
Reborn in Versatile Mage With the Fire of Amaterasu

Reborn into the world of a full-time mage, beginning with Amaterasu's blessing. Per chapter will be between 2000 and 3000 words. There is no system! This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the world of Versatile Mage. Mo Fan and Tom Curi (the protagonist of the FF), will have a good relationship, but will not interact much with each other. Tom Curi, the protagonist of this article, knows the world of versatile mage, so he will try to follow the plot at first, but sometimes the plot can change quite a bit due to his intervention. In short, the general trend remains unchanged and the small trend can be changed. The pairings are going to be voted on, if you want to give ideas, you are more than welcome to share them. Smallharem!

Shadow7Blue · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

3 : Black and Brown light

It's been 9 years since I discovered I was in the world of versatile magician and I'm finally 16 years old.

I am currently in school waiting to be called to awaken my magic, now I'm sure you are wondering how would I do that when I already awakened my magic at the age of 2, well that's simple, I am planning to show my already awakened fire magic and show it as if it was my magic awakening right now, this is because it saves me a lot of trouble in terms of my very unique magic.

Right now my amaterasu fire magic is already at the peak of mid level, so I should be considered a mid level mage just one step away from being a high level mage, but in terms of magical power, I am stronger than a high level mage, to the point where I am confident that I can take on any high level mage and win with relative ease.

As for a super level mage, I am still no match, but at least I can perform up to 4 higher level attacks, with which I would put up a fight and even if the higher level mage gets careless, I might be able to beat him if my amaterasu fire catches up with him.

Maybe 9 years of cultivation seems like a lot to only reach the top of the middle level in just the fire element of amaterasu, but you have to keep in mind that I could only advance to the middle level at 8 years because the amount of magic that required the level jump was incredibly high, and it was only possible thanks to the many resources that I could buy through the Curi family.

Now my cultivation is still very slow considering this alone, but if I were to tell you that once I advanced to the medium level of amaterasu fire magic my second element that I also took to the medium level was automatically awakened and this also ended up being amaterasu fire itself, that's right, I awakened the amaterasu fire element again, which was relatively impossible, but that's how strange it was.

At the age of 8 years old I was in my spiritual world trying to make my way to the middle level, when I finally managed to form the star map and the nebula that defined me as a middle level magician, I suddenly felt a small burst of energy that flowed into my spiritual world and suddenly, a black fire equal to the amaterasu that I awoke at two years old was projected in my mind, it was something incomparable and shocking.

This was because in the emptiness of his spiritual world, where there was only the new medium level nebula of the fire element amaterasu, there was a second element automatically awakened, which was a black flame of bright dark light equal to the one he awakened at two years old and then when he focused on the group of stars that surrounded him, he saw that they were also 77 black stars, the same number he had before.

So was the strange process of awakening that I went through, but I also discovered that apparently both fires are exactly the same and that by having twice the same element of fire amaterasu, I have two reserves of magical energy for the same element, which lets me use much more fire amaterasu, which before was a big problem because of the great magical consumption, mental, physical and spiritual consumption of the same, so it was great news, although I wanted to see that another element could wake up, I do not regret even a little to wake up twice the same element, as it is a great advantage to increase the amount of uses I have for the fire amaterasu that was already little.

The only problem is that being considered a new awakened element, I have to raise it at the same time as the other to be able to continue advancing in the cultivation and become a high level magician, this is why I had to take both amaterasu fires to the same medium level to advance, another problem is that the amount of energy I need now to advance to the high level is not only double because they have to advance both at the same time, but the amount of energy that I need now to advance to the high level is not only double because they have to advance both at the same time, but the amount of magic energy I need to reach the high level is many times more than what I needed before for the medium level, which is a headache, since not even the Curi family has the ability to get that amount of resources so easily, especially when I am hiding my cultivation from everyone, which would only generate more doubts if I were to get large amounts of money without justifications.

This is why I am "awakening" the magical element today, in order to have a greater amount of resources from the family, because although I currently earn a lot of money due to my position as heir, along with my premature entry into the family business thanks to my knowledge of another life, it is not enough to continue progressing in my cultivation.

And in order not to let anyone know about my cultivation level nor my awakening at the age of only 2 years old, I chose to "awaken" my element in public school, with a low level artifact that has many impurities and can be tricked by introducing the already awakened element of the amaterasu fire as if I were to awaken it right then and there, but if this were with a high level artifact, it would not be so easy, this is why I decided to do it the public way and not private which was what the Curi family wanted, so there is no high level artifact that can expose me to others as a mid-level magician.

"Tom Curi" the teacher in charge of the awakening called him.

"I'm coming" he stood up and once in front of the awakening stone, he placed his hand on the stone and quickly closed his eyes to enter his inner world and pass a small part of his fire element energy and fake the awakening of his fire element.

Closing his eyes, he sees his inner world as a large dark space with only the two nebulae of a shining black that are his two amaterasu fire elements, while his mind concentrates on transferring a little of the nebula's fire flow to fake the awakening, suddenly he felt a surge of energy pass through his hand into the stone without his consent, which scared him greatly thinking that his fire nebula had been exposed, but suddenly the small burst of energy flowed through his palm into the awakening stone did not feel like his amaterasu fire element.

The spiritual world of the magician is like a dark and boundless cosmos.

The place where the spiritual paths are located was reachable with the help of thought's own power.

But in the impenetrable darkness, thought could not pass through and find what it needed.

And when the starry sea appeared, it seemed to unblock the dark space.

And upon awakening it was possible to fully illuminate the unblocked space of the spiritual world!

Tom Curi found an asteroid that glowed with a strange light. he couldn't help but begin to doubt.

"Black color?" he asked himself.

If it was black light that he was very familiar with because of amaterasu fire, then it could be that he awakened the amaterasu fire element again.

Tom Curi in his heart was amazed by this, it was something impossible already to have the same element twice, now apparently it has dual elements and it is also amaterasu fire!

But the color of the amaterasu fire element should be pure shiny black.

But the color Tom Curi found now was not pure black, without impurities.

It was brown with black!

"This doesn't make sense, I don't understand what element this is! "Tom Curi looked surprised and curious at his inner world.

"Brown light with black What is this element, after all?"

"Element amaterasu fire or not?"

The spiritual path took time to take shape, stars soon began to be born.

One star, two, three... Seven stars were born, meaning that the awakening was built and they were not 77 as in amaterasu fire which was strange.

Tom Curi could not identify the element by color. It was only after all the stars appeared that the magician approached the spiritual path with special care to take a closer look at this strange mixed color.

But after Tom Curi came in contact with the newborns with stars, he was surprised!

"This is not an element of amaterasu fire!. It doesn't look like it at all!"

The professor stood next to Tom Curi and did not look away from him.

His eyebrows knitted together in tension, he stared at the leafy brown light coming from the stone.

"The element of earth?!!!!" He wondered in surprise.

"This....Is it strange, how did a black color appear in the earth element? Could it be a mutation, mutate? " The professor was talking to himself.

At this moment, Tom Curi slowly opened his eyes, his pupils shone with a brown light. But black lines crossed this light!

"Element of the earth! " Tom Curi looked at the professor and without waiting for his response, summed himself up.

"Oh, to wake up is such a thing. I told you that this low level stone has many impurities and was not recommended, this time you were unlucky" said the teacher hurriedly, he as well as many other teachers in the school respect Tom Curi a lot since he is the grandson of the head of the Curi family.

"Why wasn't I lucky? I really like the earth element" he said and then thought "now the defensive ability I miss so much will be filled, finally I am not doomed to have the ability to only attack with amaterasu fire, I almost thought it was fate that it would be so, today I really got a surprise, to think I have dual elements", Tom Curi laughed, he was not disappointed.

Why should I be unhappy? Tom Curi, the earth element is very necessary: it can block or limit the opponent, it can create traps for him.

In the middle level of the earth element are the defenses, as in the element of light.

The mountain eye of a high level of the earth element is also incredible.

In addition, the magic elements did not work alone, the magician still controlled them.

And with the highest level of the earth element and his amaterasu fire Tom Curi is very confident in shaking this world!

"Still, it's strange, why is there black light in your earth element?" Professor asked.

"I myself don't know why the glow of the element turned out to be somehow black" Tom Curi rubbed his head. Despite the fact that he said he didn't know, he had his own guesses as to why the earth element might have black light, but he wouldn't say.

To double-check, he closed his eyes and returned to his inner world.

The black fragments of the stardust were very small, and the brightness of the new element's energy, of course, could not compare with the two nebulae of the fire element amaterasu.

Seven stars were also brown with black, it looked like charred earth, and it really was an earth element.

Once he opened his eyes again he found the professor looking at him.

"Well, then I can only assume that your earth element has a mutation of some kind and that's why the mixed color of brown and black. When you want to unite the stars you have to enchant them, although they are just the weak fragments of your element, they originated in your inner world. The most important thing is patience, let them feel your severity, but try not to scare them. This is an earth element, calmness and perseverance are important here, don't rush things, even if the constellations break constantly at first," the professor who is a great theorist recognized in the school and the country told him.

Young Tom Curi just nodded his head in thanks and returned to his seat.

Then followed the list of people to wake up, and in the meantime, Tom closed his eyes, returned to his inner world and remembered the professor's words "Patience, just patience, you must show them who is in charge!" and set about trying to connect the stars.