
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Sylvana's Tour

The group made their way back to Liliana's house for a well-deserved lunch.

As they entered Liliana's house, the comforting aroma of a home-cooked meal greeted them. The table was set with an array of delicious dishes: fresh salads, roasted vegetables, a savory stew, and a beautifully baked loaf of bread still warm from the oven.

"Welcome back," Elara said, smiling at the kids. She blinked when she saw Sylvana. "Who might this be? A new friend?"

Sylvana hid behind Kite, her shyness taking over.

Kite snickered and gently nudged her forward. "Elara won't bite. She's Liliana's mom."

Darian, Elara's husband, walked into the kitchen with a playful grin. "I wouldn't be too sure about that."

"Darian!" Elara said, blushing as she playfully swatted his arm.

Kite's face turned red as he got Darian's joke. He chuckled nervously. "Uh, well, Sylvana, this is Elara and Darian. They're Liliana's parents."

Sylvana managed a shy smile. "It's nice to meet you."

Elara's expression softened, and she reached out to gently take Sylvana's hand. "It's lovely to meet you too, Sylvana. Any friend of my children is always welcome here."

Darian nodded, his smile warm. "Absolutely. Make yourself at home."

Tomas gasped as he walked into the kitchen.

"Tomas!" Liliana said, hugging her little brother.

"Liliana!" he said, giggling. "When did you come back?"

"This morning. But we ended up going to the library with Grandpa. We got to learn a few things about Kite's sword."

"Do tell," Machiko said as she walked in after her grandson.

Tomas gasped as he walked into the kitchen.

"Tomas!" Liliana said, hugging her little brother.

"Liliana!" he said, giggling. "When did you come back?"

"This morning. But we ended up going to the library with Grandpa. We got to learn a few things about Kite's sword."

"Do tell," Machiko said as she walked in after her grandson.

Liliana beamed with excitement and gestured for everyone to take their seats at the table. "You won't believe it, Grandma Machiko! We found out that Kite's sword is called the 'Blade of Lumina.' It's an ancient sword connected to light magic."

Machiko's eyes widened with interest as she took a seat. "The Blade of Lumina, you say? That's quite a discovery. It's said to be a powerful artifact."

Kite nodded, feeling a sense of pride and responsibility. "Yeah, the markings on the sword started glowing, and we felt a powerful energy. It was like the sword was trying to tell us something."

Elara and Darian exchanged impressed glances before Darian spoke. "Sounds like you've unlocked something incredible, Kite. Light magic is pretty powerful."

Kite smiled. He was glad to hear that.

As the group began to eat, the conversation flowed easily, filled with excitement and curiosity about Kite's newfound abilities. Sylvana, despite her initial shyness, started to feel more at ease in the warm and welcoming atmosphere.

"So, Sylvana," Elara said kindly, "where are you from?"

Sylvana hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm from Valoria, but I've been traveling with Kite and the others for a few days now. Ald Town feels very different from little I've seen, but in a good way."

Elara nodded, her smile reassuring. "We're glad to have you here. Ald Town may be small, but it's filled with wonderful people and lots of heart."

Tomas, curious about the new guest, chimed in. "Do you have any cool magic like Kite?"

Sylvana blushed slightly. "I do."

Liliana smirked. "Yeah, it's even cooler than anything Kite and the rest of us can do! She has this griffin friend-"

Tomas's eyes lit up with wonder. "Griffin? I wanna see it!"

Elara chuckled. "First, finish your food, Tomas."

He nodded and began eating fast.

"Woah, easy there, bud. You might choke on something," Darian said, chuckling.

The five-year-old boy hit his chest as he swallowed. He smiled. "I really like griffins."

Elian laughed. "That's an understatement there. Kite got him a griffin shirt and he wore it for several days."

Kite stared at the boy's plain blue shirt. He was surprised Tomas wasn't still wearing it.

"I guess you finally gave that shirt a rest, huh?" Kite teased.

Tomas looked down at his shirt and then back at Kite with a sheepish grin. "Mom said I had to wash it, but I'll wear it again as soon as it's clean!"

Everyone at the table chuckled, including Sylvana. It made Kite happy to see her laugh.

After eating, Kite and everyone went to the backyard. It was wide enough for a griffin to land.

Sylvana raised a hand to the sky. "Come worth, Zephyron!"

The same golden circle Kite and his friends had seen the day they met Sylvana appeared in the sky. 

Zephyron descended from the circle and went straight toward Sylvana.

Sylvana laughed as he rubbed his head against her. The girl giggled. "Stop, Ron! That tickles!"

Tomas jumped and hugged it. "A real griffin! Mommy, Daddy, look!"

Elara and Darian chuckled at their youngest's reaction.

Zephyron stared at the boy and tilted its head, looking curious but gentle. Sylvana patted Zephyron's wing. "It's okay, Ron. This is Tomas. He's a friend."

The griffin seemed to understand and gently nuzzled Tomas, who giggled in delight. "He's so soft!"

Skyla, sitting in her wheelchair and holding Fluffy, looked up at Sylvana with wide eyes. "Can I pet him too?"

Sylvana nodded with a smile. "Of course, Skyla. Zephyron loves making new friends."

Skyla wheeled herself closer, and with some help from Liliana, she reached out and stroked Zephyron's feathers while holding Fluffy close. Zephyron responded with a gentle coo, making Skyla giggle. "He's amazing, Sylvana."

Ludo, familiar with Zephyron but still fascinated, added, "It's always incredible to see Zephyron. You two have such a special bond."

Darian, always the practical one, looked at Sylvana with admiration. "You have quite the companion there, Sylvana. Zephyron seems very loyal."

Sylvana nodded, her eyes filled with affection as she looked at her griffin. "We just recently met, but he's already like family."

Kite, watching the scene unfold, felt a deep sense of contentment. Moments like these, filled with laughter and wonder, made all their struggles worthwhile. "Zephyron is pretty incredible."

Sylvana blushed slightly, grateful for the warmth and acceptance from everyone. "Thank you. I'm happy to share this with you all."

Elian, always the one to lighten the mood, grinned. "So, who's up for a ride on Zephyron? I bet the view of Ald town from up in the sky is as amazing as Valoria Forest!"

Tomas's eyes widened with excitement. "Can I, Sylvana? Pleeease?"

Sylvana laughed. "Alright, Tomas. But hold on tight and listen to everything I say, okay?"

Tomas nodded eagerly, and with Sylvana's help, he climbed onto Zephyron's back. The griffin stood still, sensing the boy's excitement and ensuring he was secure.

"Ready?" Sylvana asked, positioning herself in front of Tomas.

"Ready!" Tomas exclaimed.

With a powerful flap of his wings, Zephyron lifted off the ground, taking Tomas and Sylvana into the sky. The group below watched in awe as they soared above Ald Town, the afternoon sun casting a golden hue over everything.

As they flew, Tomas's laughter echoed through the air. "This is the best day ever!"

Sylvana smiled as she held she on to the boy tightly.

Kite smiled back. He hoped Sylvana knew how much joy her magic could truly being. That it wasn't just a curse.

When they landed, Tomas's face was flushed with excitement. "Thank you, Sylvana! That was amazing!"

"Anytime, Tomas," Sylvana replied with a smile.

Skyla, her eyes sparkling with excitement, looked up at Sylvana. "Do you think one day I could ride Zephyron too?"

Sylvana nodded warmly. "Of course, Skyla. We'll find a way to make it work." She smiled. "That said, Ald Town sure is beautiful from above like Elian said."

Elian chuckled. "Flying was my idea but Tomas was the one who got to enjoy it.*

"Ah, sorry. I should've taken all of you..."

He laughed. "It's fine. Apart from Skyla, the rest of us kids already got a ride back in Valoria Forest."

Liliana grinned. "Well, you've seen Ald Town from afar, now you gotta see up close! Come on! Your tour awaits!"

The group made their way through the charming streets of Ald Town, the warm afternoon sun casting a golden glow over everything. The town bustled with activity, the friendly faces of townsfolk greeting them with smiles and waves. Sylvana's eyes widened with curiosity and wonder as she took in the sights and sounds of her new home.

Liliana led the way, pointing out various landmarks and places of interest. "That's the bakery where Mrs. Whitaker makes the best bread in town! And over there is the blacksmith's shop. Casius is a great guy to talk to!"

Kite nodded.

Sylvana listened intently, her shy smile growing a bit wider with each new piece of information. "It all seems so... warm and welcoming."

Kite walked beside her, nodding in agreement. "It is. Ald Town has a way of making you feel like you belong. I'm sure you'll love it here, Sylvana."

She looked down and blushed. "W-well, you being here already makes it nice."

The boy's warmed up. Was she flirting with him or something? He couldn't be sure, but he decided to focus on the tour for now.

As they continued through the town, they passed by the bustling market square where vendors sold fresh produce, handmade crafts, and various trinkets. The vibrant colors and lively atmosphere were captivating.

Elara and Darian walked behind the children, sharing a knowing smile as they watched the group bond.

Skyla spotted a stall selling colorful fabrics and tugged at Darian's sleeve. "Uncle Darian, can we look at the fabrics? I want to find something nice for a new dress."

Darian smiled warmly and nodded. "Of course, Skyla. But you know who really knows about fabrics? Your Auntie Elara." He glanced as his wife and gestured. "Elara, could you help Skyla find something nice? You have a much better eye for these things than I do."

Elara chuckled as her husband's theatrics and walked over to Skyla. "I'd love to help. Let's see what we can find." She guided Skyla's wheelchair closer to the stall, and together they began examining the vibrant fabrics.

Sylvana smiled and turned to Kite. "You were right. Ald Town is wonderful."

Kite smiled back. "I'm glad you think so. It's nice to have you here."

She blushed. "R-really?"

He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled nervously. "Yeah. It's nice to be surrounded by friends."

She frowned a little. "Oh..."

He turned around. "Uh, let's get going!"

Sylvana nodded and ran after him.

He sighed. Did he imagine things? Or did Sylvana look disappointed when he mentioned friends? No, he clearly saw it. 

Ugh, was he gonna become like one of those cliche isekai protagonists?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

sun_imperialcreators' thoughts