
Testing abilities and the incident

After arriving at my house I got in and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and after finishing I get ready to test my abilities in a nearby forest.

(A few hours later a Harlequin arrived in the forest.)

In the middle of the night in a forest that was lit up by the moon, I stood atop a tall tree in the middle of a dense forest, my eyes closed as I focused my energy. I myself could feel the power coursing through my veins, the magic of the fairy realm at my fingertips. I had been practicing my new powers for hours, honing the new knowledge of abilities and perfecting the techniques that ROB put into my mind.

As I opened my eyes, I surveyed the forest below me. I could see every detail, every leaf on every tree, as if I was viewing the world through a microscope. I smiled to myself, pleased with my quick progress of adapting to my abilities.

But as i turned to fly down from the tree, i heard a rustling in the bushes below quickly alerting me of another presence. I tensed, ready for anything or anyone. But as the bushes parted, I saw a small, frightened creature stumble out.

It was a rabbit, its fur matted and its eyes wide with fear. I felt a pang of sympathy for the creature and flew down from the tree, landing softly on the ground.

I approached the rabbit slowly, trying not to startle it. As I got closer, I could see that it was injured, a deep cut on its leg oozing blood.

I knew that I had to help the rabbit. I focused my powers, calling upon the magic of the {status promotion} to close up the creature's wounds. As i fouced on healing the rabbit, I could feel the rabbit's pain receding, its leg knitting back together before my very eyes.

When i finished, i watched as the rabbit hopped away, no longer limping or showing any pain. I smiled very widely, feeling a sense of satisfaction that I had helped a creature in.

After taking care of the rabbit I started to fly back home but not at a fast pace as I wanted to enjoy the breeze of the night. I entered through the window that I left unlocked.

I took a quick shower because I was covered in sweat. After my shower I went straight to bed.

Waking up in the morning I got up and soon prepared myself for school. After finishing up I took my bag and pillow and soon left for school.

I was not in a rush so I drove while enjoying the scenery of forks. Arriving at school I got out of my car and took my things with me, looking at Alice I waved at her and she waved back with a cute smile which made my heart race.

Entering the school into the halls their were a bunch of students talking to each other. Minding my business I head to my locker and took the books for my upcoming classes.

The bell rang signaling that school started I headed to my classes, meet Rosalie in some of my classes and chatted with her. After a few more classes the bell rang again signaling that lunch started on my way to the cafeteria I meet Alice and had a casual talk with her.

And just like that a week passed, me and Alice became much more closer to the point that she was cool with me putting my hand around her shoulder while sitting with her and the rest of the Cullens. Even hugging her became a normal thing between us.

I would usually hang out with Emmet and Jasper as we became good friends. It also got to the point where I would give Alice a ride home and pretty soon I meet Carlisle and Esme and like that things went smoothly.

Pretty soon the truck incident that involved Bella happened and just like in the movie Edward saved Bella from the truck while I watched It all unfold right in front of my eyes.

I looked at Alice who was next to me and from her facial expression I could see that she was worried, she looked at me then looked down at her feet scared to what I will say.

I put my arms around her waist and hugged her while saying" I guess you have a lot to explain about the situation that just happened but don't worry I'll wait until you are ready to tell me".

She looked looked surprised but soon she seemed relieved about what I said she then said" okay" while she accepted my embrace and returned the hug.

I just stood in place enjoying the hug although her skin was cold it didn't me.

After the incident Bella soon started investigating Edward on how he did all that but got no answers.

At one point she also asked me a few questions if I saw any weird things well being around Edward or the others, to which I said no to.

I received a few glances after the incident from the Cullens to which I played it off as if I saw nothing, nor did I question what happened that day.

Soon things returned to normal and I continued to sit with the Cullens.