
Chapter 33

Erica smiles shyly. This is the end of not learning from her childhood. She went to school, almost all the time she was sleeping and playing. One year passed, and she only know how the word is her name. All of them were in the same place, and their faces were incredible.

I don't know who, 'lies trough!" A sound wakes up everyone, and then a loud boom sound is echoed in the classroom. "What's the matter? Rachel is the first in the whole class. She has a full score of 150. She has 140. So Rachel still ahead to her."

"Lier, trough! It's impossible. How long has she been in school? How can she get such a high score." One of the students who are close to Rachel said. "She didn't study before, did the teacher have the wrong name..." The student still argues with the result.

"I'm your teacher, my eyes are very good!" The headteacher glared at the student who speak, "another score she got is 140, she got 150 in mathematics and 145 in English, and full score in literature!" the headteacher threw a bomb again to the class.

The classroom is on silent and looked at each other. The student who had just spoken is about to say something, but the headteacher looked at her like she was giving a warning. All of them become stiff in place. Their eyes were wide and they looked at erica, they can't believe she got the highest in the class.

Everyone can't believe what they hearing, she got a very high score that not going lower than 140. She can't study in that short time. In their memory, Erica is not a good person. And she got a terrible mark in their school. And in their head mathematics, is the hard one but she got the full score.

They look at Erica with a doubt in their eyes. "Teacher, is the score real?" Some of the students can't help but ask. "Oh? You thought it was wrong?" The headteacher looked at the one who spoke.

"Even the Chinese and English subject, how can she get the full score in that mathematics? That's too much. As far as I know, no one in our class has ever got the full score in the math" One of the students speaks.

"I suspected that Erica cheated!" The girl seating next to Rachel shouted, and looked at Erica. Erica was going to take advantage that the class was busy arguing, she will take a bite on the buns when they looked at her and the buns were in her mouth.

This time, she still maintained the posture and saw that her classmate was staring at her with a disgusted look in their eyes. She blinked and swallowed the small bun in her mouth. and then put it back in the small bag and looked at the crowd. She wants to eat more.

But the class don't let her, the class was speechless when they saw that Erica don't give any comment on the matter. She only cares is about the food that she wants to eat. She coughs although food is not allowed in the class, her teacher gives her time to eat. But after the issue was started the teacher cant give any more time for Erica to eat.

Erica looked at her bag of food and coughed twice, breaking the embarrassment in the air. "Who needs your food, Erica. I ask you, did you cheat?" The girl who is sitting beside Rachel stood and face her.

The girl is Emily Haven, she was in the top three in their class and she was close to Rachel. She looked at the girl who talked and looked at Rachel who is sitting beside her. "Who told you I cheat? Erica raised her eyebrows and looked at her. "Why not? We can see it at a first glance!" Emily said. "Oh, really now can you see it, why do you asked me if you see it like your saying." Erica couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Emily immediately got angry after hearing what she said, "just admit that you cheat. How can you get the full score while we all know that you're a learning slag." Emily said. Erica looked at Emily with a darker looked, "who told you that you can't get a full score when you're a loser?"

Everyone is looking confused, <they said that Erica cheated, is that true that she cheated to have a high score.> "But Erica is too stupid to cheat. I don't know how she does it." One of the students said and the other laugh after hearing this.

Rachel finally recovered from school and was relieved to hear that everyone is having doubts about Erica's score. Rachel looked at Erica with an evil smile on her face. "Say it, that you cheated!" Emily become madder when Erica didn't say what she wants to hear.

"I have never seen such shameless person like you. You cheated and you don't say it. Are you not afraid that if the Teacher finds out that you cheated you will be dropped out of the school?" Emily said to her with a sharp look in her eyes.

"Oh!" Erica lean on the chair and looked at her with lazily in her eyes. "What are you laughing? Emily sees her smile, and her reaction like she doesn't care about the issue. "I was laughing at your stupidity." Erica reply. "Erica doesn't go too far." She slam the table, with that sound, people who were talking about it all shut up and looked at them.

Even the one student who is sleeping behind woke up in the sound and then frowned and looked in the direction of the sound. The teacher want to say something, but he was also curious about how will Erica will cope with the issue about her.

"Emily, don't be mad with Erica. Maybe she didn't cheat on purpose. She just wanted a good grade..." Rachel quickly stood up and explained for Erica. It's okay if she doesn't explain. Emily is even more disdainful about this. "Who doesn't want a good grade?" She sneered, "since you want good grades, don't you think cheating is okay, you need to study hard to get them." Emily said

'That's right, we agreed to the committee.' one of the students said. 'this kind of student needs to be drop off from school.' one of them said. Everyone in the class was against Erica. "Emily, don't do this. Erica didn't mean. She just came back from school. If she quit school again, then..." Rachel looked at Erica. When she heard it, it was even more ironic. It's a shame, just got back to school, and now making this scandal, this time Erica can't really escape it.