
Reborn in The Perfect Run

A man gets reborn in The Perfect Run with a single wish.

SaltyGamer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 4

As the crimson storm erupted from my father, I quickly noticed that everyone was looking at Dad. While everyone was distracted, I quickly looked down and grabbed a white elixir from the chest at my feet. I quickly slipped the syringe into my leg once more and depressed the elixir into me before pocketing the empty vile. As the elixir coursed through my veins, I imagined something like Sidekick's power that gives a 10x boost to the powers of those near him, but instead of for other people, it is for myself. I was pretty sure that Sidekick already had their power, so I just tried to imagine anything that would boost my abilities.

I closed my eyes and shielded my face as if the crimson blinded light me, but I was really making sure that if anyone were looking at me, they wouldn't see the spark of white energy in my eyes. Once I lowered my hand and opened my eyes, I saw that nobody was looking at me. Everyone's gazes were fixed on my father, who now stood in midair. I subtly smiled once I was certain that my secret was safe. I found no reason to tell anyone of my third power since I am the only person in the world who can get a third power. It would also only ruin my strategic advantage.

Speaking of my third power, I felt a rush of energy invigorate my two existing powers, supercharging them. If I had to guess, I would say I got about a 10x boost to my already considerably powerful abilities. At first, I was confused since Sidekick should already have this power, but after a while, I just guessed that my power was the other side of the coin with Sidekick's. His enhanced other people's abilities, while mine enhanced my own abilities. With all three of my powers sorted, I stepped back a refocused on what was happening in front of me.  I saw my father touch back down on the ground as small currents of crimson electricity flicked across his body occasionally. 

"With this," He said, creating a stream of electricity between his hands, "There will no longer be the Camorra crime family or any other crime family, just the Augusti. They will either submit and join us or be eradicated!"

"Just say the word, and we will be ready to go!" Luca said, standing and moving away from his wife toward my father.

Aunt Pluto laughed with a cruel smile, "It's about time that we took care of the 'Boss' anyway." 

Dad nodded, but he turned his attention back to us children, "The details can be settled later. For now, it is time to continue!" he said, gesturing to Livia.

She nodded, then grabbed a violet elixir and quickly drank it. Once she was done, she stepped back and continued to look on, seemingly slightly mystified as her eyes went glassy. She was obviously exploring the details of her new prediction power. It had to be disorienting to see six versions of events all at the same time from one set of eyes, especially since she can see into the future with those six simulations as well. My attention was drawn back to the chest as Fortuna stepped forward and reached inside, fishing out a yellow elixir. She looked nervous and looked over, but I stepped forward and gave her a pat on the back.

"It isn't painful. It just feels interesting!" I said, trying to make her less nervous. 

"Okay," she said in a slightly shaky voice as she downed the elixir. 

After a moment, a yellow glow emanated from her before a golden aura seemed to spark into life around her. I only witnessed it for a moment before it became invisible, but I knew what it was. It was a manifestation of her new extreme luck. From now on, practically anything she wishes to come true can and will if at all possible. Anything from winning the lottery every day to causing a meteorite to fall by wishing for it. As Ryan put it best in the main story, "Her power is completely busted!". With a wide smile on her face, Fortuna stepped back as Felix stepped up and chose a red elixir. 

After a few seconds, he was a genome, too, and we had powers now. Now that it was done, Dad gestured for us all to sit on the couch. All of us children sat on one of the enormous couches while the adults sat on the other that was across from our own. Uncle Neptune, being the most responsible one, started 'the talk' (superpower edition) and began explaining how not to destroy the house using our new superpowers. I nodded along and agreed when he asked if we understood. However, he could clearly tell that none of us was paying too much attention, so he sighed and pointed out the door.

"Make sure to use your powers outside!" He said as we all got up and ran out into the morning light. 

As we raced off, all of us formed a group around the garden in our backyard, just beside the swimming pool. We looked at each other in understanding, and then we all pointed toward Felix, nominating him to go first. He looked a bit embarrassed, but then he reached out and grabbed a fist-sized rock then closed his eyes. I knew what to expect, so I stepped back as the rock got charged with red energy. Then, once it was charged with energy, it exploded. The explosion wasn't big, but it was enough to destroy the rock completely, leaving no trace. 

"Can you make the explosions bigger?" Livia asked, then seemed to concentrate. 

"Yeah, but it depends on charge time and the object I am touching!" Livia and Felix said at the exact same time, in perfect sync. 

Felix and Fortuna looked at Livia in amazement, causing her to blush slightly, "That's one of the uses of my power. I can pretty much see into alternate universes to get predictions of the future," she said modestly "But I can't see you still for some reason Aurelian."

I just shrugged and seized the three other children with my violet power, lifting them into the air. They yelled in surprise, but they found themselves trapped and unable to move. I turned to the pool and let an evil grin spread over my face.

"Don't you dare!" Livia said while Fortuna and Felix followed my gaze to the pool, and a look of dawning realization spread over their faces. 

I could see the adults looking out of the large window since Fortuna, Felix, and Livia were shouting. I could see them laughing as they watched me toss my fellow children into the pool one by one. However, when the time came to toss Fortuna into the pool, a strong breeze blew and pushed one of the inflatable tubes into the spot where she landed. Not only that, but she didn't even get a drop of water on herself. She gave me a smug smile before I just dragged everything and everyone in the pool. I saw a brief yellow spark as her power tried to ward off mine, but she ended up in the pool.

Ever the generous victor, I pulled them all out of the water and separated the moisture from their clothes and bodies, bringing them back to their completely dry state. Even I marveled at the amount of power and control I had over my surroundings. As I was admiring my power, I failed to notice Fortuna approaching and tackling me into the water. I tried to use the time between getting tackled and falling into the water to get her off, but I slipped into a puddle that I hadn't noticed before and lost concentration. As her victorious cry echoed in my ear, I halted my movement through space and remained hanging just above the pool.

Fortuna's cry of triumph turned to surprise as I began to manipulate the space around me to let me fly. Instead of tossing her into the pool again, I set her down gently on the ground and looked up into the clear blue sky. Then, I mustered all the force I could and sent myself high into the sky with a spatial slingshot. The resulting loud BOOM caused the windows of the house to shake in their frames. I went higher and higher until the oxygen became too little to breathe, and the temperature dropped into the negatives, but my spatial manipulation allowed me to shield myself from these natural limiters. 

I looked down at the breathtaking view of the earth, then allowed myself to go into a controlled free fall. I yelled with joy as my stomach lurched at the drop, and I rocketed back down to the house. Flames ignited at the edges of my erected shield and only got hotter until I reached the ground, stopped powering the shield, and stopped myself in mid-air. I could see looks of awe on everyone's faces, minus my father's. 

It was clear to everybody that there was no reason to worry about the family's future too much.