
Chapter 15

The next day, Florence got up very early. She bought vegetables and prepared all the ingredients.

"Mrs. Graves, what are you doing?"

"I'll make dinner. And you just need to give me a hand."

"What? Are you going to cook?" That frightened the chef.

There were two chefs in the Graves family, one was the head chef and the other was sous chef. And they were responsible for three meals every day of the Graves family.

So Florence had never been in the kitchen before.

"Yes." Florence didn't say much. Instead of explaining, she preferred to prove herself with actual actions.

Florence was busy in the kitchen from two o'clock, and the two chefs were watching, passing her a plate from time to time, or peeling garlic and cutting fruits.

They were very skeptical of Florence's cooking skills, thinking that she probably wanted to please Evander and the two kids.