


Before starting reading, I would also like to invite you to familiarize yourself with my author's work "The Path of Omniscience", where the main character is not a person, he is cold and insensitive to everything.

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Walking through the streets of the clan's territory, Samato calmly looked around. In recent years, conflicts between clans have gradually grown, but according to the scientist, the peak of clashes has not yet been reached.

Now, as far as Samato knew, the heir of the Uchiha and Senju clans was about 6 years old and at the moment, they are practically unknown. For the entry of these characters into full force, it takes another 5-6 years. This should characterize the greatest rise in hostilities.

"It is necessary during this time to get at least a few more complete samples from the Kaguya clan in order to study them more closely. Perhaps I will be able to isolate their entire genome and integrate it into my own..."

- Eh, it's easier to think about it than to make it a reality…

Soon, having reached the already familiar hospital building, Samato entered it. Immediately, he was greeted by a rather busy room. On one side, several ordinary people begged the nurses present to help their badly injured relatives. Unfortunately, the Hugahs present in the room did not pay attention to them.

On the other hand, several members of the side branch were whispering anxiously about something. Among them were both women and several children. Calmly walking around the room, Samato, under several interested glances, turned and disappeared from them in the corridor.

Going out into a long corridor with many doors, he walked a little forward, entered one of them without knocking. He was greeted by a rather small room with a window, two beds and bedside tables near them. Opposite the beds, there was an iron wardrobe with a lot of drawers. On the bunks themselves, two men were sleeping with their eyes closed.

Their faces were quite pale, indicating a lack of blood. On one side, closer to the door, lay a man whose age was approaching twenty. He had a pretty average face among the Hugas, with standard black hair.

On the other bed, having already opened his eyes and looking at Samato, a character familiar to the scientist lay panting for a long time. His usual thirty-year-old face, dotted with two scars from mouth to throat, expressed calmness with occasional pain.

- Kh, little medic, how long are you going to torment me?

A muffled hoarse voice rang through the room, in which there was a strange mirth. Looking at the man who could barely speak, Samato ignored his nickname and replied in a calm tone.

- Harumo-san, your injuries are extremely serious and not having my father's abilities at the moment, it will take me a couple more days to normalize your condition and send you home.

- Khag, you're always so serious… I don't understand, it's not in the nature of Ame and Hanshi-dono… Well, this may be a plus, after all, with a calm mind, and think good…

After looking for a few seconds at Haruma lying on the bed and muttering to himself, Samato turned away, looking on another person in the ward.

- Were you delivered tonight?"

- ... Ye-s, my na-me is Atsu-ko... I beg yo-ur pa-rdon, but I was told th-at this w-ard is alloc-ated to the lea-de-rship of a fairly c-apab-le me-dic-al ninja... plea-se tell me wh-en he will app-ear, simply...

Suddenly, Atsuko's rather broken speech was interrupted by hoarse laughter.

- Kha, ha-ha-ha made me laugh, I can't ha-ha, oh it hurts… Khe, little medic, are you not offended? khak… The same doctor standing in front of you…

Surprised by the information received, the man looked strangely at the boy in front of him. After being silent for a few seconds, assessing the child and thinking about something, Atsuko sighed with relief, but frowning a little from the pain, he put his hand to his head, saying.

- Ex-cuse me, y-you ar-e the gran-dson of El-der Hanshi, Samato. P-ni-e to me-et you, I've he-ard abo-ut you and your gen-ius in me-dical tec-hniq-ues.

- Okay, nice to meet you. I will get acquainted with your data later, right now, I need some of your blood to conduct more in-depth tests.

Simultaneously with his words, Samato took out a glass syringe from one of the iron boxes and approached the man, reaching for his hand. The latter, in turn, looked uncertainly at the boy, and then at the syringe. When he was about to say something, he was interrupted by a rather mocking chuckle from the next bed.

Casting an irritated glance at his neighbor, Atsuko saw that he wasn't even looking at him. Sighing and turning away, he felt the boy grab his arm. Taking the patient by the limb, Samato carefully inserted the needle point into the vein visible in the crook of the elbow.

After spending a couple of minutes collecting blood and healing the puncture with the palm of his hand, the scientist poured blood into a test tube. Closing the lid and putting the blood-containing tube in his pocket, Samato said goodbye to his patients and left the ward.


After closing the door, silence hung in the room, interrupted by heavy, hoarse breathing. Atsuko turned his head and looked at Harumo, who was staring at the ceiling with an empty expression on his face.

- Exc-use me, are you Haruno-san by any ch-ance? M-my frie-nd has told m-e a lot abo-ut you... r-bef-ore.

Attracted by the question, the man looked at Atsuko.

- Hu, yes, I'm the one your friend was talking about... what's his name?

- Ah, Takoshi h-his name is called.

- Takoshi, yes, I remember being on patrol with him on the wall for a while. Cough-cough… As for me, he was too proud.

Lifting the corners of his lips a little, Atsuko said.

- Ah, he s-aid that you are too p-essimistic an-d fixa-ted. But as for pride, I can agr-ee with you… Do yo-u thin-k they'll send us t-ogether after we get be-tter?

Hearing the question, the man's thoughtful face darkened, and he giggled.

- Unlikely, because I have already won back…

Frowning and staring blankly at the interlocutor, Atsuko asked.

- Wh-at do y-ou mea-n?

Instead of answering, Harumo pushed aside the sheet covering his body with a shaking hand. What Atsuko saw made him immediately feel guilty.

The right leg and the part of Harumo's abdomen adjacent to it were missing, and traces of severe burns were visible above. The bandages that covered the terrible wound were slightly reddened and already needed to be replaced.

Examining such serious wounds, sadness appeared in Atsuko's eyes. He realized that the ninja career of the man in front of him was over. Turning away, he lowered his head, trying to think of words to comfort Haruma.

- Khke, don't worry, I've already more or less to accept myself ... After all, there are advantages everywhere, even though my son is already old enough to carry out missions near the clan, he is often at home. Ahem, and since I have a lot of free time, I will be able to see and teach him more often.


After walking through the corridors and climbing to the second floor, Samato approached one of the doors. This time, he knocked and, having received permission, entered. On the move, without having anything to say, several scrolls flew into his hands, followed by glory, said with a little fatigue.

- You were late, and I couldn't even find you after looking around the whole clan…

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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