloyd.

She reaches the bowl and back to where she was sitting. She picked up a piece of her favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, she closed her eyes with enjoyment and said. "Yummy!" Llyod was looking at Erica, he saw how relaxed she was and enjoying the food that she was eating. He feels at ease in his heart that he never felt before. And then he looks at the sauce that was on her lips, his eyes darkened lightly.

"Let me taste it." Erica looks up and looks at Lloyd, but before she said okay. Lloyd gets close to her face. Before she reacts to what he did, Llyod had already raised his head and was mimicking the way she was eating her food while speaking like her, "Yes, it is delicious."

She holds her face that turns red. <This guy is way too naughty!> When Lloyd looked at her and saw her that she can't even hold up her bowl by him kissing her. He smiled at her and said, "I'll feed you." While reaching the bowl in her hand. Erice was taking with a surprise and said. "I can eat by myself, yummy!" She put food on her mouth continuously.

"Is that really that good?" Lloyd was amazed to see how she eats and enjoying her food. Normally she always looked disgusted by what food was served by her at home. But now she enjoyed every single of it, what happened to her now.

<Maybe she straight her thoughts after the suicide attempt!> Never mind, he said any case, he was happy with what he was seeing to her right now. After she has her meal, she went out of the study room. In the old days, Lloyd worked at this time and he hated being bothered by anyone. erica return to her room, she sits on her desk and opens her computer. She was looking at the monitor, checking the Li family's group stock price and current state affairs.

Li Group is using Yang group fame to be top of the company in the City. She saw a picture with her father with Rachel and beside her father is Madam Li, and down of the picture says "President Of the Li Group with his wife and daughter to attend a big evening party. What a happy family." <Indeed what a happy family.>

Erica clicks the mouse of the computer to move to check the company stock price. Based on what she knew, her father Daryl held only thirty percent of the Li Group stock.

Maybe that is because her father receives it from Erica's late mother because he managed to establish and develop the Li family. And she got fifteen percent of the shares of the company ever since the company started. Her late mother owns thirty percent, but when her mother died, the share of her mother went to her great grandfather, so her father never has a right to touch those shares.

And the other share was held by the other shareholders. If she wants to take the Li Group, she needs to have more share that she needs to get. Her great grandfather loves her very much, but her great grandfather doesn't like talking about the share of the company. But She needs to know anything about the company if she wants to get the company from her father's hands.

Her great grandfather is avoiding the topic when it comes to the company, because when her mother died, her father brought Kate, who is Mrs. Li now, and their daughter Rachel. Who is older than her by two years. because of that, the old Li family cut their ties to them.

Who would have expected that, before he married her mother, he cheated on her with another woman? Her mother died before she knew that her father cheated on her. She gives her life to the Li Group and to her father Daryl.

Erica's eyes grew darker as she closes her computer. She would never let any of that family get away for what have they done to her late mother and to her. She looks at the door. <Why Lloyd doesn't come in the room yet, is he not done with his work?>

She went out of the room, and take a pick of the study room when she learns that no one was in the room. She was confused, she looked for Butler Jo. "Butler Jo, where is Lloyd?"

"Madam, Master went out for a while to attend to some matters," Butler Jo said.

"Ah okay! But it's late." She nodded but somehow feel lonely, then she returns to her room. Well, she knows that her husband is a busy person. How could she possibly think that he can accompany her for the whole day.

Well God gives her a second chance to work on everything differently now, so she doesn't need to think negative thoughts. She lies down to her bed and relaxes. and she falls asleep.

Lloyd was back home at two o'clock in the morning, he looks exhausted, "My wife is asleep right?" He asks the butler who is welcome him home. "She's already asleep, but..." when he sees the sadness on the face of Erica when she learns that his master was out. He could not help his self to tell it to his master.

"But what?" Llyod's expression went tense. "The madam came looking for you, and asking where you are," Butler Jo said. "Mm, okay." He went upstairs and go straight to her door. He was gently turning the doorknob to enter her room. <She didn't lock her door?> It surprises him to know it wasn't locked.

When he looked at the bed, he sees her lying peacefully in the bed sleeping, he wants to touch her, but he was worried to wake her up. So he just stood at the and look at her, then he bends and give him a kiss on the forehead and he went out of the room.

The next day, Erica reach the other side of the bed, her face wrinkled knowing Llyod didn't sleep beside her last night. And then she opens her eye and quickly gets up from the bed.

She becomes flustered and could no hide the panic in her eyes. She stood up in the side of the bed, and remember she was sent 5 years earlier. And as she remembers Llyod is sleeping in a different room. <It will be lots of work to do to reach that part.> Then she looked at her hand that she used to slap Rachel yesterday. She had really let Rachel off too lightly by slapping her just once.

She will definitely do more to Rachel without hesitation! <Just wait and you will receive everything you gave me in my past life.> < I'm going back to the University, once I'm back, I will have every time to make my move on you... Wait what campus!> She looks at the clock on the table, it's ten o'clock already.