
Reborn in Versatile Mage With the Fire of Amaterasu

Reborn into the world of a full-time mage, beginning with Amaterasu's blessing. Per chapter will be between 2000 and 3000 words. There is no system! This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the world of Versatile Mage. Mo Fan and Tom Curi (the protagonist of the FF), will have a good relationship, but will not interact much with each other. Tom Curi, the protagonist of this article, knows the world of versatile mage, so he will try to follow the plot at first, but sometimes the plot can change quite a bit due to his intervention. In short, the general trend remains unchanged and the small trend can be changed. The pairings are going to be voted on, if you want to give ideas, you are more than welcome to share them. Smallharem!

Shadow7Blue · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

1 : ¿Amaterasu?

"Good Tom Curi, you must have many doubts, first of all, it pains me to inform you that you died" Said an ethereal voice in the endless darkness.

"W-Who is it?....Hhho-How do you know my name and what is this place?.... am I really dead?...the last thing I can remember is finding myself in a fire inside the house in Japan where I was staying for my trip " I asked worried and then I dig lost in my mind to know what was going on.

The same ethereal voice is heard again answering: "To begin with I am known by many names over the centuries. Many of you know me by the name of Amaterasu the Sun Goddess, but in essence, I am the Presence of Fire, and this place is what we call the nexus of worlds and the previous step to the afterlife of all souls."

Listening to the voice and what it said I was stunned. This is a real God, there really are gods. I did not know what to say or what to think, I could not find words.

After organizing my thoughts I understood that I must have died because of the fire in the house I was renting in Japan and now I was in the so-called nexus, so I had only one question left.

"This...., so now what happens to me?" I said in fright once my astonishment at all that was happening had passed.

The Presence of Fire, as she self-designated herself, laughs and says, "Ohh, no need to fear, you won't feel anything, the whole process after death is automatic(no judgments or interventions from other powerful entities) and it is like sleeping in an endless dream as you will then wake up free of everything, so you won't remember anything prior to waking up, although I have heard of exceptions who have visualized scenes from their past lives, but nothing that comes to greatly affect the plane of the world you are in."

"I see, it's sad to know that I will lose my memories but it's a relief to know that I won't suffer at least, I guess all in all it's a good thing" I said and then asked with a bit of embarrassment, "Although I must say I never expected that gods and afterlife really existed, I had some faith that maybe after death something else could happen other than just disappearing from the world, this... sorry I asked but if the whole after-death process is automatic, why am I still awake, I'm dead, right?" I questioned.

"Yes, you are 21 year old Tom Curi and you are clearly dead, so as you say you should have gone through the automatic process to pass to the afterlife without the intervention of any external being or entity, but I am afraid you died partly because of my undue intervention in your world, you see, next to the house you rented in Japan there was a small shrine dedicated to me, I usually use this shrine as a means to observe the plane of your world and it so happened that the fire in your house occurred at the moment when I used the shrine as a means to observe life on earth and due to my presence the fire intensified to a great extent, as it felt attracted to my existence, this partly caused your death and so I came to a compromise and I am willing to send you to another plane of your world, where you can relive your life along with your memories intact and hopefully let you live it longer." The Presence of Fire said to me in his ethereal voice with an almost imperceptible hint of embarrassment.

I thought about it for a few moments and finally made up my mind and asked, "Sorry but can't you just resurrect me to the moment I died? I have family and friends to go back to."

With the most noticeable shame and sadness in his ethereal voice, the Presence of Fire replied, "I'm sorry, Tom Curi, I can't do that. I cannot send you back to your world because it would intrusively interfere with the automatic cycle of the universe causing me to die, as giving you this new opportunity would cost and affect me greatly, I am sorry I cannot do more."

I am saddened to know that I cannot return, but within everything, the idea of living in a new world sounds intriguing, and getting angry with this entity would not bring me anything good either, so I decided to ask: "Can I decide the world I want to be born in or some benefit to be able to integrate better?"

The Presence of Fire was silent for a while and then said: "Sadly I do not have the ability to fulfill your request to choose the world, as you will be automatically reincarnated in a plane similar to your current world that will only have specific differences and specific to their world, but I am willing to give you my blessing so that can help you in your new life, I could not tell you exactly how it will benefit you as this manifests differently according to the plane of the world in which you are reborn to adapt to the system that governs it.

Well, I would have liked to be able to choose the world, obviously, I had the idea of going to a world with magic, superheroes, chakras, but it seems it was just a dream, at least with my previous knowledge I will be able to progress and learn faster, along with the blessing whatever it grants me will be a good start in a new plane of my world.

"Very well then, I am ready for my second life." I said confidently, "Thank you for the opportunity."

The Presence of Fire spoke again but with a happier tone in that ethereal voice: "Very well then, I will now bestow upon you my blessing attached to your soul so that it may accompany you on your path."

The instant he said this I went through a feeling inexplicable in words, if I would have to explain the sensation it was like a unique but extremely intoxicating flow of scorching heat that gave the feeling of ecstasy throughout my being.

"Now before I send you off to your new life I must warn you that an automatic clause will be imposed on you that all pre-existing knowledge that may reveal your former identity or what happens after death will be kept silent, so when you reincarnate you will not be able to mention your afterlife or anything related to death itself, having said that I wish you the best of luck in your new life, goodbye Tom Curi" explained the ethereal voice and then quickly took his leave without letting me say much more.

"Thank you-" I try to say, but instantly I was pulled by a powerful Omni force into a portal within the nexus where I quickly lose consciousness.

December 27, 2000

Argentina, Hospital Magico Privado Curi de Salta 7:07 am

The moment I regained consciousness the first thing I felt was very cold all over my body and the eyelids of my eyes were very heavy, then a force lifted me up in the air which scared me to the point that I let out a scream that sounded like a whimper and right after that they covered me with some kind of blanket and laid me down, after that, I opened my eyes slightly and saw a giant person looking at me and that was when I realized everything and understood the situation I was in.

"Oh my god, I have reincarnated as a newborn!" I thought.

When the voices became more understandable I tried to listen to find out what they were talking about, I heard them mention a Sir. Curi but the next moment I felt extremely tired and I couldn't help but close my eyes and go back to sleep.

December 27th, 2007

Argentina, Curi Family Residence in Buenos Aires 22:17 pm

7 years passed in the blink of an eye, in these 7 years I discovered that I ended up reincarnated in a world just like mine, with the same name and surname to my surprise, there is a small detail that differs in this new world and that is that in this world there is magic, as well as monsters and wizards who constantly fight each other to survive and obtain resources.

It was quite a surprise to discover this, apparently, most of the world is dominated by these monsters and humans barely managed to defend and organize to survive through the so-called human wizards who defend the cities along with different magical materials that serve to make magical barriers that keep away the monsters and protects civilians. If you are not a wizard in this world, you have no chance to grow and live comfortably, only those who are wizards occupy great positions in their respective countries.

Just like in my other life I ended up being born in Argentina, only now this is a country ruled by the military, the Argentinean National Magical Association, and 3 big families that control the country's economy.

The country is quite helpless as far as the current context of the world is concerned since the amount of powerful and capable mages is very scarce in the country, this is why they have to depend on the rest of the foreign countries to be able to keep the monsters that stalk the magical resource mines and magical crops at bay, Since the few strong and capable wizards of the country are stationed in the cities of the country to protect them, this is why the economy of Argentina is very delicate and is very dependent on the wizards of larger countries such as China, USA, etc...

On the other hand, my mother in this life is the only daughter of the lord of the Curi family, which to my surprise is one of the 3 largest families in the country, controlling 25% of the total economy of the country, which gives them a lot of power and when I say a lot is to the point that they can intervene directly in the decisions of the national magical association as in the military decisions too.

The 3 great families of Argentina have been in power for many centuries, this is because all 3 are native to the country and their descendants come from the ancient Indians who inhabited the country, which gives them a vast historical heritage, this is why they are so important and powerful, not only monopolized the flow of the economy, but also each of these families controls the historical knowledge of their respective Indian descendants.

The Indians are considered very important in Latin America due to their diverse and unique magical knowledge, be it in some magic such as summoning magic, ice magic, magical agriculture, the elaboration of medicines, enhancers, or other special liquids such as liquid time capable of accelerating the growth of summoned beasts.

Currently, the situation of the Curi family is very delicate, this is due to my dear mother, who at the age of 27 met and fell in love with a Chinese magician in the middle of a mission and after this at the age of 30 became pregnant by me without having married him, my grandfather, the lord of the Curi family, was extremely angry with my mother, since as the only daughter of the lord of the Curi family she had a responsibility to the family.

Angry, my grandfather made the decision to hold the man my mother fell in love with responsible, but to everyone's surprise, my supposed father had disappeared on a mission and no one had seen him since, after a while, the Chinese National Magic Association declared him dead.

But to make matters worse, a few months after giving birth to me, my mother had to leave for a city in Ushuaia on an urgent mission, as apparently a group of monsters were escaping from the South Pole and were on their way to the city and if they arrived it was safe to say that it would be a total catastrophe, so the Argentine National Magic Association together with the military and the 3 great families decided to gather a total of 8 Super level magicians to face these demons.

My mother as a Super level ice mage was extremely important to fight the monsters that were approaching the cold city of Ushuaia. So she had to go as a representative of the Curi family, despite my grandfather's refusal in his crazy idea to go on this risky mission after only a few months after giving birth. That was how she, along with 2 more representatives of each of the other two great families and 7 wizards summoned by the military and the national magical association of Argentina, confronted the small horde of demons in Ushuaia.