
Reborn into another wold as a female devil

Hiroto. He just graduated from highschool. After the graduation ceremony he went tho the of his stepparents. Hiroto was an orphan. Nobody knew who his prarents were. He just seemed to exist one day. On his way home, Hiroto died. How? Well he was killed by a truck. The Truck didn't run over him but fell of the bridge about Horotos head and landed on him. He thought this was the and of his life until he opened his eyes again. He found himself in a space. There was nothing around him. Then a figure appeared. An old woman stepped out of the darkness. "So the daughter of hell finaly appeared" she said.

Majo_Kuro_Akuma · Fantasia
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1 Chs


Hiroto was on his way home. He just came back from the graduation ceremony of his school. Now he officially would never have to go to THAT hell again. Although he generally liked his classmates, he also hated them in the same way. His class had a football which "belonged" to the whole class. But there where always these four to five people who always played with the ball INSIDE the classroom. They managed to hit the mirror, which hung about the sink in the classroom twice. Yes, they had a sink.

The mirror, which was completely broken was removed and the didn't get a new one until graduation. You cannot imagine, how angry this one girl was who always put her makeup on in the morning was. Then the football was taken away by a teacher. The got it back three months later. And on the same they the same people managed to shoot one of the lamps down.

This is just one story of what happened in Hirotos school time. But because it was funny there is one mor thing you need to know. One of his classmates was caught stealing money. How was he caught? Someone made a phot of him stealing in another class. One day Hiroto also "lost" money. But even when the guy was caught nobody got his money back. There was also the theory that the fact that he always stole the money was the reason he bought donuts for the whole class.

If I would tell you everything that happened during Hirotos time in high school I could spend the next 10 chapters writing about this. So here is a short list of what happened:

-One of his teachers got pregnant

-One of his teachers got burnout

-he had 3 physics teachers in 4 Weeks

-Somebody created a program which allowed you to crash the computer of another person if you connect a USB-Drive with it.

-somebody cracked the school computer system and built a website where you could see the files of other students








"Why do I remember that stuff right now" Hiroto thought. "I don't know if I should sad or happy now that school is over. Well, it's not important right now. My score is pretty good, and I have to talk with my parents. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do now.

Hiroto waited for the traffic light to turn green. "Uh. I have to wait even if there is not A SINGLE CAR here. So he waited until the light was green. Behind him there were a few other persons who also graduated with him. He walked across the street.

Suddenly he stood in a giant shadow. He looked up and could see a truck falling from the bridge right over his head. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion. He tried to jump away. The other students were taking pictures of the falling truck and the driver was hanging down from the bridge and held on to the railing with one hand. The truck came closer and closer.

Hiroto was already in the air as the truck hit him. His entire body was crushed except the head because he tried to jump away. An unbelievable pain spread trough his body. He could hear his bones being crushed. His consciousness slowly faded away. "So this are my last moments huh?" he thought while his mind went finally blank.

And then nothing. Absolutely nothing. None of Hirotos senses did work anymore. He felt like his non existing body was sucked away.

But before his consciousness was completely sucked away, he felt like he was sucked into another direction. The force of the second suction bower was getting bigger and bigger until he was completely sucked away.

And then again nothing

And nothing

And nothing

Still nothing

But suddenly…


And again, nothing…