
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


Opening a portal I walked through it. Coming out of the other side I was greeted to the sight of the remaining shinobi alliance and my army. Looking at my commanders I saw that except for Kaguya and Odin the rest looked a little tensed seeing the battle. Although they are quite powerful, Otsutsukis are not something that they can face and defeat effortlessly. I guess this battle had made it clear where they need to improve. Without saying a word I moved towards the Battlefield where by now the dead shinobis were gathered. Stretching my hand I said, " ARISE". 

The Shadows of the dead shinobi continued to rise one by one. The rest of the shinobi alliance who saw this were trembling seeing their dead comrades being resurrected by their once enemy. Turning towards the place where the Kages were laying dead, I thought of reviving them too but another thought interrupted me. If I raise them as shadows then I would have to appoint new people to govern over the lands that they govern. I simply don't have the time to waste in playing kingdom building. Making my decision I used the time manipulation skill to turn back time and revive all the dead kages. One by one Hiruzen, A , Yagura, Mifune, Third Kazekage and Hanzo. I will not revive Danzo. Not that son of a bitch.

Looking at the revived kages who were trying to comprehend what is going on I simply used the mind Stones energy to transfer all that has happened from the moment they died to upto now. Gaining all the information they looked up at me in horror and tried to back away. 

" The battle is over. There is nothing to be afraid of anymore. I am going to hold a meeting in a few minutes and all of you will be present there. There is much to discuss." 

Without waiting for them to respond I moved towards the remaining shinobis." The Third Shinobi world War is over. All of you, return to your villages and tend to your injuries. Bury the fallen and respect their sacrifices. You now know the level of threat the world faces now. So train. Train yourself to be better, Because when they come and they will, Kage level shinobis will be nothing more than foot soldiers in their army. So if you want to participate in the battle that will decide the future of the shinobi world's existence then better yourselves, only then you will be useful to defend this planet. " 

Turning back towards my commanders I said out to Hashirama, " I am going to hold a meeting to discuss the future plans and how to proceed with them. Gather all the commanders and vice commanders and S ranked shinobis. Also your dear friend Madara will be coming" Seeing his questioning look I said," I will explain that later, for now gather everyone and meet me there." 

Turning to a open space I waved my hands and a huge mansion made out of wood and stone emerged from the ground. Turning back towards him I said, " I will go and bring Onoki" 

Creating a portal I stepped into it. The other side of it lead to the hidden village of Iwa. Appearing in the skies of Iwa I located Onoki's chakra signature and Teleported to him. Seeing someone appear so suddenly infront of him he lost his balance and fell down. Looking at me his eyes widened and he stammered out, " L-Ll-Lucifer Sama." 

Looking at him I said," Hello Onoki. hope you are doing fine. I am going to hold a meeting with all the Kages to decide the future plans and how to proceed and I have personally come to invite you to join it. I hope you are free?"

" Of course I am" He stuttered out.

" Good. Then Lets go. Leave a clone behind to inform someone. Also take this clone to your two Jinchurikis I want them in the meeting." 

After doing that I opened a portal and walked through it with Onoki by my side. Reaching our destination I saw Hela and Minato and the Entire Asguardian army marching towards the battlefiend. Seeing me they paused and bowed their heads. Hela came up to me and said," That was a wonderful battle that you had, My Lord." 

" Thank you Hela, How is the task I gave you?"

" Completed. We divided the Army in Five divisions and stationed it in each of the villages before attacking. Minato had distributed his Kunai to them so he and I teleported to the Army before attacking the villages." she then held out a pot like object and said " In here is the Seven tails we collected from Takigakure."

" You have done well." Taking the pot I stored it in the inventory and said," I am going to hold a meeting. Minato use your jutsu to transport yourself and Hela to the main battlefield. take Onoki with you. I will join you after I finish transporting all of them home." I said looking at the asgardian Army.

" As you command."

After creating a portal and teleporting the entire army to the Moon it was finally time for me to start the meeting. Teleporting to the battlefield I saw the remnants of the army moving back towards their respective villages. Looking at the building I built for the meeting place I felt many Chakra signatures inside of it.

"Hmm!" My senses alerted me to a large chakra signature moving towards the battlefield." So you finally have come . Madara."

Appearing right in front of me he looked me straight into my eyes. Seeing him I did not expect him to be a edo tensei. " Did you think turning into an edo tensei body will give ou an advantage if you fought me?"

" Yes , But I did not know you had the rinnegan. Seems like my plans were all for nothing." He replied. Folding a hand seal I used the Rinne-Rebirth technique. Madara was astounished to see me use this Jutsu to revive him in his body. " You are a important and powerful shinobi whose skillsets will be required. But if you want to go back to the edo tensei state I can help you "

" No Need." He said in a hurry pulling out his rinnegan eyes from a seal and fixing them in his empty sockets. " Lets go" He said to me.

Nodding my head I walked inside the building which contained a single room. More like a huge Auditorium. Entering it I saw that all the Commanders and S ranked Shinobis were present as I asked. Seeing Madara many of them stood up in shock and fright, and Tobirama would have attacked him on sight if it weren't for my presence beside him.

" I know many of you have questions. All will be answered later." Saying this I took my seat at the head of the table and sat down. On my right hand side was Kaguya followed by Hashirama, Mito, Odin, Hela and Kushina. Behind them stood Tobirama, Ashina, Thor, Sakumo, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Fugaku, Mikoto, Nawaki and Minato. 

On my left hand side was Madara, Hanzo, Hiruzen, A, Yagura, Onoki, Mifune and the Third Kazekage. Behing them Stood the Jinchurikis of the One, Two, Four, Five, Six and Eight tails. There was also Rasa, Chiyo, Mei Terumi, Kisame, Konan ( Rain Shinobi) and Yahiko. 

" Now that everyone is here let's begin the meeting." I said with authority. " Firstly, All of you kages who had previously refused to accept peace and join the united Elemental Nations will sign the previous document and join it now. You will also persuade your daimyos to do the same. How you do that I will leave upto your choice. Three days is all you will get." Pausing I looked at the faces of the Kages to first see disagreement followed by loss and then acceptance." 

" You wanted war and I gave you the opportunity to fight. You have lost and there is nothing more to it." I said making them more disheartened.

" Now onto the next matter. You all know that I could have resurrected you as my shadow soldiers but have not done so. The purpose behind that is simple. You know your village better than I do. So you can train your shinobis better than I can." Taking a pause I looked around " In 10 years I will take my army to fight the Otsutsuki clan head on. By that time I want atleast 10 SS+ class shinobis form each village. I have all the resources you will need so come to me if you have difficulty. I will help you." 

All of them thought of this for a moment and Hanzo spoke up, " From my memory of the battle you had with the four otsutsukis you were powerful than them and always had the upper hand. Will your strength alone not be enough to achieve victory."

" Yes it might have been If our enemy were only Otsutsukis" Kaguya spoke up this time." But even among Otsutsukis there are classes. The soldier class are otsutsukis who are atleast S ranked with a pair of Byakugan. Then comes the Elite class. Each of these otsutsukis have the ranking of atleast SS+ and have Byakugan along with a unique dojutsu or ability. Then comes the Royal class. Last I knew there were 20 Royal class members who have a power ranking of SSS+ category. Each enough to destroy planets with ease. After this comes the clan Head who is in a class of his own. He is stronger than even the Royals and has transcended the boundaries of SSS+ rankings. He has Many powerful abilities and Shinjutsus." Kaguya said and as she continued to speak the faces of the people continued to change.

" So lord Lucifer will be busy fighting the clan head ?" Hiruzen asked.

" No." I said, " The clan Head will be fighting Kaguya. There is another existence in the otsutsuki clan. Otsutsukis are prideful beings who think themselves gods. But this individual is refered to by the Otsutsukis as The Otsutsuki God. There is no Information on him but I guess this being is powerful and and truly transcended into the realms of a true god. I will be fighting him."

" How many ?" Madara asked

" 20 Royals, 50 Elites and more than 2000 Soldiers. Last time I checked before being blocked by that annoying God." I replied.

" How are we going to fight them with our numbers. Although we have Quantity but the Quality is not that good." Chiyo said.

" My shadow army will take care of the Soldiers. I have more than 100,000 soldiers. That would be enough for them. 40 SS+ ranked shinobis form the villages and the New generation from my side will take on the Elites. The ones who are going to fight the Royals will be trained by me for the coming 10 years. I will choose 20 people." Seeing all of them nod their heads I said, " Well then before we go any further let us address some important topics. Firstly the entire force of the Shinobis will be joining the army under the unit of Hashirama. All of the you kages will be under his unit. He will be the one leading you in battle. Next, Kushina Uzumaki, From today onwards you will be the Sixth commander of my army. DO you accept?" I said looking at her.

Standing up from her seat She said" I do Sir" 

"Good , then from today onwards you will be the sixth commander who will lead all the Jinchurikis." looking at the Jinchurikis I said," You will be Effectively joining the Sixth Division under Kushina and not the Second under Hashirama. " 

Seeing them Nod I continued, " Next on, Who is going to fight the Royals. Ok These are the names I have decided " Taking a pause I continued, " Hashirama, Mito, Odin, Hela, Kushina, Madara, Hiruzen, Hanzo, A, Tobirama, Minato, Third Kazekage, Fugaku, Mikoto, Thor, Konan, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Nawaki, and Onoki. You guys will be personally trained by me for the next 10 years to help you ascend to the level of the Royal Otsutsukis." 

" I will send a blood colne who will accompany you to your villages and stay there to train you and the others. You will continue to stay kages and govern your villages but certain rights will be taken from you that i will decide on later. For now everything that I can think of has been covered so you are free to leave. "

" What about how Madara is alive and what he is doing here." Onoki Questioned.

" Ah! Yes I nearly forgot." Madara please tell us how you are alive right now.

Madara looking around and finding all eyes on him began to speak, " During the battle between me Hashirama and Lucifer I was the one who was killed by lucifer. Our uchiha clans Sharingan has a special Ability called Izanagi.The Izanagi is an ocular genjutsu of the Sharingan, that applies Shadow and Light styles. As such, it can seize control of the space between reality and illusion. By doing so, the Izanagi protects the user from disadvantages such as damage and even death, rewriting those events as an illusion." Gasps were heard around the room when such a fearsome jutsu was disclosed. Madara did not stop and continued, "I used Izanagi to delay my death and rewrite reality to undo my death. Although there is a steep cost in using this jutsu. The user will have to sacrifice one sharingan permanently for the Jutsu to work. After rewriting my death I escaped Konoha and stayed in my base plotting my revenge until Lucifer directly spoke to me about him knowing that I am alive and told me to come here. I knew that Hiding was not an option anymore so I came here to meet him."

" But how did you gain the Rinnegan?" Fugaku asked

" During my battle with Hashirama I tore of a chunk of his flesh in hopes of achieving the wood style. I grafted those tissues onto myself and did gain the wood style and in my later years awakened the rinnegan."

" So mixing Uchiha and Senju genes created the rinnegan?" Onoki asked

" Not exactly." I said" Mixing the chakra of Indra and Ashura who were the sons of the Sage of the Six paths leads to the birth of the rinnegan."

" SO you mean...." A trailed off

" Yes, Hashirama is the transmigrant of Ashura, the younger son of the sage while Madara is the transmigrant of Indra the Older son of the sage. Hence their great potential and talent." I said

" That's new information to me" Madara said.

" Yes there is a lot that you have to know before you can understand the depths of your misinformation." I said looking at him. Turning to the rest I said" This meeting is over. Proceed to your respective villages and I will send a clone within two days." 

Saying this all of the occupants of the room started to leave and head back towards their villages. A lot has been Discussed. New responsibilities and Duties. They need time to prepare.

Next Chapter : Training arc begins

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