
Chapter 18

"You don't like him now? Don't tell me you like Lloyd now?" Asking Erica with a sound of nervously. "Don't forget that he forces you to do things. Don't fall in love with him just because he looks good." She added.

"How could that be? Erica shook her head, "which is not I, or I'm not in my clear mind." she looked at Rachel while saying that to her. Rachel finally breathe a sigh of relief, also did not think deeply, what does her last sentence mean.

Rachel went into the room, and sit down, Rachel looked around. Every part of the room that she sees is like a luxury apartment. And then she feel jealousy flashed in her eyes, and then she looked at the beautiful and brand new clothes and skirts in the opening wardrobe.

"This is really beautiful. Are they all sent by Lloyd?" Rachel said while covering the expression of her face, but could not hide the jealousy in her tone. "Yeah!" Erica yawned, leaned against the door, and looked at her greedy and jealous look.

"Mom hasn't bought me any new clothes for a long time, sister. If you don't wear them, how about giving them to me your sister?" Rachel said with greed in her eyes. "I know you despise the things sent by Lloyd, but it's a waste to put them on, right? He doesn't know if I wear them."

"You said that it was sent by Lloyd. How dare I give it to someone? When he found out, how can I explain it?" Erica said, "you also know that he has had a bad temper. Although he may not care so much, it is after all a gift for me. If one day it is worn on someone else's body, that is you sister..." After that, Erica looked at her anxiously.

Rachel thinking of that man's angry appearance, can't help but shiver and quickly takes back her hand. She looks around like a thief. With the degree of strain on Erica by Lloyd, maybe her dormitory had something to monitor. If this is watched by him, she can't bear it!

"Sister, let's talk outside." Thinking like this, she felt uncomfortable standing in this room and hastily suggested. "Okay, whatever you want!" Erica smile and doesn't refuse. "What's going on with that last time?" Rachel boldly asked. "What's the matter?" Erica was facing the cold wind, Erica's face is a little strange. Staring at the darkness downstairs, she becomes devil thinking that if she pushes Rachel down from were from there, will she die or be paralyzed?

Unfortunately, it's a pity. What she wants is that her family will be destroyed and her life is not like death. Under the pressure of bloodthirsty factors in her heart, she seems to listen to her question very seriously.

"It's about the land. Is the news true? Where is the specific location? Has Lloyd said? When will it start?" Rachel asked. "This..." Erica gave her a puzzled look. "What's the matter?" As soon as Rachel saw her like this, she had a bad premonition.

"You also know that after you left last time, I also came to school and haven't been back for a long time, so I don't know about these things." Her helpless way. "What!" Rachel screamed out of control.

She has told her father about it, and she confided that she will get the exact information from Rachel. How can she think that such an accident will happen? She took a deep breath and almost couldn't hold back the curse. "What's the matter? This news is very important to you, sister Rachel?" Did erica pretend to be surprised and asked?

"Of course, it's important. You don't know how good it is to our family. Because of this, father specially invited many friends from the business community to plan it." Rachel's eyes turned.

"Erica, you don't want Dad to fail this time. You should know that if we can share part of the land, we won't earn a little bit. Otherwise, you can go back and ask Lloyd. If we get accurate information, we'll go back and tell Dad that you will be a great meritorious official of our family, and our family will feel it thank you she said excitedly.

The whole family will thank her? Thank her, Rachel! She looked at Rachel with a meaningful looked. "Go back?" She shook her head, 'you know I don't like Lloyd, I finally came out, why do you have to go back to ask for trouble?"

"Yes, but if you don't go back, our family's plan will be ruined." Rachel glared at her and looked as if she will change her emotion. "If you are like this, dad will be very angry. You know he is very dissatisfied with your previous work. This is a good opportunity for you to please him." She told Erica.

"What you said sister was reasonable..." Erica's eyes flashed and his face was full of heart. "Don't you hate Lloyd? Why not take this opportunity and have the best of both worlds!" As soon as Erica sees her hear, her tone is more excited. <It seems that I think too much of her. As long as she breaks aways from Lloyd, she will be beaten back to her original form and let her play with her.>

Rachel was proud of herself, but on his face, he looks sincere. "Well let see. If there is any news, I'll let you know." Erica finally nodded. Rachel was happy with what Erica told her, "well, sister I will wait for your news then."

"All right! Then you go back first. I'll have a rest." Erica yawned carelessly and chased humanity. Rachel got what she wants, so she didn't stay long, and left with great joy. Erica closer to her door, her eyes become cold. So you want this land? A wicked smile showed on her face.

Few days pass, it the day of the exam. Other subjects for Erica , is no problem. Although she is not a genius, she is a also smart enough. With her unforgettable memory and her struggle during this period, she was surpassed many people.

In the morning, she didn't know what the school had to do. She didn't have to wait until tomorrow. As soon as she got the paper, she wrote it quickly. In less than an hour and half, she had finished it. The composition took only ten minutes.

As soon as she looked up, she found that everyone was still writing in their papers. She didn't want to stay anymore. She stood up and handed in the volume in the eyes of everyone's surprise. Then she put her schoolbag and went out. The teacher was stunned for a while, then picked up her test paper and looked at it. At the first, he frowned. As a girl, the writing of hers of this characters is not directly proportional to her appearance. It is even ugly to say that it looks like a primary school student's writing. In additional, there are words in the composition that are replaced.