
Reborn: Naruto/Boruto AU

When the Shinobi World under went various changes how will it function when a devastating new world is built under their nose's. {Greetings from the author} Hello I'm a relatively new writer, My name is Soul. I've taken inspiration from dnd campaigns and novels me and various friends have drafter over the years. I take criticism seriously and aim to enhance my writing and creative skills, so lay anything on me as long as it isn't too... destroying, as I'm a bean at heart. Releases: mon- 1 Chapter tue- 1 chapters wen- 2 Chapters Thur- 1 chapter Fri- 3 chapters sat- None sun- 1 chapter {Disclaimer} -I do not own naruto or anything to do with naruto in this story beyond what I create -Cover art is not owned by me and will be changed in the future

Soulof9writers · Anime e quadrinhos
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35 Chs

Ch.??? The Risks

{Unknown} "Welcome back user, I hope the time you've spent away has given you time to think of new things."

{Unknown} "What's this you forget you're own story? YOUR WHAT"

The world went by slowly as Kyūseishu's life faded. The world around him crumbled as a figure stood before him.

"I'm ashamed to admit I have forgotten your story, but you never left my mind." The figure spoke in a kind tone but the eyes watching him said differently.

"I don't want a response from you, nor do I expect one with what I'm about to say." The figure said before it laughed. "You'll be replaced, not in such a way you'll be forgotten. The time you had was definitely note Worthy but you have definitely become to strong to help me. I'm a weaver for story's, I even have 9 people in my head that write for me....so you can see why I forgot you right."

The words echoed throughout Kyūseishu's mind as he felt the skin on his body stripped away leaving only his soul. It floated as it's body was discarded.

"Take this quote so familiar to you as truth... Nothing in this world is as it seems" The figure said as the soul of Kyūseishu was captured by a man that appeared behind him. The soul floated in a small jar as a pair of gloomy eyes stared at it.

"I hope you'll do well to remember this is your one chance to impress them all, you have a big gap to fill and even bigger paradox to rewrite... Arashino" The figure said as the world slowly tore away like paper and began to envelope the man known as Arashino. The events and memories of the world scraped away at the brain of arashino before the world went black.

[Information File Updating:]

Log set: Arashino Uchiha

Clan: Uchiha/???

Abilities: ???

Purpose: Replace Kyūseishu {Y/N}

"Undo" A voice said as the screen displayed infront loaded

[Information File Updating:]

Log set: Arashino Uchiha

Clan: Uchiha/???

Abilities: ???

Purpose: Pursue knowledge and power

Rank: Kage Level Nin

Trump Card: Soul of Kyūseishu

[Complete {Y/N]

"Yes" A voice said........

[Loading New Host System]

∆∆∆∆∆\\ Override engaged

[System Lost]

{Please Identify gift}

[Risk System Granted]

"Hello Host, It seems your stuck let's change that shall we" A screen appeared before a tab opened

(Mission: Escape Limbo)

-Difficulty: ∞

-Reward: Survival

-Time limit: 100 Days

"Your fucking useless" Arashino said as he was slowly crushed by an unknown force before a small light appeared.

⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

Hello....ik it's been a very long time, I went to college, and I began working with many of my closest friends on a project.

I apologize for leaving this on pause for so long.

I hope you enjoy what's presented to you, and I know it'll be a odd change.

Your viewing is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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